Truth revealed

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Later that very same night, Bella stayed up and searched through the new book she bought on Quileute legends. After a good long while of searching and googling on her laptop, Bella finally found what she was looking for. 

The truth about the Cullen family.


The next day at school, Bella stood waiting in the parking lot for the Cullen's to arrive. When they finally did, all of them except for Edward and Hannah proceeded to walk inside.
Bella stared at the siblings for a second, mainly at Edward, before she brushed passed them and headed towards the forest close to the school.

The siblings looked at each other and Hannah gestured her head in the direction Bella had gone with a slight smile at her adoptive brother.

"Go on, what are you waiting for?" Hannah encouraged in her thoughts.

Edward smiled at his sister before he then followed behind Bella into the forest. Hannah smiled slightly watching her brother disappear among the trees before turning and heading into the school.


There were about three things Bella was now absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him, and she didn't know how dominant that part might be, that thirsted for her blood. And third, she was unconditionally, irrevocably in love with him.

The day after Edward revealed to Bella what he and his family were, he picked her up in his car to take her to school and everyone gawked at them.

"You know everyone's staring" Bella observed feeling very uncomfortable at all the stares.

"Not that guy" Edward pointed to a boy who wasn't staring only for him to turn around and ogle at them like everyone else. "No, he just looked. I'm breaking all the rules now anyway. Since I'm going to hell"

Edward slung his arm around Bella as they walked through the parking lot and he glanced over at his siblings who were all crammed into Rosalie's cherry red car.

Hannah, who was sat in the backseats squashed between Emmett and Jasper, gave Edward a big thumbs up and a giant grin when he glanced over making him chuckle.


"So does a person have to be dying... to become like you?" Bella asked as she and Edward skipped school once again and they were now currently walking along some cliffs near a waterfall.

"No, that's just Carlisle. He'd never do this to someone who had another choice " Edward answered

"So how long have you been like this?"

"Since 1918. That's when Carlisle found me, dying of Spanish influenza."

"What was it like?" Bella couldn't help her self but ask.

" The venom was excruciating. But what Carlisle did was much harder. Not many of us have the restraint to do that." Edward replied

It had started raining so Edward and Bella took cover under the trees lining the cliffs.

"But didn't he just have to bite?" Bella wondered

"Not exactly" Edward replied now drenched with rain " when we taste...human blood, a sort of frenzy begins, and it's almost impossible to stop"

"But Carlisle did"

"First with me and then with his wife Esme."

The rain had subsided, so Bella and Edward came out from under the trees and sat down by the river at the bottom of the waterfall.

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