Vampire Baseball

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"I'm gonna head up to my room," Hannah told her family after Edward had taken Bella to see the rest of the house.

"Ok, sweety" Esme replied kissing her daughter's forehead.

Hannah then quickly exited the room and up the stairs to her bedroom

"And don't forget to finish your homework" Carlisle called out to her as she left

Hannah just groaned in response making her family laugh.


Hannah was lying on her bed with her school books sprawled out around her as she scribbled something down on a piece of paper. She heard laughing from outside and when she looked she saw Edward climbing up a tree with a laughing Bella on his back. Hannah smiled, glad that her brother had found his mate, but her smile then turned into a frown when she realised that she was once again the odd one out.

Before, it was just her and Edward that were the singles in the family. Now it was just her. Just like everyone else was a vampire and she was stuck as a human.

Hannah's phone suddenly started ringing, snapping her out of her thoughts. Hannah picked up the phone that was on her bedside table and saw Jacob calling her.

"Hey, weirdo" Hannah greeted with a smile after she answered the phone.

"Hey, Blondie. What're you doing?" Jake replied

"Homework," Hannah sighed, bored. "Bella came over today to meet the rest of the family."

"Oh yeah. How'd that go?"

"As awkward as it could've gotten" Hannah grimaced making Jake laughed on the other end.

"It's not funny, Jake." Hannah scolded her best friend but was also trying to hold back laughter.

Jake didn't listen and just kept laughing which in the end caused Hannah to start laughing.

Jasper, who was in the living room reading a book, could hear his little sister laughing on the phone and smiled slightly, glad that she had a someone else besides him and the family that could make her laugh like that

"So, do you wanna come out sometime today? We could go down to the beach" Jake suggested

"Uh, I'd have to ask my parents first and I am just about done with my homework so sure why not" Hannah grinned throwing down her pen and closing her school books.

"Alright, see you soon Blondie"

"See ya, you weirdo" Hannah laughed before hanging up. She climbed off her bed and made her way to her father's home office, knocking gently on the door.

"Come in, sweetheart" Carlisle called from the other side of the door.

Hannah opens the door and saw her father sitting behind his desk writing some paperwork.

"How'd you know it was me?" Hannah asked as she approached her adoptive dad.

"I could hear you coming down the stairs, even without my enhanced hearing" Carlisle smiled teasingly at his youngest daughter.

Hannah giggled at her father. "So, dad... I was wondering-"

"You can ask one of your siblings to drive you down to the line and I'll call Sam so he can come to pick you up," Carlisle said already knowing what Hannah was going to ask making Hannah smile and giggle.

"Thanks, dad." Hannah walked around her father's chair and gave him a hug from behind and a kiss in the cheek before heading toward the door.

" Love you, dad"

Odd One Out - A Twilight Fanfic [1]Where stories live. Discover now