Sorrow and Surprises

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Bella had been asking Hannah every day about Edward ever since he left. The only answer Hannah could give her was that he had to go away for a while and that she didn't know when he was coming home. Because she didn't. She wished she did. Hannah missed him so much. Hannah was close to all of her siblings so it sucks when one of them leaves.

More days passed and Edward still hasn't come home. Hannah has been wanting to call him and ask him how he's doing but her parents had told her to let him be and that he'll come back when he's ready.

The week dragged on for seemed like forever until finally, Saturday arrived, allowing Hannah to escape to La Push and hang with her childhood best friend for the day.

Carlisle stopped the car at the treaty line allowing Hannah to get out. On the other side of the treaty line stood a giant black wolf.

"Hey, Sam" Hannah smiled recognising the wolf as Carlisle got out of the car and handed his daughter her bag which held her sketchbook and drawing equipment.

The wolf, Sam, nodded his head in greeting. Since Hannah's family were not allowed on Quileute land, Sam, the alpha of the wolf pack, would meet them at the treaty line, drop Hannah off at Jacob and Billy's and then come and get her when its time for her to go home.

"Bye, Dad. See you later" Hannah said hugging her dad goodbye.

"Bye, sweetheart. You behave, now. Don't go getting into any more trouble." Carlisle told her.

"Dad, that was one time and the guy deserved it." Hannah resorted "Ok, I'll try and stay out of trouble" she then sighed when she noticed the look she was getting off her father. Giving her dad one last hug, Hannah skipped happily across the treaty line and over to Sam, who lowered so the cheerful girl could climb onto his back. When Carlisle's car was out of sight, Sam took off into the woods with Hannah on his back clinging in for dear life.


Once they had arrived at the Black residence, Hannah climbed off of Sam's back and smiled gratefully at him" Thanks for the ride, Sam. I'll see you later"

Sam nodded his giant wolf head before running off into the woods. Hannah smiled and jogged her way up to the cute little red house.

Hannah knocked on the door and waited patiently. The door opened to reveal Billy, Jacob's father, in his wheelchair. He smiled when he saw the blonde girl and Hannah didn't even have to say anything and Billy knew exactly why she was there.

"He's outback in the garage" Billy told her smiling.

"Thanks, Billy" Hannah smiled, giving him a quick hug before she made my way to the back of the house where their garage was. The door to the garage was open and Hannah grinned to herself when she saw Jacob leaned over his car working on the engine.

"Jake!" She yelled to get his attention with a huge smile on her face.

Jake looked up from his car, his long hair tied back in a ponytail and his smile matched Hannah's when he saw her. He abandoned whatever he was doing and ran towards his best friend grinning like a mad man.

"Hannah! You're back!" He laughed picking her up and spinning her around.

"Finally, am I right?" Hannah laughed as Jake put her down. "Hey, how's the car coming along?"

"Come on, I'll show you" Jake grabbed Hannah's hand and began to lead her into the garage. Hannah tried so hard not to blush at the interaction.

"Come on Hannah, snap out of it, he's your best friend." Hannah angrily thought to herself.

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