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Surprise! Two chapters in one. I was feeling creative so enjoy. 😁

Hannah screamed out in excruciating pain as James' venom made its way into her system. 

Edward attempted to jump onto the balcony above them with Bella in his arms but got distanced when he heard his sister's cry. This gave James the chance to grab Edward's foot and drag him back down causing him to drop Bella.

Edward went crashing into one of the windows while Bella went tumbling over all the broken glass and landed next to Hannah who was still groaning in pain from the venom in her veins.
Bella pulled out a shard from her leg and clutched it in pain. She glanced at Hannah worried as she withered in pain

James knelt down beside Bella and brought her wrist up to his mouth whilst making eye contact with Edward who was still up by the broken window.

James then bit into Bella's arm making her scream. Edward lunged at James and tackled him away from Bella. 

They began fighting, throwing each other around the studio like rag dolls, crashing into things and destroying them into a million pieces as Hannah and Bella lay on the floor, both in agonising pain.

Edward finally gained the upper hand and pinned James to the wall snarling at him. Edward then sank his teeth into James and tore off a piece of his neck.

Carlisle then suddenly appeared next to his son, placing a hand on his shoulder gaining his attention.

Jasper, Alice and Emmett all jumped down from the balcony. While Jasper and Emmett went to help Carlisle with Edward Alice went to Bella and her sister.

"Hey, hey, it's ok," Alice said kneeling down on the floor next to the two girls. "It's ok, it's ok. You'll be alright"

Alice had her hand on Bella's leg and when she took it away she saw it was covered in blood. Bella's blood. Alice then noticed the bit mark on Hannah's neck and started to panic.

"Oh god!" Alice muttered " Carlisle! They're blood!"

Carlisle rushed over to Alice as Jasper and Emmett dealt with James.

"Alice!" Jasper called out as he and Emmett fought with James

"Alice, go," Carlisle said before turning back to Bella and his daughter.

Emmett and Jasper finally restrained James giving Alice the chance to jump on him and remove his head, throwing it into the previously lit fire. Once James was gone for good, Jasper, Emmett and Alice all rushed over to Hannah and Bella and Jasper cradled Hannah's head in his lap.

"Bella's femoral artery's been severed. She's losing too much blood." Carlisle said examining Bella's leg.

"Jasper..." Hannah whimpered as she squirmed in pain. "...It burns"

"I know. I know it does." He whispered to his sister.

"It's the venom" Edward muttered watching his mate and little sister screaming on the floor.

Hannah suddenly let out a giant scream of pain as the venom got closer and closer to her heart.

"Carlisle it's spreading fast!" Jasper panicked watching his sister.

"You'll have to suck the venom out quick before it reaches her heart," Carlisle said as he examined the bit in his daughter's neck.

"I-It's too late" Hannah groaned knowing they wouldn't be able to get the venom out in time. "S-save Bella."

"Kiddo, you sure about this?" Emmett asked looking as worried as the rest of them.

"I-i'm sure." Hannah groaned " I-I want this"

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