The New Girl

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3 years later




Hannah's irritating alarm wailed, rudely awakening her from her slumber.




Hannah quickly shut off her alarm, getting sick of the constant beeping and placed her head back down on her nice soft pillow.

Hannah was about to drift back off into dreamland but she then heard her mother yelling from in the kitchen for her to get up

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Hannah was about to drift back off into dreamland but she then heard her mother yelling from in the kitchen for her to get up.

"Hannah, if you're not up and down here in the next five minutes then I'm sending your brothers up!" Mom warned.

"Ok, ok," She grumbled knowing her mom could hear her with her vampire hearing. Hannah forced herself up from her nice warm bed, pushing back her covers, pulling on her warm, snug slippers,  opening the door to her attic bedroom and headed downstairs for breakfast.

Hannah yawned and rubbed her eyes tiredly as she walked into the kitchen to see her mom dishing up her breakfast

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Hannah yawned and rubbed her eyes tiredly as she walked into the kitchen to see her mom dishing up her breakfast.

"Morning" she greeted her mom groggily while giving her a hug before sitting down at the table placing her head on it hoping to get some more sleep.

"Hannah, don't go falling back asleep now. You have school soon and besides, I made you your favourite" Mom said coming over with a plate of chocolate chip pancakes and a glass of orange juice and placing them down in front of her youngest daughter.

"Thanks, mom," I yawned digging into her breakfast. " Where's Dad?"

"He's at the hospital" Mom answered as Hannah's older siblings came bounding into the room.

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