Chapter 5

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"Okay guys so we need a plan!" Rosita said. Nikki looked at Rosita and questioned, "What type of plan and for what do we need it?" Rosita looks at Nikki and grins, "We need a plan to get rid of Iva from Brandon's heart!" Miya shakes her head and says, "What, we can't just replace his heart with someone else's heart?" Rosita shoots a glare at Miya and sighs, "No, idiot. We have to get Shavana is his heart. Gosh, you are so stupid." I was blushing all over again.

This was so embarrassing! Why does it have to be me?

Nikki looked like she was deep in thought and literally 6 seconds later she jumped up and exclaimed, "OH! OH! I HAVE AN IDEA, GUYS!" We looked at her, and she smiled, "Why don't I call my brother to see if he likes anyone first and then we can proceed with the plan."

Rosita looks at Nikki and replied, "Wow! This is literally the first time I agree with you idiotic idea! Sure let's do that!"

I watched Nikki dial Brandon's number on the phone and the ringer buzzed. She told us to not talk and stay quiet. Brandon picked up and says, "Hello? Who is this?" Nikki says, "Yo it's me, your sister Nikki. I was wondering if you have a crush on anyone?"

Brandon replies, "What? Uh okay. Is anyone around you though?" Nikki giggles, "No you idiot. I'm alone on the bed." Brandon sighs, "Okay so don't tell this to anyone but I like Shavana. Now bye."

Nikki shrieks, "NO BITCH YOU STAY IN LINE! WHY DO YOU LIKE SHAVANA?" Brandon sighs again, "Well... Okay so basically she isn't just a random girl who is so... I don't know how to explain but girls like her would be so full of themselves and show off their beauty and date 69 guys in a week but she is different. And I also want to help her."

Nikki was shocked and said, "Help her with what?" Brandon replies, "Help her see what she is like beneath her smile." Nikki looked confused and asks, "What do you mean?" Brandon sighs a third time, "Shavana is actually depressed. She just smiles off like it's nothing and hides her true feelings. I want to help her. She needs someone to show her that being yourself isn't wrong and she shouldn't hide." Nikki says okay and they hung up.

I don't know what I was doing but I was curled up and hugging Miya's pillow. Miya chuckles, "Stop suffocating my poor pillow. " I was hot. Literally. My face was burning from all the blushing I've been doing lately.

Nikki started cooing like crazy. I was so happy that the butterflies in my stomach went absolutely nuts. Miya smiled and patted my head. "Hey, it's okay to have a crush. Just, don't be like Iva." I nodded and tried suffocating myself in the pillow. But what I did made Nikki jump and fall down on the cold, hard floor. I screamed in the pillow. I looked at Rosita, who has a hard face. Then Nikki looked at Rosita and asked, "Rosie, what happened?" Rosita glanced at Nikki and murmured, "Oh um, nothing." Nikki furrowed her brows and I could tell from 5 feet away...

Something was wrong with Rosita.

We were all silent and didn't say anything, just staring at Rosita's back. 2 seconds later, she started biting her nails and it was really... weird of her time do such actions. Rosita grabbed her bag and stuffed her objects in and ran out of the door just like that. As soon as the form slams, I whispered to Miya and Nikki, "Something is...wrong with Rosita." Miya adds on, "Yeah, she never really acts like that before." Nikki was looking at her phone and said something so quite yet so fucking loud,

"Don't worry, she also has some bratty problems of her own. You'll find our the truth. "

Me and Miya exchanged looks of confusion and I spoke up, "Hey, Nikki..." She glances at me and I look down to my feet, "How come you know everything?" Nikki shrugs and give a boxy smile, "I guess I'm Gretchen Weiner, ain't I?" Miya slaps a hand on her forehead and says, "I would slap you right now but I don't know which hand to use." Nikki smirks and shrieks so loud that I looked at Miya and I started laughing hysterically.



Why do I have to go through all of this?

Why did one of my friends backstab me?

Why does Brandon have to leave me?

A/N : WASSUP MY BITCHESSSS. Okay so I know this ain't a long chapter but be gRatEfUL that I published 2 chapters in less than a week (yay) so yah. Next chapter on Friday. And it's a (dun dun duN) 2500-word chapter. Oh and that you for 99+ view okay bye ily all.

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