Chapter 6 |Blue-Eyed Prince|

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(A/N) Good news, I have officially become a middle school junior beta club member! Now moving onto the story, I just want to say that I'm making this whole story up as I go, sooo

I sat there awkwardly bowing in the throne room. Honestly, it looked similar to ours, except their representative color is red, and they prefer gold over silver. It felt like I was bowing for hours, although it's only been like ten seconds, waiting for the Queen to tell me to rise.

"Rise, human princess of Ichinose."

I flinched as the word "human" came out of the vampire queen's mouth. I rose up and placed my hands in front of me, holding back the urge to wring them. The queen wasn't what I expected to say the least. She was very short with long, strawberry-pink hair. Her voice was kind of squeaky, and if you wouldn't have known any better, you would've assumed she was a child. Though her crimson eyes were sharp, they somehow didn't seem as cold as other vampires' did.

But that's not what struck me the hardest. What surprised me the most was the prince. He definitely seemed misplaced, unlike any vampire. Hell, he looked like a normal human being! He had fluffy and curly blonde hair that framed his face perfectly. And his eyes. Cerulean-eyed, unlike the crimson of a true vampire.

Noticing I was staring, he looked over to me and our gazes met. I suddenly felt a wave of disappointment. Despite the different color, his eyes were the same as any other vampire. Cold and emotionless.

"Princess Ichinose," the queen began, snapping my out of my thoughts.

She motioned over to the prince. "This is my son, Mikaela Tepes, prince of my kingdom. Before I dismiss you to your room, we would like to ask a question or two."

I swallowed, and gave a small nod.

"Why have you come today?"

Without any hesitation, I remembered what Guren said, "I want to make peace between vampires and humans."

"Oh really now? Interesting. I guess if you marry my son, peace is a possibly big outcome," she says with curiosity.

I gave a small nod. I looked over to Prince Tepes, only to find him looking at me. Gazes locking once again, he spoke up.

"What makes you think you have what it takes? How will you win? Why would I choose you, out of all of the other princesses gathered here today? You look pretty average to me."

Alright first, ouch. Second, I'm already hating him. I gave him a smile, maintaining my image.

"Because I'm not here just to marry some handsome prince. Not in it for the power and money. I am here to keep our kingdoms at peace. I only want what's best for my kingdom. I'll do whatever it takes to protect my kingdom, even if it means to lay down my life!"

"Oh, I like her," Krul says with a giggle.

He scoffed, but let down. "You should have became a knight then."

"Don't fantasize over dreams such as 'peace'," he added with a mutter.

Man, this prince is a real douche. Do I really have to put up with him? Queen Tepes gave a nervous laugh and apologized for her son. I simply smiled, saying it was okay. The queen got up from her throne, motioning over to a guard that gave her some type of collar. She then walked over to me, and I tried not to laugh at the height difference between us, even with me being kind of short for a male.

Wrapping the collar around my neck -let's ignore she almost has to stand on her tiptoes-, I hear a click and flinch. The vampire queen stepped back as I looked at her in confusion.

"It's a scent blocker. This will block your blood's scent from vampires. That way we shouldn't get too many issues about you getting your pretty neck bitten."

Oh, Guren mentioned these. I rubbed the collar in between my thumb and finger. The collar was just a simple, polished black. It felt like metal, although a lot lighter, and more flexible too. Probably used magic to make it. Queen Tepes gave me a smile. I think I at least gained her favor.

"Now, one of my men will lead you to your room. Your guard and maid should be waiting there."

I gave her my gratitude and followed the vampire leading me. Just as I make it to the door, I give one last glance to the prince, who had stayed quiet after his question. He stared back at me, blue eyes studying me.


"Ahhhh those blue eyes are going to haunt my dreams," I groaned, shoes kicked off, as I laid on the gigantic bed. The white blanket was so soft. I hear a giggle.

"My my, baby Yuichiro has already developed a crush on the prince! It's love at first sight!"

"Stop blabbering nonsense, Shinoa," I grumbled, unamused.

"He's a real asshole, and I can tell we won't get along!"

Kimizuki sighed, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"But despite that, you won't back down, right?"

I turned to Kimizuki and smirked. I'm doing this for my kingdom and to avenge my family. After we take over this kingdom, we'll have enough power to eliminate all vampires. I'll finally be in the frontlines. I'll be able to avenge my family's death and fight for the kingdom. The vampires will be wiped off this Earth.

"Of course I won't backing down!"

"And that's Yuu for ya," Shinoa said with a grin.

Once it was time to call it a night, I realized how silent Asuramaru has been. Once we walked into the throne room, his presence just...vanished. That buzz in my head disappeared. I called out quietly.


No buzz, nothing. I sat there for a minute before letting out a sigh.

I hope he's alright.

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