Chapter 1 |Yuichiro|

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(A/N) Author-chan here! I hope you like the first chapter, I wrote this at midnight. Then again, most of these are from late night writing.

I huffed as I pumped my legs. Letting out an airy laugh, I jumped over a fallen barrel. People made way as I slipped through the crowds. The villagers were used to this by now.


I let out another laugh, holding the stolen loaf of bread in my hand as the baker ran after me. Shoes slapped against cobblestone pathways, stone and wooden houses wizzing by. I steered to the left and faced the metal fence, the entrance to the castle.

"I have you cornered now, you little shit," the baker growled with a grin.

I hummed, unfazed. "Come on Shinya, you think I'm going down that easy?"

Before he could respond, I jumped, grabbed the top of the fence and flipped myself over it. I turned around and smirked.

Shinya rolled his eyes, smile tugging at his lips. "Well played. Now go run along before the king finds out; you know how he is."

Nodding, I walked towards the castle. Cobblestone, the castle was one of the biggest in the land. Green banners were hung, the Demon Army's symbol sewn onto them. The Demon Army is the kingdom's soldiers. You can tell who is a part of the Demon Army by their green-wear, me being an exception; I am not a part of the Demon Army....yet.

I ran over to the large willow tree, climbing to the top of it. Looking overhead, you could see a good chunk of the kingdom up there. The streets were busy with carts and people. Smoke billowing out from chimneys. Gazing at the view fondly, I turned around and climbed through the window. This is how I usually sneak in and out.

Walking along the green carpet, I had already finished a few pieces of Shinya's bread, hiding the rest under my green and black coat I wore. My room wasn't too far from the window I jumped in. Quietly humming, I made it to my door. I let out a sigh of relief, for no one had come.

"Sneaking off again, Yuu?"

I turned around to face Kimizuki, one of my best friends. When the hell did he show up? His cropped pink hair was neatly set, purplish eyes alert. He wasn't wearing his uniform, so I assumed he was off-duty for now. I put a hand on my chest, falling dramatically to the ground.

"Oh no, I have been caught! What shall I do?"

"Idiot," he chuckled, pushing me.

I got up and wiped my pants off with a grin. Kimizuki and I don't get to hang out as often as we used to. His sister, Mirai, had fallen ill. Between checking on her and his guard duties, he didn't have much time to hang out with me.

We talked for a bit, him eventually needing to leave to check on Mirai. Wishing each other farewell, I pushed open my door and I grabbed one of the million books from my bookshelves. Plopping down onto the bed, I opened the book. It wasn't any book I was into, for it was a childrens' book. It was from the orphanage.

Being the oldest one there, I used to read out of this storybook when it was time for the children to sleep. Flipping over pages, I paused. I delicately pulled out a photograph. The one photo I have of all of them. I put the photograph to my chest, letting out a sigh.


I let out a groan as someone pushed on my shoulders.

"Yuu, Yuu! The king wants to see you, so wake up!"

Opening up one eye, I made out a hazy image of Yoichi. His curly brown hair framed his face, lime eyes wide. He is the other best friend I was referring to.


"Ah, you're awake! King Ichinose has requested your presence."

"What's he want?"


I sighed, getting out of bed. I didn't bother to change out of my pajamas; black t-shirt and sweatpants. I rubbed my eyes, hand combing through my unruly hair. There's this one damn piece that keeps sticking up-

"You ready, Yuu?"

My arms fell to my sides and I only hummed in reply. Time to meet my dear old "dad".


Opening the large wooden doors, I walked into the throne room. The throne, silver and green, was unoccupied. Well that's odd. Usually he doesn't leave it open like that. I slowly crept towards the throne, until I felt a tap on my shoulder and jumped.

"Wow, now I expected more from you."

"It's not safe to leave the throne empty, Guren."

King Ichinose laughed, ruffling my hair. I pouted, hair even messier than before. The guards stood behind us, ready and alert. Spotting a familiar face, I gave Kimizuki a wave, although knowing he couldn't wave back. I turned back to the king, who was now sitting on his throne.

"Now, down to business," Guren said commandingly. He pulled out a document.

After a moment of silence, he cleared his throat and spoke. "To tell you simply, I am sending you to Queen Krul's kingdom for a contest for the throne of sorts."

I stood there for a minute.


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