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'Thoughts' - Italic
'Telepathy' - Bold
No one's POV


a thin arm slowly moves out from under the covers of a small bed, it slowly reaches for an alarm clock on a drawer beside the bed. Tapping it the arm slinks back under the covers. A few seconds pass when suddenly a girl jumps out from underneath the covers.

"I'm late!!!"

The white-haired figure immediately jumps out of bed. The girl zooms around the room rushing to get ready for school. Putting on a casual white dress (See picture above), the girl rushes out of her room.


'I'm Late' I scream in my head as I rush downstairs into the kitchen. The house void of sound due to the absence of my older brother and grandparents.

'thank god he isn't awake yet.'

I quickly make myself some cereal. Quickly exiting the house I see the sun poking over the horizon. I make my way to school, purposely not riding the bus to avoid my brother.

30 Minutes Later

I finally make it to school seeing the school buses pull up to the side of the school dropping off the students.

'Made it just in time.'

I sigh under my breath.

'Now I just have to just make it to class without bumping into my brother.'

I quickly shuffle to class. I put in my earplugs skimming through songs on my phone till I find a song that I like. As I'm walking to class I spot him, my brother. I try to turn and head the other direction. But as I turn away I spare a second glance at him, making eye contact with him I bolt down the hallway. He grins at me but doesn't start chasing me. I finally make it to my homeroom under the safety of a teacher. As I relax into a chair the teacher informs the class of an assembly in the auditorium. The teacher then tells us to head to the auditorium after the morning announcements.

5 Minutes Later

After the announcements finish all the students start heading to the auditorium. Not wanting to get crushed I stay in the back of the crowd. As I enter the auditorium I am slammed into a wall. Not wanting to cause a ruckus I hold back a yelp of pain. I look up to see my demon of a brother.

"Thought you could escape me huh?" He says with a evil smirk.

"Ronan..." I mutter under my breath.

His lackeys appear behind him. I flinch as he goes to strike me. But all of a sudden he stops due to a loud crash being heard outside. He immediately leaves with his lackeys to avoid being caught from nearby teachers rushing out to investigate.

No one's POV

All the staff leave the auditorium to investigate the disturbance. A group of roughly 100 students including me are left in the auditorium. After they leave all the doors in the room  mysteriously shut. A bright light suddenly fills the room. All the students collectively gasp in confusion. The light dims revealing the students being in a completely different location.


I look around, after a sudden bright flash, the whole student body appearing beside me in an empty  white room. After a couple of minutes a bright figure appears out of nowhere. 

"Welcome travelers to World of Avante!" The bright figure boisterously announces.

"Who are you?!?"

"Where are we?!?"

I Reincarnated as the World Snake!Where stories live. Discover now