Truth or Dare

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(This is sort of based off of "I want to eat your pancreas" [chapter 4])

You and (C/N) are in your room. Both of your parents, who are good friends, had gone out to a gathering and left you two at your house. Alone. And so, now you're playing truth or dare.
(C/N) and you draw cards.
"What'd you get, (Y/N/N)?" He asks, looking up from his card.
"Jack of spades. You?"
"Hah! I got King of hearts!"
"Ugh~!" You groan.
You've just started and he's already beating you!
"Truth or dare, (Y/N)?"
"Uh... truth."
"Ok. Who's the hottest in our class?"
You blush and try to hide it by putting your head down.
"I think..." you try to recall your classmates and what they look like "Probably (random classmate name). He's pretty hot." You lie, lifting your eyes to meet his.
"Ok. Let's draw again."
You internally frown at how he didn't even flinch. Why can't he just realize that you like him already!?
"I got 8 of diamonds, you?" You ask him after drawing your card.
"Jack of clubs." He smirks as he flips his card to show you.
"Are you cheating?" You jokingly accuse, putting your card on the table.
He laughs. Oh, how you love that sweet laugh.
"How would I cheat? That doesn't even make sense!" He says while laughing.
"Touché." You reply.
Everything goes quiet for a split second as you gaze into each other's eyes. Then, he breaks eye contact and looks at the table.
"Anyways, truth or dare?" He asks, smiling.
"Hmm... truth." You decide.
"Why dont you ever chose dare when we play?" He asks.
"Fine, dare." You say as if he forces you, even though he didn't.
He smiles in victory.
"Alright, I dare you to... tell someone how you feel about them." He states.
Dammit! Why'd he have to do that?
"Right now?" you ask.
"Yup." He says, popping the 'p'.
But right now, it's only...
"But it's only me and you right now?" You say shyly. How does he expect you to do that?
"Oh well. I guess you gotta tell me how you feel about me." He says, adding a playful wink at the end.
You feel your face heat up and avert your eyes from the boy. You gather all your confidence and stand up. You walk to the other side of the table and sit on his lap, facing him.
"Hi." You say sweetly, feeling your face get even redder.
"Hi..." he says, slightly choking on his words. Up close, you see his cheeks turn a light pink. Is he flustered?
You move your head to the side, "Y'know, sometimes I wish we were more than just friends..." you whisper in his ear.
Are you seriously gonna confess over truth or dare?
"(Y/N)..." he says quietly.
"We could go anywhere. Do anything. So why stay cooped up in here?" You ask, still whispering.
Hearing your voice sound so vulnerable... it hurt so much to know that you guys would never happen.
You feel his hand gently wrap around your waist.
You move your face so it's in front of his again.
"(Y/N)..." he repeats, still quiet and soft.
You smile and move away. As you go to sit back in your seat, you see him look... how would you even describe it? He looked shocked, and also... hurt?
You place your card in a makeshift discard pile and pick a new one.
"Six of hearts." You say, looking up from the card.
"Oh, uh, yeah..." (C/N) stammers, picking up a card. He sighs and ruffles his hair, "Ace of clubs."
"Yes!" You cheer. You finally get a turn! "Truth or dare, (C/N)?" You ask.
"Dare." He says, re-composing himself.
"I dare you to tell me your honest opinion on me." You say.
Now that he knew how you felt about him, you deserve to know how he feels about you.
"I mean, your my best friend. You're super chill and I love to hangout with you..." He averts his eyes from you. He doesn't look like he's finished with what he's saying, but doesn't continue.
Nonetheless, you smile. Even if you basically just confessed, it didn't ruin anything.
"Alright. Let's draw again!" You say, smiling as you draw another card.
"Queen of spades." He says, putting the card in the discard pile after he glances at it.
"Dammit, got Jack of diamonds!" You whine.
"Truth or dare?" The (C/H/C)-haired boy asks.
"Truth." You state.
He ponders his thoughts for a few seconds before asking you a question.
"What did you mean by 'more than friends'?" He looks troubled, as if it's been plaguing his mind.
You inhale sharply. You hoped that the topic was forgotten. But I mean, it's only been a few minutes.
"I mean, what does it sound like?" You say and stay silent for a moment, "It's a silly thought and I think we're better as just friends anyways." You lie.
"Oh, uh, yeah. Yeah..." he says unsurely.
You both draw a new card.
"Nine of diamonds." he states.
"King of spades, truth or dare?" You ask.
"Truth." the boy responds.
"What drives you insane?" you question.
He gets up, picks you up, and places on you on his lap as he sits back down. Almost instinctively, you place your arms around his neck.
"Honestly, a lot of things." He responds. "But... probably his feeling I have right now when you touch me. Or maybe the fact that I wish you just felt the same and that I'm always lying about my feelings." He confesses.
Everything just stops for a second and it seems perfect. His arms are around your waist and yours are around his neck. Your eyes are locked and both your faces are dusted pink.
But one things missing.
You close the gap between you two and everything is simply blissful.
Truth or dare works in mysterious ways, doesn't it?

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