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Let's get a little caught up on my life 2001 September 11th I lost everything. My parents went on holiday to New York with my baby brother they were staying in the twin towers with my mums friend. I remember the phone call she made to me. 'Hey baby, me and daddy want you to know we love you so so much and we will always be with you' 'mummy what's going on?' I asked her 'dont worry your brother misses you' I remember it going silent for a second and then a deafening scream down the phone. 'Honey if this is the last time we speak just know you are our world and we love you' me being a simple 5 year old replied with 'okay I love you mummy I love you dad and I love you little brother, cal.' I remember the phone being crashed down and so many different sounds that were horrid and in that moment the babysitter hung up. The only reason I wasn't there dying with them like I should've been was because I was in a tantrum and god I cannot explain what I would give to be with them that day. It would've been a hell of a lot less pain. So that's my family on to my friends. I had been bestmates with a boy named JJ or Jide better known as KSI. he was a youtuber and I was on his channel alot. I hadn't met most of his sidemen friends only a few like josh, simon and ethan. JJ was the one person who didnt poke and prod about answers he just let me say when I wanted to and I respected that. I had my own youtube channel and I was a little more famous then JJ and by a little I mean I had 34 million subscribers. Well that's pretty much it for me oh plus one more tiny little detail. I only had 2 years to live. Let me show you how I found this out.

I wandered into the doctors office knowing I had been suggested a random appointment. I had always had my disease it was just it kinda faded a little I had no problems and even at its worst I could still do youtube keep active and all so bonus. I walked in to the small little room and sat on the bed. The doctor and his nurse checked all the norms. I watched as his face fell a little. 'I didnt call you here for a checkup' he looked sombre I chuckled a little 'didnt think so' he wasnt looking me in the eyes 'y/n, you only have 2 years left' my heart dropped. What would I tell Jide? I put on a fake smile 'better make them the best then' i got given a daily prescription to take only one a day nothing to extreme. I drove home the long way though so I could listen to songs and clear my head a little.

I sat down on my bed and begun to edit my next video. I saw my phone turn on. A unknown number I couldnt be bothered to pick it up but I did pick up my phone. I snapped a quick pic and had an idea. I thought of a smart caption and knew only I would get it for now.

 I thought of a smart caption and knew only I would get it for now

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You're all invited to my funeral

Ksi:you ain't dying anytime soon
Wroetoshaw:please dont die I wanna appreciate your beauty a little longer
Taliamar:nahhhhh no funeral
Freyanightingale: it better be pink themed
Y/n.L/n:@freyanightingale it is shhhh

I'd always been pretty close to the girls but lately we just happened to message alot. I tapped on the guys account. Wroetoshaw. I scrolled through a couple of his post. He was a good looking guy. I saw one of him at a football match and I saw JJ in the back. I resulted to liking it. I carried on editing and suddenly 2 notifications came through.

Wroetoshaw followed you
Wroetoshaw wants to send you a message

I followed him back and tapped onto the 2nd notification.

H: hi I'm harry im JJs friend x
Y: well hey harry, what's up x
H: um the boys wanted me to ask if you wanted to come round later to where JJ lives in the sidemen house x ?
Y: sure! I'll be there by 7 x

I smiled down at my phone I was gonna go meet the boys plus harry was kinda cute and I couldn't wait to meet him. Quality time with what I was guessing to be quality people. I gave JJ a quick text just in case I was being trolled but apparently I wasnt. I really was going to meet the sidemen.

(A/N) I FEEL SO MORE RELAXED WRITING THIS ONE okay it's bad I know first chapter always is but it's coming to me easier. Have a nice morning, afternoon, evening, night whatever please vote x

To die with you *wroetoshaw* ✔Where stories live. Discover now