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Harry and I had been dating in secret for around 2 weeks now we had been going round each others and just sleeping there for most of the time. This morning when I decided we should tell our friends. 'Haz' I groaned rolling onto his chest 'yes y/n/n' he kissed my forehead 'can we tell our friends' by his expression I knew I had taken him by surprise. 'Of course we can' I smiled and nuzzled into his chest 'please let me tell JJ first' he wrapped his arm around my shoulders 'of course you can should we go tell the cals then you can go tell Jide' I smiled 'sounds good'.

We wandered out of Harry's room holding hands and somehow out of luck both cals were sat at the table eating breakfast. Freezy dropped his spoon causing his milk to splash back into his face. Callum pointed at our interlocked hands 'wha-?' I giggled and let harry explain as these were his flatmates. 'Meet my girlfriend, y/n' they just sat they're mouths wide until freezy yelled 'YES WE KNEW IT' I chuckled at how silly they were as they gave harry a fist pump and those weird boy things they did. 'But were only telling our friends first and you were like the first first to know y/ns gonna go tell JJ and then we're heading to the house to tell everyone else' the boys nodded knowing to keep their mouths shut. 'Right I'm gonna go meet JJ' I began to head out but harry grabbed my wrist causing me to turn and be met by his lips. I smiled into the kiss hearing harry admit 'I've been waiting to that's somewhere other than my room' I giggled at how silly he was and left.

Jide was meeting me at the cafe we met, the place where I told him about my illness I assured him though it wasnt bad news. 'Jide' I shouted as he walked through the door. 'Hey y/n' he smiled at me and sat down after ordering a coffee. 'So what's going on' I could tell he was in a good mood today. 'So... I have a boyfriend' I watched his eyes light up a little 'but I dont think you're gonna like who it is' his face dropped back down again but then relaxed a little 'if its harry I don't care as long as he's making you happy' I felt a grin take over my face 'really?' He nodded at me 'really.' I gave him a hug over the table and thought it went alot easier than expected.

Thought. 'As long as he knows about how long you have left' I shook my head 'Olajide Olatunji No.' I watched him look a little hurt that I had used his full name. 'Please no just not yet' he took my hand across the table 'y/n he needs to know along with the others' I nodded in agreement 'I know he does just not yet' JJ let out a sigh 'okay okay but soon' we finished off our drinks and Jide let me know there was a Halloween party at the sidemen house Halloween night which seemed pretty cool. I gave harry a text letting him know JJ and I were on our way back to the sidemen house.

'We have news' I announced after everyone was gathered I made eye contact with talia and she just smirked at me and winked. 'Y/n and I were dating' harry grinned pulling me into his side. I was met by a flustered of talia and freya congratulating me as the boys did the same with harry. Tobi was the first one of the boys to come over to me 'I'm proud of you for opening up like that' I gave him the fattest hug and the rest of us headed into the lounge.

1 week later cause of my lazy ass

Tonight was the Christmas party and freya Gee and talia were all getting ready at mine. I was going as poison ivy and talia as catwoman the other 2 as matching clowns. I was doing the finishing touches to Talias wig  when my phone rang. Haz💘 I picked up no hesitation. Hey, hey y/n you guys ready? I nodded regardless as to him not being able to see me yep we'll leave in 10 I was gonna say love you bye but didnt you see I wasnt sure when to say I love you to harry as now we were in a relationship I felt like it would be coming on strong.

I grabber my bag and turned to see if the girls had finished 'are you serious?' Gee asked I shrugged 'what?' They all looked somehow offended 'you didnt say love you' I rolled my eyes 'neither of us have said it I'm just nervous c'mon lets go' I walked out waiting for them to follow.

(A/N) BORING CHAPTER IM SORRY  lol so sorry its utter shit please vote okay bye x

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