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We first went to this really fancy restaurant it was quite away from the buzz of the city meaning their weren't many people. They served us caviar and Harry and I being the idiots started giggling and saying caviar in heavy British accents. I had some sort of  posh pasta where as Harry had steak and boiled green beans with a cute little scoop of mash. We talked for an hour or so about future video ideas, family, plans for Christmas it couldn't of gone better. I insisted on splitting the bill but Harry wouldn't let me. 'no y/n my treat' I whined at him 'Haz' he just took my hand across the table. 'you can pay next time' I knew he also wouldn't let me pay next time but this time I would I shall prevail I told myself causing a slight laugh. 'you good?' Harry chuckled at me I pursed my lips together nodding.

We made our way out of the restaurant had in hand 'I have another surprise' harry told me I looked up at him 'are you sure?' I asked already knowing he was tired. '100%' he started running to whatever it was dragging me along behind him. He ran through some huge gates and started to slow down at a fountain in the middle of a park. It had 4 benches around it in each point : north, south, east and west. 'Now one minute' I watched confused yet fascinated as he scrolled on his phone he clicked something and lay his phone on the nearest bench. The song this town by niall horan. 'May we have this dance?' He lay out his hand and as I took it he pulled me in to his chest our eyes meeting.

If the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you. Harry and I begun swaying him twirling me around occasionally. It came to the last verse and he pulled me close to his chest we may as well as been 1 we were so close. 'Y/n L/n I love you' our foreheads leaned together 'and harry Lewis I love you' we kissed a soft touch on the lips as the last line played. After the song had ended we stood facing each other just starting I got lost in those blue eyes of his I constantly am losing myself in.

He plopped himself down on the bench and turned off his phone. I perched next to him and leant my head on his shoulder as pulled me into him. 'When we get back' he started causing me to focus more 'when we get back let's live together' I was shocked that was the last thing I was expecting  'what har-' he cut me off 'y/n I know you dont want rushing but I want to spend every second with you and I already talked to the cals they said they dont mind we spend most of the days with each other anyways, y/n please?' The innocent way he asked made me feel terrible. It's not that I didn't want to live with harry oh how I do but why if all people why would someone want to live with me? 'Harry I' he took hold of my cheeks 'I love you and if you're about to ask why it is because I love you.' I smiled at him and left a tear fall 'fine I'll live with you' I hugged him arms wrapped around him. 'Don't sound so forced' he laughed rubbing my arm.

Talias pov

We had already gotten a text saying they were on the way back and they obviously hadn't checked any social media as their ship name was trending along with a video someone walking past had taken a fan of course it was harry and y/n dancing for abou 10 seconds until he pulls her in and they kiss they stand for the next 5 seconds not moving leaning their heads together then it ends. It was cute sure but also an invasion of privacy. I could only hope that they wouldn't be too upset. Surely not.

(A/N) I'm so so sorry for this utter crap it's terrible I know I'm so tired atm UGH please vote even if its shit lol x

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