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I love you forever and unconditionally.
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[Let's just imagine ethan n you are in the photo:)]

3 months after this photo

Apparently according to my doctor me being alive was a miracle and honestly I was just living everyday like it was my last. Harry and I were doing so good and my time with the boys was amazing. Today I was sat on the sofa with everyone watching josh play with little y/n and I glanced over at harry expecting him to be stressed but he wasn't he was grinning and laughing to something Simon had said. I leaned back on Jide and was tempted to close my eyes but I didn't i kept them open just so I could admire the situation.

That night I was up till 2 am trying to get little y/n too sleep and I felt extremely ill which I probably should of noted but I assumed it was the no sleep. I got into bed next to Harry and little did I know I wouldn't be sleeping for long.

All of a sudden I woke up, sweating, hyperventilating and I was dragging my hands through my hair. I felt like I couldn't speak so I started frantically tapping Harry who instantly realised what was wrong and grabbed little y/n and I and sped to the hospital. When we got there I was taken into emergency and I could see Harry calling the boys. I didn't want to die for fuck sake not now for the first time in so long  I felt happy I had a husband a baby and the best fucking friends not now please just be a scare. Everything was going dark but I fought it I couldn't not now please. I screamed right there in the bed as the doctors were trying to get me the right injections and prepare the drip I screamed. 'FUCK' I could feel how wet my face was.

I couldn't tell how the time was going but I could see everyone in the room in front of me. I could see JJ trying to distract himself but it wasn't working. Harry was reassuring little y/n but in reality I thought he was just reassuring himself. Josh and Simon were both comforting their girlfriends but also crying. Ethan and Tobi were stood talking about my memories with them. And Vik was stood next to Harry. I tried to sit up and as much as I didn't want to admit it I wasn't going to get through this and I wasn't ready to go yet I thought I was but I'm not.

I sat up slightly to face them all and they all surrounded me, not fussing but just stood there. I held JJ's and Harry's hand either side. 'It's gonna be fine guys It'll be okay' I smiled as hopeful as I could. Harry placed little y/n in my arms and I stroked her head 'you're going to grow up with the best family around you and that love you a million and I'm sorry that I can't be there but I love you' I kissed my little girls head more tears streaming down my face. 'guys' my voice croaked 'there are letters I wrote for each of you their desk draw' I tried to not cry but I couldn't help it. I grabbed Harry's cheeks and gave him a soft kiss on the lips 'and to think I got to die with you Harry Lewis' he just smiled and kissed me again I could taste the salty taste in the kiss from our tears. 'To think I also I got to die with you.' I turned to everyone else there 'I love you all of you.' I squeezed JJs hand and smiled at him. 26 minutes and 38 seconds later y/n Lewis flat lined and the day was the worst day ever for so many.

[A/N] so yeah fuck this was difficult to write but I did it and I cried a ton the next things I publish may be an epilogue but definitely the letters to everyone and the names will just be the title if that makes sense this is probably be the last wroetoshaw book for a little as I've got a miniminter one in the drafts and will start publishing that. so anyone whos gotten this far thank you for for reading it please vote and again thank you

To die with you *wroetoshaw* ✔Where stories live. Discover now