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 HANDS WERE STAINED WITH BLOOD, but when he touched her, they seemed holy.

"Alright, Thomas. Are you trying to dress me, or undress me? Because your actions are contradicting your words."

Tommy hummed against Annabel's neck, softly, yet firmly. His hands continued their path down her body, worshipping, fondling her, as he restrained himself from ripping off her body the very dress he had insisted on helping put on.

"Your breasts are simply calling for attention. They're fuller, and I shall give them what they deserve."

Annabel chuckled, and walked away from his firm and lustful touch to her new vanity, grasping from the surface her golden accessories, adorning herself with the finest jewelry she brought from London when she first moved that still survived.

"Michael's birthday is happily turning out to be a grand affair, isn't it?"

Tommy nodded in agreement, walking over to his fiancée, who was daintly seated at the finest piece of furniture he had even purchased. Settling behind her, he let his right hand rest on the curve of where her neck became her shoulder, while his left hand drew the fine lines of immaculate wood, thinking about the next pieces he would buy for her as he filled her house. He looked at her in the mirror.

"Caring about the boy, now?" He asked, half-heartedly, as he lifted his left hand to stroke her chin.

"As you are." She smiled devilishly. "How was his interview?"

Tommy chuckled. "Caring about the business as well?"

Annabel giggled and smacked his hand on her chin away, raising from the vanity, and turning to face her lover, wrapping her thin arms around his waist. "I have decided, as you know well, that it is my duty, as your future wife, to finally bring myself to care about the gritty business, and not simply endure it." She murmured, "I love you, Thomas, and despite it all, I do not wish to change you, but to honor you and support you. Until death do us part. Which is why I have done everything I have done recently."

Tommy's eyes closed against his will, savouring the melodious words that came out of Annabel's mouth. He exhaled deeply, and kissed her softly. She almost felt guilty.

"Come on, now. Polly must be waiting." Annabel smiled, ignoring the hunger that was eating her stomach alive despite having had supper a mere hour ago, taking his hand into hers and guiding him to the drawing room, where Polly Gray in all her splendour awaited Tommy's sentencing gravely.

The couple had barely stepped foot in the area before Polly, turning to the mirror to ajust her earring, spoke. "I told him he definitely can't take the job."

Annabel exhaled, and whistled at Polly's words, earning her a glare. Offering Polly a sorrowful look, she turned to her fiancé to help him finish touching up, fixing his tie domestically, smoothing the lapels of his vest.

"He said, 'I'll move to London, then.'"

"I can't blame him, really," Annabel said without looking up, "London's quite the city. I'm unbiased, I swear!"

Polly rolled her eyes. "I said I wouldn't give into blackmail. No, is no."

Tommy raised his arms in defeat, and Annabel went to pick up his gun holster and suit jacket, bringing it over to him and helping him put them on. "Well, that settles it then! We'll give the job to the other candidate. He's much better qualified any way."

FLAMES  ━━ 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐛𝐲Where stories live. Discover now