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HER CHOCOLATE EYES only opened again on that late Monday afternoon. They opened slowly, as if cautious of consciousness, and took a while to adjust to the rare sunset light that shone through the windows of what Annabel recognized after several seconds to be her and Tommy's bedroom.

"Dove," A rough, gravely voice she would've recognized at the ends of the Earth. Tommy rose from the armchair at the corner of their bedroom and rushed to the bedside, taking Annabel's hands in one of his, the other rising to her forehead and caressing her slowly with his thumb. He kissed her head firmly, as if reminded of all the times he had almost lost her. Her eyes focused on him. He looked more worn out than normal, his eyes, red at the corners, were being adorned by heavy bags of fatigue and having seen too much of the world. When their eyes met, he sighed in relief. He could breathe again, and the world could suddenly continue moving.

She had dreamed of a green backyard, family suppers, and childish giggles echoing throughout the home in the some respectable suburb of Birmingham, or deep in the countryside. Her dreams had turned to smoke when gunshots wounded everyone she loved. Breaking out of her reverie, she looked at Tommy, and for the first time since she met him, her heart felt cold.

"Thomas." Annabel croaked. Despite her current resentment, the name in her mouth felt just like butter, wrapping around her tongue beautifully in a gentle dance of wits. It was the only name she was ever supposed to say.

"You heard?" She asked, and Tommy sighed, clearly having been filled in by Polly.

He looked at her again, and the pure adoration in his eyes warmed away whatever hatred she might've felt as she awakened. He looked at her as if he had met her in a dream, lifetimes ago, a dream where he was the Sultan of an empire, and she was the archangel sent down from the aboves. Annabel knew Tommy loved her, but as he gazed into her eyes, she realized that he more than loved her. He adored her with every pulse of his broken, withering heart.

Gently, Tommy guided his and Annabel's hands to rest low on her stomach. Her eyes closed, tears threatening to fall. He was so soft, softer than she ever thought possible. She was meeting the man Thomas Shelby was before the war.

When she opened her eyes again, she was met with a luminous smile, that could've led wars and saved kingdoms. The sheer happiness in his eyes as they crinkled at the edges, small lines forming as she was reminded of the way he had gracefully aged despite it all, made her hopeful. She almost allowed happiness to swell inside her breast.

"M'baby's carrying my baby, eh? Look at that, huh," He said, leaning to place a kiss on where the future swell of her abdomen would be. "Look at you, mama. You're going to make me a daddy ahead of time." He chuckled, before bursting into a laugh.

Annabel's brows furrowed quizzically, despite the hopefulness growing in her chest. "You-you're not angry? Disappointed?"

Tommy smiled even brighter. It reminded her of when she had accepted his proposal. It reminded her of how Tommy was when it came to her.

"Anna..." His hand on herforehead dropped to caress her cheek. "I came back from London, only this morning. No one had told me anything. When I got to the door, Polly was there with a doctor. Dove, you have made me the happiest."

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