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THE GARRISON was alive and busy that day, loud chatter and even louder singing and laughing sparked a warm joy inside Annabel's chest as she refilled drinks, chatted with ladies and laughed at the drunk men. It was a happy sight for her, the joy of others, and she revelled in it as if it was a sunny summer day.

Even Tommy Shelby was smiling, she noticed as she walked into the private room of the Garrison with a bucket of beer. Her eyes immediately found him. She had never seen him smile before and she decided it was a sight for sore eyes. His eyes were a brighter blue and his pearly whites shone through the room, lighting her ablaze. She chastised herself for being so foolish, and got to work.

The Shelby boys were bantering and laughing, and John looked at her with a bright smile on her face as she came in. "Oi, Red! What a sight are you, eh?"

Annabel playfully rolled her eyes. "Did you want whiskey as well?" She felt Tommy's eyes on her but she refused to look.

"No, only beer."

The oldest Shelby brother spoke up, "Why not whiskey? Are you expecting trouble?" They laughed.

"Jesus Christ, Tommy, why you'd let them sing? Sounds lik'a bunch of strangled cats out there!" John said.

Annabel was cleaning out the table as John said this and her eyes immediately rose to Tommy, only to meet his already staring at her.

"I wonder the same fucking thing." Annabel couldn't help but let out a small smirk.

"Arthur, have you met Red?" John spoke again, a toothpick permanently in his mouth.

Arthur looked her up and down, and underneath the table, Tommy clenched his fists. Not affected.

"I don't believe I've had the pleasure." Arthur smiled. Annabel smiled back gently.

"Pleasure to meet you Mister Shelby, I'm Annabel."

John and Authur laughed. "Enough with the proper London nonsense! Call us by our fucking names! Especially since you coming over tomorrow!" said John.

Tommy tensed for a second, and finally his voice was heard. "Is that right?"

Annabel felt uncomfortable at his tone, and she was slightly offended. Everyone noticed the visible tension. She truly thought that after last night, Tommy Shelby would be less frozen cold than usual, but she thought wrong apparently.

Tommy just didn't want to face what was obviously happening and the thought of this girl in his home yet not in his bed made him unexpectedly uncomfortable. He shut down that thought.

Annabel recovered and flashed a bright smile. "Sure seems like it!"

"And who decided this?"

Arthur laughed, "Aunt Pol. Good luck tryna get out of that one!" The two other Shelby brothers laughed, and Annabel joined. Polly Gray definitely seemed like that type of woman.

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