His Fiance

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"Taehyung - ah get back inside someone could've taken you" scolded Taehyung's mother. "Mother I want to be outside and free I'm tired of being locked up" whined a cute 18 year old boy. He had beautiful blue hair and pale skin, he was wearing a beautiful purple gown making him look extremely beautiful. "I know you do but someone might kidnap you" said Taehyung's mother with a frown. "Fine mother I'll go cook dinner" smiled Taehyung and walked inside.

"I'm sorry" whispered Taehyung's mother tears threatening to spill out her eyes. Taehyung's mother walks inside "Mother look I found a letter from the King" exclaimed Taehyung smiling brightly. "Ohh let me see it" asked his mother getting the letter from Taehyung.

"You're invited for our ball tomorrow our son Jeon Jungkook needs to find a fiance bring only your son/s"
- King Jeon

"Taehyung we're going shopping you need to be his husband" shouted his mother grinning widely. "Mother I don't want to" whined Taehyung pouting cutely. "You need to this is your chance to live a happy life" said his mother still grinning. "Fine because it'll make you happy and I'll always be by your side" sighed Taehyung defeated. After they went shopping they went home after getting the stuff they needed.

Taehyung went to his room, he showered and brushed his teeth then he went to sleep. "Taehyung wake up and get ready" shouted his mother from downstairs. "Ok mother" replied Taehyung back. He got up and went downstairs to see his mother setting up the table. "Good morning mother what are we eating today" asked Taehyung bowing down in respect.

"Hurry so you can go brush your teeth and we're having the usual" said his mother cleaning her hands on her gown. "Thanks Mother" said Taehyung then sat down on his seat. "Mother what would happen if I wasn't chosen" asked Taehyung with a pout. "Then we'll go back to living a normal life" said his mother clasping her hands together. "Ok time to eat" said his mother and they both started eating in a comfortable silence.

Later in the day

"Taehyung hurry up we need to be early" shouted his mother then Taehyung came down the stairs struggling with his gown. "Let's go" exclaimed Taehyung clasping his hands together like his mother did earlier because he was happy to be out his home again. They arrived at the castle and Taehyung gasped when he saw how many people where there. "Go on just don't get lost" said his mother then walked to one of her peasant friends. "This place is amazing, Good day sir" greeted Taehyung with his box smile.

"Good day" replied the man smiling just by seeing the beautiful boy smile. "Why are they doing a ball with peasants" asked Taehyung smiling more brightly. "They said that the king's son saw a boy that caught his eye but disappeared" said the guy grinning. "Ohh how rude of me my name is Taehyung and may I ask yours" smiled the petite boy bowing. "You have such good manners, I'm Jung Hoseok but call me Hoseok for short" greeted the red headed guy going by Hoseok.

"Thanks my mother showed me how to be respectful" explained Taehyung smiling. "Well your mom taught you well and how come I've never seen you around" asked Hoseok. "Mother said that people would kidnap me so I never came out of my house only once" replied Taehyung. " I think I know why it's because you're extremely beautiful" teased Hoseok giggling. "Thanks for the compliment" shyly said Taehyung blushing.

"Stop flirting Hoseok" said a Raven head. "Hello sir" greeted Taehyung showing his box smile."You come with me" commanded the Raven haired boy. "Sure" responded Taehyung turning around and bowed to Hoseok then followed the Raven head. "I forgot to introduce myself I'm Taehyung what's your name" asked Taehyung still following the Raven head. "Jeon Jungkook the King's son" replied the Raven head. "Wait what I Uhh" Taehyung was lost at words.

"We're here" said Jungkook turning to the crowd. "He's my husband don't you ever dare touch him he is mine" announced Jungkook coldly and grabbing the small boy's waist pulling him close and holding him tightly. "Wait what" whispered Taehyung with wide eyes.

I had this chapter ready before hand ÙwÚ

Hope you enjoyed it
Have a nice day 💜
Purple you 💜💜💜

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