Chapter 8

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Third Person

Taehyung tears rolled down his cheek almost hiding with the milk chocolate "Stay away from my Oppa" shouted a brown haired girl dropping the carton box on Taehyung's head. A kid got up from his seat and pushed the girl down "Leave him alone" shouted the boy then turned around to Taehyung making sure he was ok. The raven head was stuck in a crowd of girls but he escaped and ran to Taehyung apologizing for not helping him out but Taehyung being a kind angel forgave him and the girl. "Thank you" mumbled Taehyung hiding his watery eyes with his soft blue hair but then smiled his famous box smile showing he was ok. The boy that helped Taehyung sighed "I'm Yoongi but call me Suga" greeted the mint haired boy.

"I'm Taehy-" the blue haired boy was intrupted by Yoongi "Taehyung I know you have a quite big reputation here" said Yoongi with an awkward grin. A moment of silence passed by and Jungkook finally spoke "Come I have extra clothes in my backpack" the boy bowed to Yoongi then walked away with Jungkook. After Taehyung changed they went to their class since lunch ended "Kookie do your work" whispered Taehyung a small pout on his lips. "I don't need to" mumbled Jungkook laying his head on the desk but started shifting in uncomfortableness. "Fine then" said Taehyung shrugging his shoulders before starting to take notes.

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Time Skip
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"TaeTae can I lay on your lap" whined Jungkook hugging the blue haired boy who was trying to focus on his homework. "Why do you always bother me Kookie I want to finish my work so I'll get good grades" pouted Taehyung setting down his pencil. "Please just for a little" pleaded Jungkook starting to get jealous of a dumb paper that was taking his baby's attention from him. Taehyung sighed shaking his head making him look adorable "Fine only a little" sighed Taehyung. Jungkook squealed in joy and dragged Taehyung to his room and laid him down cuddling his baby.

Taehyung groaned slapping his forehead Jungkook had fell asleep and was now hugging Taehyung tightly not wanting to let go. "Kookie I need to finish my homework" whined Taehyung trying to wake up Jungkook. Taehyung gave up and let dreamland take him but he didn't know that Jungkook was still awake admiring his baby's beautiful features. They both woke up but Taehyung turned a bright red because of how close he was to Jungkook. "Wait what time is it" exclaimed Taehyung trying to hide his flustered face.

"It's time for dinner" said Jungkook still hugging a flustered Taehyung, the both turned their heads to the open door. "Sorry we'll go now" exclaimed both mothers and ran off leaving a flustered Taehyung and a cuddly Jungkook. "I'm hungry Kookie let's go eat" whined Taehyung pouting cutely trying to convince Jungkook to let him go. "Fine let's go shower first" was all Jungkook said before he picked up Taehyung bridal style and walked to the bathroom after getting clothes. After that showered they went downstairs to go eat dinner.

"Hello Mother" exclaimed Taehyung running to his mother who was sitting down in a chair waiting for her son. "Taehyung how was school" asked his mother her now smile showing making Taehyung also show his. Jungkook's mother watched in envy she wished her son would be like Taehyung. "Hey Mother" greeted Jungkook a small smile on his lips making his mother's eyes turn watery. "You called me Mother" exclaimed Jungkook's mother getting up from her seat and ran to her son hugging him tightly.

The dinner went by like any day "I'm sleepy, may I be excused" asked Taehyung and earned a nod from the king so he left. Jungkook had left earlier than Taehyung and while he was walking he saw Hoseok in the hall way. "Hey Hobi Hyung" exclaimed Taehyung bowing down his box smile showing brightly. "Hey Taehyung did you have fun at school" beamed Hoseok his aura brighter than before. "It was great I can't wait to go tomorrow" replied Taehyung bouncing showing his excitement.

ÙwÚ Hope you enjoyed this chapter and always remember I purple you all 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜!


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