Chapter 10

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Third Person

Jungkook woke up and roughly got out of bed and left to shower and when he got out he saw Taehyung still sleeping peacefully curled up in the blanket. "Tae wake up" whispered Jungkook as he shook Taehyung trying to wake him up "No just a little more" whined Taehyung turning around covering his head with the blanket. "You'll be late to school" sing song Jungkook and Taehyung immediately sat up "I didn't finish the homework" exclaimed Taehyung but Jungkook only chuckled. "I did it for you bu-" Jungkook was intrupted by a kiss on his cheek "Thank you kookie" whispered Taehyung a small pink blush sprinkled on his cheeks. "Anything for you baby" whispered the other kissing Taehyung with lots of passion "" mumbled Taehyung in between the kiss which the other responded with a I love you too.

Jungkook separated from the kiss "Let's stay home today" suggested Jungkook while Taehyung regained his air. "No kookie we have to go to school" replied Taehyung trying to reach and kiss Jungkook "Not that fast first agree to stay home today" said Jungkook a small smirk on his lips. "But kookie" whined the blue haired boy trying to reach for a kiss but the other moved back "Yes or no" asked Jungkook and the other just nodded and reached for a kiss which the other gladly excepted. "Now let's go to school" exclaimed Taehyung sending the raven head a wink "That's not fair" whined the raven head with a small pout making the other giggle. The blue haired boy got up "It's still early" exclaimed Taehyung a wide grin "How do you know" teased Jungkook a smirk on his plump lips but got a giggle in return "It's still dark" backfired Taehyung.

Time Skip

"Kookie are you mad at me" asked the blue haired boy a small pout on his lips "We could've stayed home" complained the raven turning his head looking out the window pretending to be mad "Yah stop complaining it's just school" exclaimed the blue haired boy turning his attention to the teacher. "Ok that will be all and Jisoo please stay I need to talk to" said the teacher and everyone started packing up their things except Jisoo and another person "Hey Tae let's go or we'll be late to our next class" exclaimed Jungkook as he packed his stuff "You go ahead I need to talk to the teacher" whispered Taehyung showing his boxy smile. "Ok I'll tell our next teacher" commented Jungkook before walking out the classroom but stayed outside the door "Teacher I wanted to ask you something" exclaimed Taehyung walking up to the Teacher's desk "Ask me during lunch I need to talk to Jisoo" said the Teacher glaring at Taehyung. "Are you sure you need to talk to her cause I see how you look at her" whispered Taehyung making sure Jisoo couldn't hear "Jisoo let's go" exclaimed Taehyung a bright boxy smile on his lips "You bastard" mumbled the teacher earning a wink from Taehyung "But..." Jisoo was intrupted "I know" whispered Taehyung. Taehyung walked out the classroom with Jisoo following behind "Ohh Kookie why are you still here" asked the blue haired boy tilting his head "Why are you with her" questioned Jungkook with a raised eye brow "Jisoo you go ahead" said Taehyung showing a small smile.

"So now tell me why were you with her" asked the raven head again anger radiating off him "Aish I saved her from that perverted teacher" exclaimed Taehyung smacking his forehead. "Don't lie" sternly said Jungkook staring at Taehyung in the lie "How could you not believe me I'm telling the truth" exclaimed Taehyung shaking his head "I'm gonna go ahead" mumbled Taehyung walking away leaving a shocked Jungkook. "Taehyung I'm sorry I believe you" shouted Jungkook as he ran after a mad Taehyung "It's ok" mumbled Taehyung stopping making Jungkook bump into him "Are you ok Tae" exclaimed Jungkook checking if he hurt Taehyung. "Yah let's go to class already we're late" exclaimed Taehyung getting flustered "Your blushing" teased Jungkook his lips in a small smirk. "Stop it" whined Taehyung covering his flushed cheeks "You look adorable when you blush" complimented Jungkook sending Taehyung a wink.


"Eat it Tae" whined the raven head trying to feed his husband food "But Kookie I already ate my food and I'm full" complained Taehyung clamming his mouth shut shaking his head. "Just eat this and I won't bother you anymore" suggested the raven head earning a hesitate nod with a small ok and with that the raven head fed the blue haired boy that had flushed cheeks. "So adorable" exclaimed some of the girls in the cafeteria watching their favorite ship being cute making the blue haired boy flustered and hide his face on Jungkook's chest which made Jungkook proudly grin. Then a loud bang was heard earning everyone's attention only to see a girl standing with two girls standing right behind her. "Where's Taehyung" shouted the girl looking among the people for a blue haired boy and easily spotted the boy "Ahhh there you are Taehyung I've been looking for you" exclaimed the girl walking towards the confused blue haired boy followed by the two girls.

Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter and always remember I purple you my lovely readers 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜!!

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