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I woke up and I finally didn't have a nightmare, it's 5:30 so I guess I'll go ahead and shower and get my clothes on. 6 a.m. hits. "Hey, Morgs, wake up." She wakes up slowly. "Did I fall asleep?" "Yeah, I slept on the floor. If you want to take a shower, you go ahead. We need to get ready for school. " "Thanks Lynn". She gets up and goes to the door and just stares at my shirt "Lynn what's that?" She points on my shirt. I look down, and she flicks my nose dumbfounded. I just moan. "Woooooooow." She points, laughs, and shakes her butt at me, and then runs off to the bathroom while I just laugh to myself. 5 minutes go by and I go to my desk and take out a pencil.

'Dear mom
I don't know why mom, but i'm feeLing lucky tOday. i'Ve just fEel like i can take on the world and i miss You but i knOw that yoU'd want me to live my life. there is a beautiful girl, and I don't know how to deal with it because i don't even know her name. but I think the reason I'm feeling lucky is because you're wishing it to me and thanks mom lurve you.
love Lynn

6:50 hits and Morgan dressed, and now we just chill. "You hungry?" I asked. "OH, MY GEEESH so hungry." We stare and she already knows what to do, as she runs down the stairs and I put a pack of bacon in the microwave she gets two glasses, two bowls, and two spoons and I pour two bowls of half-and-half Lucky charms and fruity pebbles and she filled the glasses with OJ then filled the bowls with milk. -BEEP-BEEP-BEEP- The microwave went off. "Hope your dad don't wake up," Morgan concerned. "Nawl, he won't wake up he's too hungover from last night," I say so disappointedly. We eat our food and  drinks at 7:15 "Let's go". I and Morgan left but before I shut the door I look at my dad and shake my head at the drunkard on my couch "You alcoholic FUCK." Then shut the door. "I love you, son."

It's 7:50 when we get to school and we see Ray. "Yo." Ray sees us and jogs over to us. "What's Poppin party people?" Ray asked in a funny voice. "What's the plan for after school?" Asked Morgan. "We gonna hang with Michael" Ray responded. You can visibly see the disgust on Morgan's face "I think we should just go to Lynn's house and chill to a movie cuz Michael won't really let me in his house" Ray's face lit up. "CUZ HE DON'T KNOW YOU YOU'RE JUST SCARED OF HIM" Ray rebutted. "YEA A LITTLE BIT HES WEIRD"  Morgan fired back. Ray gets defensive "WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN". As Ray and Morgan start up their ongoing verbal war I slowly back out and start walking away and sit on a bench and just let them fight it out. Then I hear a bunch of trash cans banging around and I shift my head and see the redhead that's stuck in mine, she sees me and we stare at each other she puts her finger over her mouth and then motions for me to come here. So while my friends were bickering I decide "Fuck it." and started jogging over unintentionally leaving my books. When I walked up to her she looked at her watch and said "Hurry we're going to be late". Me confused and asked 'Late for what'? I thought I passed the corner and she was climbing a fence 'what the shit' I continue to follow her over the fence and across about a 50-yard field and a few feet of trees and she standing on the edge of a ridge. The girl looks confused. "I guess they're running late too". "Who," I asked out of curiosity. "Listen" We get quiet and while she listens for whatever it is that she is waiting on, I look down the little dirt hill and see railroad tracks. "A train"? I answer. "Bingo". She says as she shoots a finger gun at me "When I say jump, jump". She instructs me. Holy dogshit normally there would be a million things racing through my head. Is she dangerous, I can't skip school, what would my mom do? But now there's 700mgs of fuck it and adrenaline flowing through my veins and while I'm thinking this through the train starts to pass us and I hear "Jump" and I jump.

We landed in a boxcar the same box card that I saw her in the other night. Then I look up and she's offering me a hand and says. "My name is Vanessa". Finally a beautiful name for a beautiful face. I return with "I'm Lynn" I say trying to use every ounce of the base in my voice. "I know I talked to you at lunch the other day". I yelled dumbass in my head but laughed it off. What are we um- doing here"? I ask. "Skipping my first second and third block class on a Friday with a new friend"? Jesus Christ this is random but I'm not complaining. "Sure new friend". Then I stared at her long enough and it wasn't till she took off the hood of her denim jacket and had a name to go with her face I knew her. "Holy shit I just figured it out your Vanessa Blanchard you're like the queen bee of the school, country clubs, 4.0 GPA, lead drama club actress, and you're apart of one of the wealthiest families in the state". She took a deep breath and exhaled. "Shit another kiss ass" I instantly respond. "NO NO you got it all wrong I'm just surprised that the smartest and most popular girl skips classes and invited me. I don't really care about all your accolades and wealth I'm just in shock that's all, no offense" 10 minutes went by she seemed impressed a little. Vanessa reach behind the box and pulled out a bottle of I want to say whiskey I don't know I don't drink, smoke, or, drugs. "No thanks I don't dri-" "DON'T BE A BITCH AND TAKE A SIP HOE"!! She interrupted. In my head I thought 'holyshit she's badass and that she was pretty cool' but on the outside I was trying to play it cool and said "Fuck it" and took the bottle and breathe, this was my very first sip of anything alcoholic ever. -GULP-. Then I started coughing my lungs all the way up. "FUCK -COUGH- FUCK-COUGH- FUCKING SHIT NUTS". while my chest is burning and I'm dying to death Vanessa is laughing her ass off. "Oh shit give me that back little fish". I pass her back the bottle. "How'd you get that you're only what 18"? She took a sip then responded "19 but my dad's liquor cabinets unlocked so yea". Wow I guess no matter how wealthy you are teens will be teens. "To be honest you're a whole lot cooler and a whole lot nicer than I really expected". She smiled I could tell she didn't get a lot of genuine compliments. "Thanks that means a lot coming from a normie hahaha". She laughed, I chuckled. "So what are we doing today"? I asked. She let out a devilish smirk. "Drink, get crazy, raise hell, and whatever I- I mean we want to do. Sorry I'm trying to get over that I hate that crap, I'm tired of my daddy's money and power defining me and my character. I'm just trying to figure out the real me who Vanessa Blanchard really is". I can relate cause I'm dealing with life without my mom, my dad's hammered all the time, my two best friends are bickering constantly so yeah. "It is what it is and what it's worth I don't think you're too bad". I said jokingly and she try not to bust out in a smile but she couldn't help but to smile and hide it until her jacket lining. "Huh I got a smile hee-hee" I said teasing her she started to get embarrassed and returned "shut up when you're awful". She replied cheerfully. " We got about 30 minutes before our stop, so what do you want to do Lynn"?. Vanessa asked as she sips her bottle. "Dealers choice" I respond and her eyes lit up and she laughs mid sip and that laugh becomes a cough and I decide to poke the bear. "Haha now who's the lightweight". She tries to regain her breath and eventually does. "Shut up you made me choke". I just have a shit eating grin on my face with an eyebrow raised then she notices my grin and what she said. "No damn it not like that............ Yet". She said, when she said that my eyes opened. "Ha just teasing you". She says as I drag my hoodie over my lap. (Fellas you know why) "So explain dealers choice". She asked "Dealer's choice like your the dealer at a casino but for us common folk it means that you pick what ever it is to be picked". She nodded her head along with the exclamation. "Well how about ummm the worlds most cliché game for two teenagers to play, Truth or dare". On the inside I was a little excited but on the outside I was tiring to keep it cool with a go with the flow flow. "Sure ladies first". She put her hand to her chest "Wow such a gentleman well Truth or Dare". I quickly reply with truth ya know tiring to keep it cool. "Wow wuss ok truth, what's something you regret doing". Damn well I could be serious, deep, or comedic, lets keep it light for now. "Well I crashed a party I wasn't invited to and they had a karaoke machine and I went to do a really fast rap and stuttered like a motherfucker and they booed and told me to go home. Then I look over my shoulder and see William Stests and two days ago I 'took' his girl even though she left him because he was a abusive alcoholic, even if he was 5 foot 5 and only weighed 130 pounds, but he runs up to fight and I whoop his ass-" "You regret this"? Vanesa interrupted. "Wait I'll get to that, so he is the school football mascot and me not knowing that cause I don't give a shit about school spirit and pep rallies, three jocks rounder the corner and they start chasing me and someone dove and grabbed my belt braking it then my pants fall and before I know it im running out the house with 5 jocks chasing me with only a long sleeve shirt and shoes on with my Johnson swinging around, until I get to my van and peel off". Vanesa starts belly laughing busting a gut and I decided to reel it in. "I almost tripped over it several times I swear to God that outta be a Olympic sport". Vanesa's face is red tears going down her face "OH MY GOD LYNN YOUR A RIOT". I wait till she calms down then askes "Truth or Dare". She breathed then said. "Unlike you imma be a man Dare". Oh man shes talking shit I got to hit her with a hard one. "Give me your phone and imma make a post and no matter what you gotta hit post". She sucked her teeth then unlocked and handed me her phone. I bent my arm and took a picture of the bend and typed the caption. '#NUDESLEAKED don't tell my daddy or my father'. She saw it and was a mix of upset and shock but was a little impressed. "Well, Lynn you're rather a pervert or just a hardcore truth-or-dare player". Vanesa said even tho I might have crossed the line or did just right I guess I'll find out. "Well I just manned up, so your posting that or taking the L". She was thinking about it when a whistle went off and the train eased on the brakes. "Neither just got saved by the bell". My dumbass replied, "Oh I thought it was a whistle but whatever huha". She gave me a sarcastic look that turned into a smile, then the train started slowing down, then we hopped off and so I followed her. "We just gotta walk this trail and we'll be behind the mall and we can hang out or whatever". Man, this is fun I just wish I knew why she was being so nice to me but I digress. We walked for about 15 minutes and I couldn't hold my tongue anymore. "Why are you so nice to me"? She looked at me and put her hair behind her ear and with a clear voice said. "Well you're a nice guy, I saw you having a hard time lately and every other man in my life is a pig and my best friend moved halfway across the country and we lost touch. So even though I'm the 'popular' girl I'm all alone". "What about your parents"? I asked as. She threw up her arms. "My dad is just a power-hungry District attorney and my moms alright she just serves and loves my dad and takes care of the house full time. to be honest I'm just miserable as fuck. And FUCK MY MONEY I just wanna be 'normal' and have friends sleep over and shit ya know. FUCK!! Sorry I don't really mean to vent". That just blew me back. "It's fine," I say s I put my hand on her shoulder. "If you ever need to vent I'm here for you". Shes mid tear and asks. "Well why are you being so nice to me"? I look in her eye. "Well I've convinced that your a good person and we got to care of each other cuz no one else will right? Plus a nice and beautiful girl comes up to me with a lack of friends problems. I don't know about you but sounds like I hit the jackpot". She smiled and we kept walking till we get to the back entrance of the mall and walk in. "So miss rich, all I have is $20 so your doing all the shopping". She smirked at me. "Nawl you pick something out and it's yours". I raised my eyebrows. "No offense but I can't let buy me stuff, I don't like people doing stuff for me I always feel guilty. I don't know why I just do". Vanesa just stayers at me with disgust. "Well go look around I'm gonna use the lady's room". She walks off and I don't wanna go too far, the two stores beside me. GameGo and Hot Topic. Hmm tough choice but I go into the Hot Topic to see if they have the new 'Elite' shirt, then go to GameGo for new chargers for my PS4 remotes. I walk in and look around and just see a kid talking to the cashier, and while I look around I decide to eavesdrop. "No man, there is no way Batman beats the Shredder. Batman gets beat by a clown, it takes four mutated turtles with martial arts, with ninja weapons to beat Shredder". The kid says, but the cashier has a return. "Dale no, your retarted". Dale interrupts with. "No that has nothing to do with it so take your Baterang and turn it into an L BE-OTCH". The chaser just looked at Dale for a second with distain. "DALE SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET OUT". Dale laughed but the cashier was cold as ice. Then I ask my question. "Do y 'all have the new Elite shirt in". The cashier didn't answer but without missing a beat Dale said. "Left corner, third row, and second from the left". I was a little shocked. "DAMN dude, come here much". As Dale said yes the cashier nodded adding the yea I wish he'd leave, feel to the room. "Yea I'm Dale, yea I come in here sometimes. hmmm you seem cool "? Umm ok all I did was ask where a shirt was but alright. "Yea my name is Lynn" I reach out my hand for a handshake. FUCK he has a limp handshake, If there is nothing I hate more is a limp handshake. "But no offense my dude but Shredder would beat Batman, just saying. Even if Batman is better in a 1v1 the Shredder can distract him with a foot soldier and then backstab Batman. BALLGAME". The cashier just looked mad and walked in the back. Dale chucked. "Don't worry about Chris, he gets pissed about taking L's. TEE-HEE". -BUZZ-BUZZ- My phone vibrated so I check it. I have a message from Ray.

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