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Dear, dairy

It's been 2 days since that BITCH mouthed off to me. I know Lynn wouldn't say that about me, or would he? We've been friends for 11 years now. I just wish I could tell him how I feel about him. His birthday is coming up in 5 day maybe that's when I should tell him. If that spoiled bitch hasn't brainwashed him yet. I just have hope for me and Lynn one day.


Lynn just texted me, he wants to hang out YAY. Oh wait he's with Ray and Vanesa at Michel's, I'm still scared of him, but I do wanna meet Michel for me and Lynn's sake. -BAM- just then my mom busted in my door drunk at 7:20 in the morning. "He-hey are you at school yet you piece-piece of shit?" I just down my notebook stand up and throw my arms to my side. "Mom go back to bed!" She stumbles around some more. "Yea yea yea j-just lemme get a quick shh-moke." As she stumbles out of my room I look at the phone where Lynn asked me to hang out and a big 'fuck it' hit me. "Yea you know where I stay Boi." he's coming to get me and I'll talk to him and that bitch.


"RAYYYY, TURN DOWN THAT RAGEDY SHIT". Man my moms mad trippin, but it's cool I am about to go chill with the boys at Mike's. I guess Lynn will be bringing Vanessa over and keep trying to get Morgan. Vanesa got a nice ass I know Lynn has been tapping that, he hasn't told me but I don't need to be told something I already know. Man, I gotta get myself a chickee-poo. Lynn's birthday is coming up and he thinks me and Michel have been chilling but in reality, we've been planning a surprise party for him. I don't know if we can let the ladies in on it or if should we. Morgan and I have never gotten along and I don't know or give a fuck what her point of view is. I've been friends with Lynn since 9th grade when we both had a class together. I didn't know anyone in the class and neither did he so we just started talking about wrestling, video games, and other shit. Hell after the second week I started going to his house to hang out at his house. His moms and pops just accepted me and they didn't care that I was black they just saw another son of theirs. Hell, they were happy that Lynn was no longer a only child. Lynn told me that his friend Morgan was on a school trip to New York for them two weeks for some fancy math or science club some shit I don't know. But I do know that when she came home she was being stuck up and Lynn said that she was messing with me but-. Well, long story short we got off on the wrong foot and never got back right. That's another reason why I prefer to hang out at Michel's cause she Is scared of him. But I owe Michel big props for saving me and turning me Christen but no matter what I'll have Lynn's back always.

Date: November-15-2019

NAME: Former Sargent Michel N/A

Reason for documentation: Therapeutic

My friends are doing good and me and Ray are planning a surprise party for Lynn. I hope I finally get to meet this Morgan I've heard so highly about. But she is scared of the guns and tattoos that I have and I don't blame her. My PTSD is getting weaker, the voices and flashbacks are fading. But I still see Their faces, His face, and HER FACE. I think it's time I finally put this story on paper. Dr.Hysler thinks this could lead to my big breakthrough. So it was a hot day in Iraq I had a plan I crafted and my men followed my orders to the T. But we turn the corner and everyone but me and my brother Greg. But those pig fuckers put Greg on his knees and put a shotgun to the back of his head and blew his face off and it splattered on my face. Then everything went black and I remember waking up in the hospital at my hometown hospital. Then once they cleared me I took my army money and sold my house and bought a bike and rode till I got here. But while I was on the road I meet Laura she kept from driving that night after the bar and reintroduced me to God. A few weeks later we were dating and she told me to wait for her at the restaurant I loved, and she was gonna surprise me because she loved to make plans like that. But she didn't plan on getting mugged and shot on the way. All I had left was my bike and the lord and you can see how deep I feel into my religion by my arm sleeves and lifestyle. But that's when I moved to this small town and met Lynn at church. Then we talked about games and such and started to hang out and here we are today. So today I'm 36, single, with good friends and it's been 72 days since my last game of Russian runlet.


"Hey mom" I walked up to my mom in our living room just me and her I needed to talk. "Yea Honey"? I lowered my head. "I messed up and said some stuff to a good friend of Lynn's, how can I fix it" Mom sat up and said. "Well, you just gotta explain yourself that you made a mistake and that you wanna fresh start honey". I start to think yea I should make peace. "What if she doesn't accept my apology"? My mom leans to me and says. "Well you're a Blanchard, if she doesn't wanna be friends FUCK HER" I start shaking. "Mooom I'm trying to be a good person. I'll handle this like a peaceful adult". I just tear up and run upstairs into my room, grab my phone and dial Morgan's number. She picks up. "Hello, who is this" I breathe. "Vanesa". She snaps. "HOW TA FUCK YA GET MY NUMBER". "Lynn gave it to me" I hear a breath on the other end. "Vanesa what do you want". It's my time now. "I want to apologize for the other night. I got jealous and I'd like to take all that nasty stuff back and want to move forward because Lynn means a lot to me and you mean a lot to him so sorry". For a second everything was quiet then I got a replied. "Ok I'll forgive you but I won't forget it". Yes yes yes. "Thank you, Mo-" What she hung up on me.

November 20th Lynn's Birthday

Lynn is coming to pick me up in a hour, I'm getting dressed. We're hanging out at Michel's for his Birthday whoever that is. I'm getting dressed. I have my nice jacket, lovely tee, jeans, and my new liquid nicotine nail polish. I heard from Ray that Morgan will be there and I'm glad she is and I hope she's nice because I'll be there with my nails painted RED.

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