Actual College Time |Monday|

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I stared at the boy, cog wheels turning in my head. So, he's perfectly competent with performing sexual acts but craves gentle touch?

"Maybe later Ouma, I'm gonna be late to my class." I grabbed my suit jacket and tied a tie around my collar. I threw on my coat that was on the chair next to my bed and walked towards the door.

"Stay here if you want, no one comes here so it'd be fine if you took a nap or something. I'll be back in an hour or so." I looked towards Ouma and he nodded as he fiddled with his hands.

I slid on my shoes and walked out of the dorm room. I walked down the long hallway, ignoring everyone that was in it. Down the stairs, and out the door, the cold autumn air froze up my face. The temperature numbed my fingers and watered my eyes. The leaves on the ground had some frost on them, signaling a early winter. Days like this could make you forget everything.

I sped my way over to the big lecture building and made my way to my class. There was a big sign on the door that read,
After entering, there shall be no leaving even if you're a guest. The door will set off an alarm if exited at the wrong time.

I made my way into the room, people already piled into seats and talking to one another. I saw the only person I knew sitting a few seats up. I ran up the stairs and slid into the spot next to Akamatsu who sat on her phone.

"Oh hey Saihara, hows the present going?" She nudged her elbow into my arm as I took a seat. I let out a groan.

"He's quiet and stubborn. Sometimes he won't listen to me. He's so- argh!!" I ran my hands through my hair and rested my elbows on the table. Akamatsu rubbed my back.

"It's ok Saihara, once you know him, he's not that bad!" She said trying to encourage me. I hate the fake act she's giving.

"Cut the shit Akamatsu, stop trying to make me feel better." I fixed the hat that rested upon my head.

"Ok, ok. Oh hey! Do you remember in high school when you were a really big Danganronpa fan?!" She brought up.

"I mean, I still am. I'm just not the weird fanboy who acted like they wanted to stab everybody anymore. God I was so cringey!" I told her.

I remembered those days where it'd just be me, Akamatsu, and Amami. I was the homicidal fan boy, Akamatsu was the mean one, and Amami was the mean rich kid. Those were the days. I remember the time where my parents sent me to the police station to get talked to because I stabbed somebody with a fork to be just like a Danganronpa character. Of course I'm not like that now, but I used to be that one kid.

"Hey Saihara, I have your Point list~" Akamatsu slid a piece of paper towards me.

"A what?" I looked down at the sparkly covered paper and read it.

~Point List~

•Hold hands- 5 points
•Hug- 3 points
•Kiss (cheek)- 7 points
•Kiss (lips)- 10 points
•PDA (public display of affection)- 15 points
•Cuddle- 20 points
List is still ongoing
~To get points you must have a witness~

"Of course it's more game stuff." I muttered. As I finished up reading I slid it back towards her. Akamatsu smiled.

"At least it's a little tame! It's a good thing I didn't let Amami contribute, he would've added things you didn't want." She added. She took the list and folded it up. She stuck it in her pocket and brought her hand up to my face. She put it under my chin and squeezed my cheeks with her fingers.

"Quack!" Akamatsu then removed her hands and stretched them over her shoulders.

I heard the door open and the professor walked in. He looked tired and he probably hasn't slept in days. He slammed his books down on his podium and flipped a few pages.

"Now all of you read the sign, which means no more leaving." He said through a small mic that rested on his podium. It wasn't the loudest but I could understand what he said.

"I'm your professor and will be teaching you today. Open the laptops in front of you and go to the website displayed on the projector." He said as he sat down in some swivel chair. We all followed his instructions.

"Everybody take out your syllabuses and fill out the form, you will be graded on this." I reached to my side and-

Where is it-

"Oh no.." I said to myself, causing Akamatsu to look over.

"My paper is gone." I whisper yelled. God fucking dammit.

Just as I'm about to give up, the lecture hall doors open. A small boy comes running up the stairs with a  paper in his hands.


"S-Saihara- you forgot-th-this." He said panting. His face looked cold and I could tell he didn't have a jacket on. He gave me the paper and turned around to leave.

"Ouma, why don't you come sit with Saihara? He does seem lonely~" Akamatsu interjected. He turned around and didn't know what to do. I sighed and scooted over to make room on the bench. I signaled him to sit beside me and he hesitantly did.

"Thank you Ouma." I said while bringing the paper that rested on the table closer to me.

"There was a note on your desk saying you needed it today, s-so I brought it." He spoke quietly with his hands in his lap.

I felt Akamatsu nudge me and I turned towards her. She made a gesture with her hands, clasping them in one another. Oh. I turned my body towards the front of the room and moved my hand down to Oumas. He flinched at the touch and let me grab it. His hands were cold but I felt them warm up to mine.

I continued paying attention to what the professor said and followed along. After a while, I felt Ouma start to get tired. He put his head on my shoulder and leaned there. I watched as his eyes drooped shut and I slowly turned towards Akamatsu.

"Please help me." I mouthed to her, moving a bit to where she could see the sleeping boy.

"That's so cute!" She mouthed back, putting her hands on her cheeks. I let out a deep sigh and just figured to ignore it.


Our little pretend game|Saiouma/OumasaiWhere stories live. Discover now