
533 21 38

Shits fucked up, told you to read the description

I woke up.

I tried to open my eyes but something was covering them. A blindfold maybe? I could smell the duct tape around my mouth. I went to go remove it but soon realized my hands were restricted. I heard the metal clanging as I frantically moved my arms.

I sat up, thankful nothing around my legs. I'm on some bed of some sort. I threw my face down onto the bed and wiped my eyes against the blanket. The blindfold started to come off but got caught in some hair.

I heard a door open and I looked up slightly.

Someone to help me?


"For the last fucking time, you need to call [&/&/$:$:&/]  and tell him we got what he wanted!" A recognizable voice spoke.

"Yeah I know, but don't you think we deserve a little chance to get at it? I mean, we've done all this, why not reward ourselves?"  A second voice popped up, also very recognizable but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Whatever, I'm calling him." The first voice left the room. I heard a sigh from the other.

I accidentally moved my arms, causing them to rattle the chains that rested behind me.

"Oh, you're awake I see." The person slid onto the bed and tilted up my chin.

"Your blindfold is coming off darling~" they said as they retied the cloth, making sure I couldn't see them.

I could feel a bead of sweat roll down the side of my head. My heart raced as I felt the mysterious person caress my jawline.

"You have such pretty hair, almost feminine like." I felt a hand run it's fingers through a chunk of hair.

A cold hand ran up my shirt.

"I figured you'd be struggling more. It's almost no fun. Perhaps I could-

Provoke you a little?"  Something cold and sharp pressed against my side.

Wait- could it be-!

The object dug into my skin, slicing the side of my stomach.

I screamed, it being muffled by the tape around my mouth. I felt tears prick and start to pour down my face. My head hung down as I writhed in pain.

"That's more like it." The voice spoke again. The object poked at a new place. I tried to wiggle away, struggling to do so because of the restraints.

"Don't worry, they're not deep enough to do any damage." I felt the object press and slide against my skin, cutting me open again.

I continued to sob and scream into the tape. I felt more blood trickle down my sides. Tears slid under the blindfold and onto my legs. I tugged on my cuff like object. My wrists starting to cut into the metal around them and start to bleed.

I felt a thumb run across my cheek, wiping away tears as they fell down.

"You're so cute when you cry like this." I felt myself start to shake. The tape started to get wet and weak. My shirt was rose up and the object slid across my chest, the cut getting deeper the longer they made it.

I continued to sob into the tape, eventually it falling off. My crying was soon heard clearly.

"W-why?! Why am I here!?" I yelled, my voice already hoarse from the screaming.

Our little pretend game|Saiouma/OumasaiWhere stories live. Discover now