Concert Time!

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We waited impatiently for the next minutes for them to start letting us enter the building. When we first got in, we got our VIP badges. Soon we were let loose to get merch, see the bands, and find a spot by the stage. Since The Faim was headlining they were the first people we saw, Anna tugged on my arm. We were like kids in a candy store! We talked to the band for a little while and got pictures. We also found the rest of their line up and got pictures with them. We decided to skip on merch until after the show, though. Anna and I stood dead center next to the barricade and talked to some of the other girls around us. We also made sure to sent Natalie a video of the band as they said hi to her and that they hoped she could make it to the next show. Soon enough, the main lights went off, and the crowd started screaming. The members of Kulick came onto the stage. 
Their performance was amazing. We loved the energy that they carried, but they were very soon off of the stage. During the intermission period, we talked about all of the bands. Kulick was terrific, but they were only the first band. The show can only get better from here on out. Stand Atlantic was up next, they are a band from Australia, like The Faim. I loved the vocalist Bonnie, she was so sweet. Then, of course, The Faim. Every Faim concert I've attended(every show in Michigan since I've discovered them) has been epic! They get better and better, and this should be no exception. 
When Stand Atlantic started performing, Bonnie kept walking right past me. I was so ecstatic, this whole concert was practically made for me. The only thing that could make it better was their setlist... and The Faim. Little did I know thinking this, but their next song was called 'Skinny dipping," and it was one of my favorites. They also played "sidewinder," "Toothpick," and a few other songs that I've been obsessed with. During the show, Bonnie even sprayed water all over us in the crowd. 
After the performance, we noticed Sam (guitarist) sneak out back into the floor near the merch. He wanted to talk to Stevie(bassist/pianist), who was selling their merch. I wanted so badly to speak to Sam, I mean He was practically my favorite human, but I didn't want to lose my spot near the front before The Faim even performed. 
When the band finally came on stage, though, the crowd went crazy! Sam stood closest to us. (which made me super happy) Josh started by saying hi and asking everyone how the show was going. Thunderous cheers came from the audience at that point. After a little more talking, he introduced their first song of the set, "Saints Of The Sinners." This was one of the songs we first listened to from The Faim. The show was so great, and I was so excited when I heard the beginning of my favorite song by them, "Beautiful Drama." Which had only been released a week before the show.  
Anna was in love with their vocalist, Josh, so it was a dream come true that he kept acknowledging us. He smiled up at us countless times, and during the song "Summer Is A Curse," He was next to us on the stage and got all up in Anna's camera, singing as she recorded. Even later in the show as The group performed my all-time favorite song by The Faim, "Tongue Tied." Josh walked over during the chorus of the song, obviously loving how hype we were about this concert. I mean, we were practically screaming the lyrics to every song! At the very last verse to the chorus, he put the microphone in front of me. Without even having to think about it, I sang the last verse, "T-T-T-T-TONGUE TIED!" Anna and I just about died when he walked away I felt so happy I forgot how to breathe as we screamed to each other. 
Josh was singing their song "Amelie" and came down into the crowd to start a mosh pit. I joined the mosh as soon as it started. The only problem was that it got a little rougher than expected after Josh got out. Somebody who had been in the wrong place at the wrong time got hit. Even though it was an accident, a small fight started. Some of us that were in the mosh pit hadn't noticed and were continuing to fool around. Amid this fight, I got knocked down and hit my head really hard. The last thing I remembered was Josh yelling at people to calm down before it went black. When I opened my eyes, it must've been only a few minutes later because Anna, Josh, Linden, Stevie, and Sam were all standing over at me. I heard Sam's voice faintly, he was yelling for an ambulance. Everything went black. 

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