Tour Bus

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When we opened the door, Anna and I peered inside. I could see two notebooks lying on the floor. Another sat on the couch right in front of us. An acoustic guitar sat off to the side of the couch propped up so it couldn't fall. Stepping inside, there were clothes sprawled out here and there. We go inside and walk down the bus. There were beds, four of them to be exact, built into the bus so that there were two stacked on each side. 
By this time, the boys had caught up, and Sam gestured to the bottom bed on my left, "You should probably lie down, the doctor said you need some rest." I blushed and sat on the edge of his bunk. Josh offered the bed on the top, opposite from me, to Anna. 
"Oh! I almost forgot, here you go," Anna threw me my phone from the edge of Josh's bed. I opened it up to full charge and saw that it was almost 9:00 pm. My phone had also been bombarded with messages from my family and Natalie. I asked Natalie about it, and she hasn't texted anyone either. I yawned and lay back in Sam's bed. I figured I'd talk to my parents first. 
Hey guys, I'm really sorry to have disappeared like that. I went to the concert with Anna, and I ended up hurt, I'm okay now though. We are with The Faim, who have been very sweet to us! Talk soon, love you!
I also sent Natalie a text with a pretty similar basis. Even though she messaged me back almost instantly, I decided I would open it tomorrow and ignore her for now. I just knew I needed sleep. I also realized I was lying in Samuel Tye's bed!
I sat back up in a rush causing my head to feel like it was about to explode. I hurried a hand to the side of my face while I used the other to balance myself. Stevie set his hand on my shoulder just in case I would need some more support. 
"Where are you guys going to sleep?" I looked at Sam and Josh before back down at the bed I was sitting in. 
They looked at each other and shrugged Josh reached over and pulled the couch out into a bed. Josh called their manager and talked to him for a while, it almost sounded like they could be arguing a bit, but soon he came in with a big smile on his face. Linden asked if he had everything worked out, his response was a yes. Everyone kind of nodded in response except for Anna. She gave me a confused look, and I shrugged, I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't know what's going on. A few minutes later, I got a news alert on my phone. Anna got it too. 
The Faim cancels the next week of tour to stay with a girl injured from their concert. 
I exchanged the same wide-eyed look of shock with Anna. We started talking over the guys, and everything got jumbled together. Finally, Linden was like BE QUIET! Anna and I said they couldn't cancel the tour, but Josh said there was no way he was going to let me sit here with a concussion that was his fault. After I argued with him for a few minutes, Anna buts in. 
"Why don't we just go with you? I mean, we're both 18, it's not like we can be questioned." Everybody looked at each other, for the most part, in agreement. While everyone looked at Stevie and Sam, who had kept to themselves. 
"Fine," Sam said calmly he had no opposition. Stevie, on the other hand, still looked unsure. By this time, I had messages coming in like crazy. When I had opened my phone as suspected, most of them were from Natalie. 
"Okay, then, they can come!" He blurted out with a massive smile on his face. 
Josh stepped out and called their manager back while everyone else got around for bed. Anna nor I had extra clothes to wear, so she ended up with shorts and Stevie's shirt. The boys had given me a pair of shorts and one of Josh's old t-shirts. We couldn't even believe what was happening. 

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