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This is a story of drama and romance. This is a story of action and adventure. This is a story of mystery and comedy. But most importantly, this is a story about frick.

A young human(?) child who has developed severe sad disease after years of bullying and misgendering from their peers and own family. After finally having enough, they planed to commit game end by jumping into Mt. GayEggsBottomText.

Fri2isk made their escape late in the night. They awoke out of their Disney Pixar Cars Lighting McQueen Twin Sized Bed™ and swiftly but quietly yote themselves out of the 2 story window. They were only slightly injured from the fall and quickly got back up and set of to the mountain. They treched their way through the epic forest and climbed the steep mountain with little vision. When they arrived at the top, they instantly dived into the hole without a second thought because this fucker was more depressed then a 14 year old listening to billy eyelash for the first time.

Frielk, to their immense disappointment, landed safely in a bed of golden flowers. 'Bruh what in the fresh cinnamon toast fuck is this?' They thought as they looked ahead. In a slightly distant clearing a blueish gray building stood tall. Frisj didn't know if it was just the lighting, or lack of it, making it this shade but yknow it was there anyway.

They stepped closer to the building until they were able to make out the writing above the big blue doors. 'Kinky High,' it read. 'so this is a school.' Friegshjk thought, wandering even closer to the structure. They arrived at the entrance, pushed open the large doors, and-

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2023 ⏰

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