2-I followed the sound of the flute

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~ References:
*Italics = Korean speaking
* Bold= Mary's thoughts
*Underline and italics = Song lyrics. #

-Hi Mary

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-Hi Mary.- They spoke in unison and I took a deep breath to compose myself.
They were sitting there but for some reason, it didn't seem real. My heart skipped a beat when I noticed how much more handsome they were in person, even without all the production and makeup. They looked straight from a magazine model and they were not even trying.
-Please, sit here.- Namjoon pointed my seat between him and V, who was looking at me with a big smile eager to speak.
Being very shy, I sat down and looked over to Jimin, staring at me with wide eyes.
Mary, please don't pass out here!
Without even trying to speak I turned my head to see that HE was sitting in front of me with an embarrassed look towards his plate.
I swallowed and tried to be as calm as possible, but J-hope who was in front of NamJoon decided it was a good thing to talk.
-Hi Mary, how are you? We see you cry back there.- His broken English left me breathless.
-I'm sorry.- I said staring at him.- This is crazy, I feel I'm gonna have a stroke right now.
Everyone gave me a strange look after my comment what made me guessed Namjoon never told them I was a fan.
-Ah! I should have mentioned it guys, she is an Army.
Oh god! please don't!
A deep silence grew up in the table until Jimin and V screamed "ARMY" at unison while extending his arms towards the air. They seemed happy about it, but I didn't want to come up as a crazy fan who was taking advantage of them.
-Oh! Why you didn't say, Mary? Army and Bts, family.- said J-hope with a sweet tone.
I couldn't help but smile while again trying to avoid looking at Kook, who was still quiet.
-Mary, why were you crying?- Tae held his chin with his right hand and looked at me with a cute glance.
-Taehyung, don't be rude! - Said NamJoon in Korean and then spoke to me.- I'm sorry, they've been drinking.
"DRINKS!" Screamed J-hope and ordered another round.
-It's okay.- I decided it was better if I started to let my mouth speak. - My mum called me to tell me my dog had passed away.
Everyone made a sweet "Aw" sound while giving me a sad look. I melted with love in just seconds when I noticed this time, HE was also paying attention.
-Oh no!- Tae came near me and gave me a small hug.- I'm sorry.
I touched his hand that was placed in my left shoulder and instantly a tear came down my cheek AGAIN.
-NO! Don't cry!- Jimin extended his arms and joined the hug from his place. Now his hand was on top of mind and for a moment I felt a strange pain in my stomach.
I'm doing a hand sandwich with Jimin and V, please god if this is a dream, wake me up now before it's way too late!
-Guys, please...don't make our guest uncomfortable!- Namjoon nagged them making the hug dissolved.
-Thank you. You know Namjoon, you were right, this is making me feel a lot better.- I smiled, and he looked pleased.
-What was your dog name?- Hoseok asked making me freeze. I could feel my whole face turning red.
-Oh, I don't want to say.
-Why?- Jimin smirked.
Now, it's when I have to wake up! Now! NOW! No? okay.
-It's embarrassing.- I glanced at Kook who was avoiding eye contact as much as he could.
-You don't have to tell us Mary.- Namjoon was being so sweet that I felt the obligation to tell them.
-I guess after you let me sit here with you, it's the least I can do, right?.
Jimin and Tae tenderly nodded.
-Okay.- I covered my eyes with both hands and whispered his name.
-We couldn't hear you Mary.- Jimin claimed eagerly to know.
-Kookie.- The letters just came out of my mouth without permission. I felt the heat in all my body and let my hands stay still on my eyes.
-OH! KOOKIE!- The remaining members screamed.
I uncovered my eyes to see that they were pointing at him and I just couldn't take it.
-Oh my god, I feel I'm gonna die right now.- I put my head inside my arms on the table. I couldn't bear to look at him.
-Don't be embarrassed! - I felt Namjoon's hand on my back.
-I need a drink, a strong one.- I looked up while everyone laughed and for the first time in the night, we locked eyes.
Oh. My. Sweet. Lord.
Kook had a sweet smile on his face and I noticed a little tone of pink in his cheeks as he was probably as embarrassed as me. For a second he just stared at me making me start to sweat like a pig.
-I'm sorry about your dog.- His English was clear.
-Oh! JungKook, you spoke!- Tae bursted out .- He is really shy around women, sorry about that.
-Thank you.- I ignored Tae and just kept looking at Kook who was starting to have more color on his face. I swear I could see the whole universe through his eyes.
-Oh! Look, the drinks are here!- Hoseok grabbed the bottles from the waitress and handed one to me. - Have you tried Soju before, Mary?
-I tried it when I was 16 but I don't remember the taste.
-How old are you?- Tae asked while serving soju in my glass.
-I was born in 1994. I know here the age is different so I'm a little confused about how old I am on this continent.
-Oh! Noona!!!- Tae screamed. He was drunker than I expected.
-Taehyung, please behave! - Namjoon acted like a cute father.
-Do you know what noona means Mary?- Jimin asked.
-Yes, I know. I've been a fan of Kpop since I was a teenager, I've been learning some Korean also, but I'm not good at it.
-Oh! Really?- J-Hope exclaimed with his cute voice.
-Really!- I said back with my awful pronunciation.
All of them, except for kook, screamed with approval. He just smirked at me while taking a shot.
Hey, is it me? Or it's boiling in here!
-That's cool!- Exclaimed Namjoon.
- Well, thank you! That's why I acted so weird guys, it's just that sitting here with you seems kind of a dream come true.
-Cute.- I heard Jimin's voice next to me.
I'm gonna burn!
-Let's have a toast for destiny bringing us together tonight.- Namjoon raised his glass and stood up.
I happily smiled and all of us put our drinks together in the center. Again Kook and I crossed eyes and this time he was sweetly smiling. His beautiful stare made me bite my lip, but he quickly turned his head away embarrassed.
Each one of them drank a shot, me, instead just took a sip and felt as if my throat had caught on fire.
-Oh, my sweet lord! I didn't remember it this strong.
They laughed at me and filled the second round. They drank it as orange juice and I wasn't even able to finish my first one.
-You have to finish it.- Jimin talked to me while filling the empty part of my glass.
-Shot.- Hoseok smiled at me and grabbed his third glass.
-Okay! Let's do this.
We stared at each other and I let all that pure alcohol run through my body.
I made an "AH" sound when I felt the burning sensation in my mouth and left the empty glass on the table. They clapped with approval and Tae poured me another one while talking.
-Are you ready, noona? You are about to have the best night of your life with us.
At eleven the dark of the night was all over us and after a BIG number of shots, it seemed I had known these boys my whole life.
-No freaking way, you work in gaming?- Kook, who after all the alcohol, found the way to talk to me, asked enthusiastically.
-Yeah, I do. That's why I did this trip, the company I work for wants me to move here.
-Ah! And do you like Seoul so far?- Namjoon was sitting with his arm resting on the back of my chair and I was close enough to feel his breath.
When did you come this close?
-Yes, I mean, this is my first day, I'm not sure what I want to do yet.
-Noona, what if destiny brought us together to convince you to stay here?- Tae was completely drank and his English was starting to sound very unclear.
I wish.
-Maybe.- I was pretty drank too so I understood every word he said. - Hey Guys! I have to say, your English has immensely improved!
-Thank you, thank you.- Jimin's eyes were completely red.

Across The Dream ~ Part One 《BTS fanfic》Where stories live. Discover now