13- I hold my fear with a serious burning feeling.

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~ References:
*Italics = Korean speaking or phone calls
* Bold= Mary's thoughts
*Underline and italics = Song lyrics. 

I walked back to where people were having a nice conversation and grabbed one glass of champagne as  soon as I realized the night had just begun and I was already fighting with myself

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I walked back to where people were having a nice conversation and grabbed one glass of champagne as  soon as I realized the night had just begun and I was already fighting with myself. I looked around for the members and I saw them all sitting together in a corner talking, I walked towards them and as I got closer, I noticed Kook was showing off my present.
-Well, here you are, where were you?- Namjoon asked me.
-I was exploring this garden, and it turned out it's huge.
-Noona, Kook's present is beautiful.
-Thank you, I got help.
-He told us you asked Army.- Jin said.
-Yes! They were really happy to help! Oh, I have to upload the picture or I will have an ACTUAL army after me.
I saw Kook blushed but I decided it was better for me to stay as far as possible from him, at least for now. My phone exploded with notifications after I post our selfie on twitter, I had so many, I had to turn off my phone just to be able to enjoy the rest of the party.
Namjoon and Jin disappeared to later come out from the house with a huge cake, everyone gathered around to sing to him as he stood behind the table and happily looked at the purple cake in front of him. All the guests started singing the "happy birthday" song while he was clapping cutely staring at the candles.
-Make a wish!- I screamed when the chant stopped. He lifted his eyes and smirked pronouncedly seconds before blowing the candle.
I wonder what was his wish about.
It was a wonderfully warm night full of stars, I was sitting in that same corner drinking champagne and eating cake, changing company as the different members would come and go. Kook was pretty busy talking to all the guests, which was a good thing. Jimin sat next to me after having some drinks with their crew members.
-Are you having fun?- He asked.
-Yes! Everything looks amazing... I have a question tho.- I pointed to a stand set on a corner of the dance floor.- Is that a DJ?
-Well, of course, it couldn't be a party without music.- Tae appeared and sat on the other side of the bench we were.
-Cool, it's been so long since I had a proper dance.
-Well, get ready noona because we know how to party.
I bet you do, dirty boy.
-How was the surprise? How did you make Kook dressed up for this?- I asked.
-We told him we had to make a sudden photo shoot, and he was not happy about it.
-No, I wasn't.- Kook walked to us and sat on Jimin's lap.
I need a bucket of ice over here, please.
-Well, this is really cool guys.- I said avoiding Jimin playing with Kook's hair next to me.
-When is this party taking off?- Jin joined us with a glass of something blue on his hand.
-Are you already drank, Hyung?- Tae asked him.
-Just a little bit.
-Look Jin, the Dj is getting ready!- I pointed at the dance floor where suddenly the lights changed colors to a very tender yellow light.
It was a weird choice to start, but the Dj started playing some ballads to set the mood. Some couples of elders and members of the company started dancing together. I haven't danced a slow dance ever and I was not going to lie, I was really excited to do it.
-Oh, I love this song.- Jimin exclaimed while closings his eyes and starting to whisper the lyrics.
Is this my opportunity?
I took a deep breath and stood up in front of him and Kook who was still sitting on his lap.
-You, the blonde one, come on.- I extended my hand and both of them looked at me surprised.
-What?- He asked.
-Let's go dance.
-Oh no, I don't dance.- Jimin blushed.
-You're kidding me, right?- I fixed my eyes on him, pretending Kook was not there staring at me with intense puppy eyes.
-He is probably embarrassed because you look taller than him.- Tae explained.
Everything suddenly made sense when Jimin gave him a very angry look.
-Fine, fuck this shoes.- I took my high heels out and threw them under the seat.- Would you please dance with me, Jimin?
Tae and Jin made a "Wow" sound next to us, and Kook slowly stood up looking down. Jimin got up embarrassed and grabbed my hand, I took him through the dance floor as the next ballad was starting. He stood in front of me shy. For a boy that was used to dance for a living, it seemed he didn't know what to do. I took his hand and placed it on my waist as I walked closer intertwining my hands behind his neck.
-I'm sorry.
-About what?- I asked as our bodies slowly moved along with the melody.
-Your heels.
-Oh, forget it, they were hurting already.- I said while resting my chin on his shoulder.
-I like your perfume.- He whispered in my ear.
-Thank you, I like your hair.
-You already told me.
-I know, but I REALLY like you in blonde.- I separated to watch his blushed face.
-How much do you like it?
-I'm not allowed to say it in public.
He burst in laughter and I swear to god, I wanted to eat him like a candy every time his eyes would disappear in laughs. We stayed in silence for a couple of seconds until all of a sudden the lights started blinking with different colors and party music began to play. I looked around and Tae ran towards us breaking our hug apart.
-Now, you have to dance with us Noona.- He screamed and the rest of the young guests that were in there came to the dance floor. It suddenly seemed like a disco with at least forty people just dancing and jumping around us.

Across The Dream ~ Part One 《BTS fanfic》Where stories live. Discover now