6- The universe has moved for us without missing a single thing.

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~ References:
*Italics = Korean speaking
* Bold= Mary's thoughts
*Underline and italics = Song lyrics. #

It was 2

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It was 2.59 pm and I was sitting in my bed staring at the door just waiting for him to arrive. He was supposed to come pick me up at three and I wasn't emotionally ready, honestly, I didn't know how I woke up and changed without completely losing it. Meeting them was one thing, but A DATE, was something completely different, we were talking about an "I'm about to pass out" kind of different.
3.05 pm, I was losing my mind. I stood up and walked around the room waiting for that "knock knock" sound on the door, but instead, I had a call, I answered waiting for the worse.
-Mary something happened.- Jimin's voice sounded agitated.
-Jimin are you okay? Is something wrong?
-I don't know how this happened...
-You are scaring me, please slow down.
-Please, I need you to get out of the room, right now!
-Oh my god, why?- Suddenly I was feeling my whole world crashing down.
If something bad happened...
I erased the negative thoughts and quickly grabbed my purse.
-Why Jimin? ANSWER ME!
I was opening the door while screaming at the phone when I saw him.
-Because our date is about to start.
Jimin was standing on the other side with the phone on his ear and his extended hand holding a huge bouquet of daisies, he had an amazingly cute smile on his face. I froze inside the room without understanding what had happened.
-Jimin! What the hell was that?- I hanged up the ongoing call and looked at him pretty angry.
His smile quickly vanished, and he put the flowers down while pouting with sadness.
-Oh, I'm sorry if I scared you.
-Yes, you scared me! I thought something happened to you.
-I'm sorry, it was Taehyung idea!- He sounded apologetic and his voice broke a little. Seeing him so vulnerable like that made all my anger go away.
-Well, it was NOT a good idea!- I grabbed the flowers from his hand.- Are these for me?
He nodded while scratching the back of his head, still avoiding my eyes with regret.
-They are beautiful, thank you! Come on in for a second that I will put them in water.
He followed me in silence while I grabbed one glass and used it to display the flowers. I noticed he was sorry about what he did, I didn't want this date to start with the wrong foot.
-I'm not mad Jimin, I just got really scared!
-Are you sure I didn't ruin everything?- He almost whispered ashamed.
Please, someone, hold me or I'll just eat him.
-Ruin? Never.- I approached him and grabbed his chin pulling it up so he could meet my eyes.
-I wanted to make a cool entrance.
I was so overwhelmed by his cuteness, I just couldn't make him feel bad.
-Your whole presence is cool, you don't have to do anything else.
He slowly showed his perfect teeth in a shy smile.
-Now, I would like to see what else you have planned.-I calmly grabbed his hand.- But please, no more of Tae's ideas.
We both laughed and left the room. Outside, a black van was waiting ready to take us to our date.
-Where are we going?
-It's a surprise.
I looked at him worried.
-A good surprise, I promise.
I didn't let go of his hand during the entire trip, I wanted him to feel safe and comfortable around me. He inspired me with this kind of protective feeling for some reason. I watched him speak carefully, he was wearing tight black pants with converse and a white shirt. I was amazed by the light he had every time he laughed, I was hypnotized by his being and it was really scary.
-Are you okay?
-What? Did you say something?- I came back to earth when I realized he was talking.
-Yes, I said you look pretty.- He turned his head away embarrassed and tried not to smile.
-Thank you Jimin. You look stunning by the way.
-Stunning?- He asked confused.
Ups, maybe stunning was too much. DON'T freak him out already Mary.
-What does "stunning" mean?
I had to find a way to stop myself from feeling this tickles in my stomach every time he would talk.
-I don't know how to explain it really, but let's say that when I saw you, I couldn't take my eyes off of you.
His eyes shrunken and he started moving his hands up and down trying to calm down a wave of heat.
-I'm sorry, I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable. I'll try not to speak my mind that much.
He turned again to look at me but this time with a determined expression.
-Don't. I like that you tell me what you think. I would like to be the same...
-Well, try, tell me what are you thinking right now.
-I don't know.- He seemed to regret his bravery as soon as I challenged him to speak his mind.
-Come on, let's try it.
- Are you sure?
I nodded with confidence. He moved his body a little closer and I noticed he was even using cologne.
Please, someone, send help.
-Okay, the truth is...- He made a small pause to deeply stare at me. - I am worried.
-Why are you worried?- I spoke as a person who was in a complete trance.
-I'm worried I won't be able to wait until the end of the date to kiss you.
That's it, this is how I leave this world.
-Oh, boy.- Those two words were the only thing I could get out of my mouth.
His face was considerably closer and I was, still, inside a bubble of magic. I waited there for him to make a move that never came. Instead, he built a tension between us that was killing me alive. I forgot about every single healthy thought I had in my mind and I just focused on the fact that I wanted him at that moment.
-What do you think? Should I keep talking my mind?- His Korean sounded sexy and clear.
I remained in silence and when I thought I would feel his lips again, the driver's voice telling us we had arrived, brought me back to this dimension.
-Saved by the bell.- I murmured.
Jimin got out of the car and rapidly went to the other side to open my door. I got out with a proud smile while I watched him get something from the truck.
-Where are we?
We were in a very quiet place surrounded by trees and vegetation.
-What do you think if we have a picnic?- He displayed a big wooden basket full of food.
Soon enough I realized we were in Seoul's forest. Once we got a little inside, everything from the outside world just vanished, no cars, no horns, no people rushing, nothing but us.
We walked quietly until we reached the spot Jimin was looking for. There was a beautiful lake pretty far away from the main entrance, which made it private. The field was perfectly green and even though we were surrounded by trees, we still had a spot where the sun would appear painting the sky perfectly blue.
-Jimin, this place is perfect.
I was amazed by everything around me. It was almost like a fairytale, I was even sure I saw a deer at a distance. He prepared a cloth on the grass and both sat under the bigger tree.
-Did you prepare all this?
-Yes, I wanted you to experience a real Korean picnic.
He cooked a beautiful lunch box with typical Korean food, exactly like the ones I used to watch on the dramas, he also took out some sodas, napkins, and chopsticks.
-Oh.- I exclaimed once I saw them.
-Is everything okay?
- I could never use chopsticks, I'm a mess with them.
He giggled cutely and served two glasses with Coca Cola.
-I want to make a toast for Namjoon.- He raised his glass.
-Namjoon?- I asked a little confused.
-He was the only one that dared to go talk to you, and thanks to him, now you are sitting here with me.
I couldn't help but giggle. I still couldn't believe I was even having this toast at all, and less thinking that maybe there was a chance he liked me.
-For destiny.- This time I raised my glass.- One day I was taking a flight listening to "Pied piper" on my phone, and somehow I got here, sitting in front of you.
-For destiny.
We both tapped our glasses together and enjoyed what the universe had given us.
-Oh my god, Jimin this is delicious!-
The food he had prepared was spectacular and although I was having real problems trying to use the chopsticks, I was enjoying myself.
-You are not grabbing it well.
-How am I supposed to grab it? I'm trying.- I annoyingly asked.
-Put the hands like this.- He adjusted my fingers in the way they were supposed to be.- Now, try to grab the roll.
I made all my efforts to keep my hand in the right position, but I failed, making the roll fall to the grass. I looked up with a straight face, almost fed up by that annoying cutlery. Jimin burst into laughter in a way that his whole body fell.
-I don't know why you are laughing, this is hard, I got to eat only one egg, ONE!
-Okay, let me help you.- He said between laughs.
I was so upset as I was making a complete fool of myself, I left the sticks on my plate and crossed my arms while strongly pouting.
-Come on, don't make that face, what do you want to try?
I pointed the rolls with my head. He smiled and grabbed one of them with the perfect skill I lacked.
If he is thinking of feeding me, I'm out of here.
-Open.- His hand went directly to my closed mouth.
That's it, goodbye cruel world.
His smiley face made me giggle while slowly opening my lips and leaning forward to take the bite.
-It's good.- I spoke while still chewing.
-I'm glad you like it.- He grabbed one for himself.
I tried to keep practicing a couple more times but after the fifth time I dropped food on the floor, I decided it was better if I just grabbed it with my hand.

Across The Dream ~ Part One 《BTS fanfic》Where stories live. Discover now