9- Hold me tight, hug me, can you trust me?

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~ References:
*Italics = Korean speaking or phone calls
* Bold= Mary's thoughts
*Underline and italics = Song lyrics.

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I had to take a deep breath and find the strength to understand what he was saying

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I had to take a deep breath and find the strength to understand what he was saying.
-I want you to stay.- He was avoiding my eyes between words.
-Why are you saying this now?
-Because if we only have some days left, I want to enjoy every second I have with you, and if you decide to leave, I understand, but I wanted to know this before.- He had a hard time trying to say the whole sentence in English.
I suddenly had this feeling of insecurity inside of me, I wasn't understanding if this was some kind of confession or what were his intentions. A part of me wanted to hold him real tight and another part just wanted to run.
-Jimin, I don't know if I'm gonna leave yet.
-I know, it's just.- He let go of my hands frustrated.- I don't know how to do this.
-You need to be honest with me and tell me what this is really about.
He abruptly came towards me and grabbed me by my shoulders. I looked at his face determined, his hair was all over the place and he has this deep look in his eyes that left me speechless.
-I like you, I like you a lot, I can't even close my eyes without thinking about you.
I had to put myself together in order not to fall, my legs weakened and my heart was beating a hundred beats per second.
-I know that maybe you'll leave, and even if you stay, with our schedule and everything is gonna be a mess, but I want to BE with you.
My eyes filled with tears when I saw his sweet face confessing his feelings to me. I quickly remembered our date when he said he liked me and I wasn't brave enough to say it back, but for some reason, this time it felt different compared to that day.
-Why you are not saying anything? You don't feel the same, right?- His eyes went completely red and I was afraid he would cry if I didn't speak soon. I grabbed his chin and pulled it closer to my mouth while taking a deep breath.
-You have no idea how much I like you, but we have to be real about this.
He looked hopeful but confused.
-It's impossible to know what's gonna happen in the future, all we can do is to enjoy the fact that we actually like each other and that we are here right now, together.
He tried to pull his face away but I made him look at me again.
-Can you trust me?
He nodded yes and carefully caressed away a string of hair from my eye.
-Then, everything is going to be okay.
I gave him a tender smile and put my arms around his neck, he did the same on my waist forming a beautiful hug. Both of us squeezed each other as if the rest of the world didn't exist, I felt his smile on my shoulder, followed by many little kisses on my skin. I had this warm sensation running through my blood as I hugged him even harder. It was one of those hugs that spoke for itself, both understood that no matter what would happen in the future, this moment would stay with us forever.
-We should go back, now.- I whispered in his ear and we walked back to the rest, holding our hands.
Again, we found their eyes on us. I was expecting some kind of joke or some type of comment, but no one said anything. I was really afraid to look at Kook, although I knew I didn't do anything wrong, I felt guilty somehow. I wondered if Jimin had talked to him about me, or if they maybe had some kind of conversation about this. However, I soon realized it was probably everything inside my head. It had been days seen we first met, and yesterday was the first time I had some kind of connection with him, clearly, there was nothing to talk about.
-Should we stay to see the sunset?- I asked while sitting on the sand, the sea would come near my feet almost touching them, but I was far enough not to get wet. They followed my steps and sat next to me. I found myself between Tae and Jimin, I put my hands behind my back while feeling the soft sensation of sand between my fingers.
-This place is beautiful.- I was the only one talking and that made me really nervous.
-I need to take a picture of this.- Tae stood up and I realized he was holding a camera this whole time.-Kook move.- He made him move next to me.
-But you are not going to be in the picture.- I said.
-We'll take a selfie later, now, one, two. - He put down the camera and looked at Kook frustrated.- You are not close enough, closer!
Kook moved to a point of touching me and again I found myself between them. It was funny how something so simple as a picture could be metaphorically so correct.
-Now smile, One. Two. Three.
We smiled, or at least I wanted to believe I did although my heart was beating fast distracting me from every movement.
-Come on Tae, I want a picture with you too.- I took out my phone and prepared the camera.
He moved Kook out of the way and sat next to me again, I was very relieved by that.
-You take it, my selfies suck.- I handed him my phone and put my hands at the back. He was taking the picture when I felt something warm touching my fingers, my first thought was to believe it was a bug or something coming from the sand, but I looked down and saw Kook's hand playing with my index finger. My first instinct was, again, to freeze, I wasn't able to have a normal reaction when it came to these boys. I looked for his face but he was still posing as if this wasn't weird at all.
-Noona, you are not looking.- Tae called me and I instantly took my hand away facing the camera. I saw myself completely pale and freaking out.
-Are you okay?- Jimin asked me.
-Yes, I just touched something in the sand and got scared.- It wasn't the truth, but I wasn't completely lying either.
We tried the picture again, this time I left my hands as close as possible. In fact, I wanted to have them occupied just in case, my best solution was to put my arms around Tae's and Jimin's neck.
-Noona I can't take it if you are hugging me.- Tae put down the camera and I noticed his face was blushing.
-Oh, really?- I looked at him defiantly and threw my whole body to hug him.
-I want a hug too!- Jimin screamed and hugged my back.
-Group hug, you two come here.- I grabbed Kook's arm to make him join too. Namjoon followed him and V pressed the screen once we were all collapsing on top of him.
-Let me see!- I grabbed the cell phone. It was perfect, we were all laughing and Tae was closing his eyes embarrassed while trying to keep the phone straight. I kept watching it for a few seconds, still trying to believe that this was all real.
-That's it, this is gonna be my new wallpaper.- My voice broke a little bit.
-Are you crying again, Mary?- Namjoon joked.
-I'm sorry, I cry for everything!- I said with some tears on my eyes.
-Oh!- Tae pointed at Jimin- You are destined to be together, he cries for everything too.
-No, I don't!- Jimin exclaimed and I could see his eyes already turning watery.
I grabbed his arm and put my head in his shoulder while laughing, he was so cute it made me melt inside.
-Should we go? I'm hungry.- Kook suddenly talked while standing up.
-Yes, I'll tell my brother we are on our way.
I slowly tried to put my weight on my legs to stand up when I felt a horrible pain on my foot.
-Shit!- I shouted losing balance.
-Are you okay?- Jimin grabbed my hand and helped me stand straight.
-It's my ankle.
-Does it hurt?- Kook kneeled in front of me and carefully inspected my possible injury.- It's a little swallowed, you shouldn't walk like this.
-We can put some ice on it at home.
-Guys, I'm okay!- I tried to walk again but the minimal move would bother me.
-I can carry you to the car, come on! - Jimin kneeled in front of me so I could get on his back.
-Jimin, it's not necessary.
-Yes, it is, we know about twisted ankles and you need to rest.- He insisted.
I rolled my eyes and begin to put my legs around him when Kook stopped me.
-Jimin, you can't do this, your knee was hurting yesterday.
Knee? What? Is he injured?
-I'm okay, I can carry her.
-No, you can't, let me take her to the car.
-I should be the one carrying her.- Jimin looked sad and slowly stood up.
-Okay, what is happening? Jimin are you injured?
-It's nothing.
-No, Kook is right, the doctor said he shouldn't make strong movements.- Namjoon appeared from behind.
-That's it, I'm walking, I'm not hurting anybody else.- I started moving slowly my feet making an "Ouch" noise after every step.
-Noona, you're hurting, I can carry you!- Tae came rushing next to me. I noticed Namjoon put his hand on his chest stopping him from coming any further.
-Kook.- He mentioned his name as a father who orders his son what to do.
I watched him slowly kneel in front of me and I instantly knew there was no way I could get out of this.
-You are not hurt, right?
He shook his head "no" and gently grabbed the back of my knees as I rounded his neck with my arms. He used his strength to pull me a little higher to avoid my falling.
-Are you comfortable like that?- He turned his head a little bit and I felt my muscles tense.
-Yes, thank you.
I tried to find myself inside, between this feeling of being carrying away by him and that part that was worried about Jimin walking alone feeling sad. Again I was between the devil and the deep blue sea. I turned my head left to see that Jimin was trying to catch up Kook's fast steps.
-Can we wait for them?- I tried to sound as kind as possible.
He stopped in silence and the others soon reached us too. Jimin stood next to me and I could see in his eyes everything he was feeling as if they were a mirror to his heart.
-Don't worry Jimin, I'm okay.
-I know.- He sadly looked down.
-Come on, don't make that sad face.- I extended my hand to him.- Hold it.
I could cause a little smile on his mouth as he grabbed my hand.
-Now the three of us are going to walk to the car like this, and that's not weird at all.- I tried to convince myself and although I was deadly serious, the other two laughed at my tries to make this situation less uncomfortable.
At least now I'm the only one thinking this is COMPLETELY messed up.

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