Escape Trip Part 2

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Jason - 19
Damian - 13
Jason's POV

"Todd. Wake your ass up." I grunted as Damian sucker-punched me in the gut, climbing over me to gather his belongings. "You always could've said excuse me, but knowing you, I won't be expecting anything like that anytime soon." Damian tsked, walking off the plane. I quickly collected myself and rushed to catch up with him.

He had already grabbed his suitcase, and was impatiently waiting for me. "C'mon slow ass. We don't have all day." Once my suitcase finally came around the conveyer belt, we made our way to the car park to retrieve the car we rented. Of course, there was fighting to see who would get to drive, and after a simple but rough kick into the passenger seat, I came out triumphant. Damian crossed his arms and rolled his eyes, but didn't say another word for the journey to the hotel we had booked.
Nobody's POV

Once Jason finally pulled and parked at the hotel, the two batboys grabbed their luggage, and started to walk into the hotel. Damian, knowing how to speak Japanese, checked them in, while Jason wandered around the hotel lobby. Damian soon returned to Jason. "How did someone like you, Todd, book this hotel?"

Jason covered Damian's mouth. "That information will not be revealed, brat." He lifted his hand, making his way to the elevator. "I'm hungry," Damian announced. Jason pressed the number of their floor, not making eye contact with him. "I'm sure there is a ramen place somewhere around here. Let's just settle down first." When the elevator stopped on their floor, Damian walked out first, shoving past Jason. He walked up to a door, entered the card, and walked inside, almost slamming it closed in Jason's face.
Damian's POV

I ignored Jason's yells of protest due to slamming the door in his face, and threw my belongings onto one of the beds. I opened a window, looking outside at the surroundings. "Demom brat. You still hungry."

I said nothing.

"I'll take it as a yes then." He looked through his phone to try and find somewhere to eat. "Ramen sound good?" I nodded, still looking out the window. "Todd. How long until father finds out where we are?" He looked up and thought for a moment. "I'd give it thrre days."

I turned to him. "I say two." "Wanna bet?" I smirked. "Fifteen dollars." He nodded, looking back at his phone.

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