The beginning of my spiritual Growth

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Spiritual awakening- transcending old limiting habits, beliefs, mindsets, and ways of being.
- Lonerwolf

All my life, I longed for home. Acceptance was nowhere for me, or at least that's how I felt. Carving myself into toxic groups that I knew I didn't belong in. I was the divergent one in my family and everywhere else. Seeing others, and believing that there was something wrong with me ruined my self-esteem. Growing up with family issues, living in poverty played a significant role in my life. Only in July of 2019, did my life take an awakening turn. I didn't know that all these difficulties or what I call now "happy lessons" were only making me stronger. These traumas and mistakes that I withheld had to happen in order for me to be where I am now.

You see, I was the one who was accumulating everyone's emotions and issues. I was everyone's sponge that would love to help others. Yet, I became an overflowing pot of stew. Throughout mid-July 2019, it was the best awakening I could of possibly ever experienced. It was a shift in my body and mind that I couldn't comprehend yet. I realized that this life has no escape, and it only becomes more challenging. Ironically ignoring and not facing life only makes it worse. I knew that I couldn't change the past or change the future. But I can only accept and learn from this. I get to choose who I want to be today and every other day.

Thanks to my beloved mother who brought me more insight into astrology, it is because of her that I acknowledged my beliefs and questioned reality. The more I questioned, the more I learned and I am still learning. Now I am sharing my knowledge with you.

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