Draw You Like A French Girl

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"as you order, master andrés" I gently landed a kiss on his lips and walked back to my place, looking behind me he gave me a lusty stare.

"that's a good girl, now take a position" he shifted his attention to the canvas and picked up his brush.

I sat appropriately and stared at him pour his heart out, something about the way he focused on it warmed my heart.

Each time he looked up at me, he made my heart skip a beat.

"so...andrés, since when you've been an artist"

"Since I've been born, its something inside of you" he gave me a warm smile and continued painting and talking.

"But I suppose you mean since when I've expressed whats on the inside since I could hold a pen and write"

"indeed... I agree that its inside of you... if you have a love for anything artsy, you express it by simply admiring its beauty, not necessarily by painting. any chance you are interested in philosophy?" I asked.

"oh philosophy, yes I like to delve into various topics" he stopped and looked at me with a genuine smile.

"Everything alright?" I smiled confusingly.

"Everything is perfect, just like you are" he drank more of his wine and continued.

" so Andres, I've been wondering since... You've been in 5 marriages, what did you take away from those experiences?" I said, and seconds later I found myself regretting the question.

He calmly placed down the brush and his expressions were cold.

"you don't have to answer! It was a mistake of me to ask... I just got into the psychologist persona of me" I said with a sad tone afraid that I might have made him angry.

"what I take away...is that If you were my first, you would've been my first and only" he smirked and continued.

"oh how sweet, master" I chuckled softly and made sure to change the topic.

"tell me, liza... How's your family doing" his gaze still focused on the painting but he had a gentle smirk on.

My heart warmed up and I gasped slightly at his question, this actually showed that he cared about me.

"well... Thanks to the professor, he is supporting them financially, so the mafia isn't after them as much anymore, thank you for asking" I said as I felt my heart get heavier thinking about them.

He placed down the brush and lied back in his chair sipping more of his wine, then let out a chuckle.

"you ever wondered where he's getting the money from? " his fingers intertwined under his chin looking at me with a smirk.

He's actually right... I've never questioned that, not like the professor is rich or anything.

"well... Actually, yeah it sounds stupid of me to never ask, I just didn't want to be annoying and ask him" I cleared my throat shyly.

"well, it's alright. The money is from me, and please don't say a thing" he continued painting as if he said nothing.

I opened my mouth, but no words got out of my mouth. What words anyway...I had nothing to say, I was simply shocked. why did he do such thing?

"andrés... Thank you" I was about to get up and go to him when he signalled me to stay down.

"Stay still, doll. i told you not to say a thing, didn't I? Now get back in the same position, I'm about to finish cariño" he smiled genuinely at me reassuring me that its nothing.

I gave him a sweet innocent smile, one that was from the bottom of my heart. I felt the joy of little children, this man truly cared about me.

"miss psychologist, do you enjoy your job, or were you forced into it? " he stopped suddenly, inspecting the painting and a satisfied smile was on his lips.

"it's my passion, I love understanding how each individual brain works, all the different emotions different people go through" I found myself carried away and looking down at my fingers as I rolled them around.

I looked up and I found him inspecting me with such affection.

"Sorry, you probably think it sounds silly to do this as a job"

"not at all cariño, isn't it important to have people to go to at desperate times?"

he got up and headed to the wine table to pour himself some more wine then he approached me and felt my thighs gently leaning his face down to mine. His fingers brushed against my thighs softly sending electricity down my spine.

"my pretty little girl" his fingers ran through my hair and he grinned, his voice and breath warmed me up.

"I'm your little girl, daddy... " I pulled into his collar acting cutely, I wanted him to give me his love already.

"I want you... So much" I desperately said.

"oh, I'm daddy too now? Now don't be a spoiled little girl by clinging into me like this, you will get it when I allow it" he smirked, kissed my cheek gently and got back into his chair.

I let out a disappointed sigh, crossed my arms and stayed still.

"no-no, the arms," he demanded

"fine, daddy" I emphasised on the last word teasing him biting my finger.

"I can't wait to see how ugly you are making me," I said with a childlike tone.

"wait let me grab my imaginary dictionary to check what the word ugly means" he acted as if he had a dictionary on his hand and I giggled at him.

"hm, error I can't find such word, the only thing that describes you is perfection" he finished and went back to painting.

I blushed and smiled at him, my heart couldn't take it anymore.

"about to finish, pretty girl" he gave a couple of stares and moved the canvas slightly inspecting it from every angle.

"yay, cant wait to see it" I clapped happily.

"yes, when I allow it, but. Before you could see it... We have other things to do." he stood... hung the canvas on the stand and made it face the other side so I couldn't see it...

I made a protested huff as he approached me and he didn't like my protesting, he shock his head...

Seeing him approach me like this as he took off his belt walking towards me made me get insanely red... And wet in my lady parts... I knew I was up to some special treatment.

"now little girl... Daddy is going to take care of you" he stood in front of me giving me an evil grin as he slapped his belt on his hand...

My my... andrés is beginning to show some of his kinks... Liza is so into it. 🖤🌹 Thanks for reading, dont forget to vote., 🖤🌹

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