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I woke up , the sunlight literally banging on my eyelids to open them making me wince and mumble inaudible words under my breath.

Why is the sun so loud today? Oh wait. It's my phone alarm.

Trying to find my phone i hit the snooze button. I don't even remember why did i even set an alarm at the first place.

I woke up with a sore neck and back as if i had a WWE fight with Big show. I stretched my body and processing the situation around me. I forgot last night i slept on the couch after watching Teen Wolf.

More like drooling over Jackson. Shut up.

I smiled when i felt my soft blanket on me. Must be Jessica. I wonder how her date went.
I jumped slightly when alarm started to ring again from my phone. Groaning i grabbed my phone to hit the snooze. My eyes grew wide when i saw the label of my alarm. WORK!!!

Shit! Shit! Shit!

Quickly removing the blanket off me, i dashed out of the living room.


Yup, that's me. I tripped on a freaking popcorn bowl. Where the hell did that came from? Uh last night when your stomach started to growl like a dinosaur. That's how the DAMN bowl appeared.
Ignoring my subconscious i ran to Jessica's room.

She jumped out of her bed when i burst into her room almost breaking her door down. Looking up at me through one eyes and the other one squinting because of the sunlight, "WHAT?" she asked grumpily. Her hair looked like a bird's nest, and her makeup were all smudged. What the hell happened to her?

I smiled innocently at her and pointed to the clock which showed 7:45 am. She turned her head towards the clock and then back to me, unbothered. I folded my arms, waiting for her to realize.

Suddenly, her eyes grew wide and she started running around the room like a damn goose. "Shit! Shit! Shit!" Yup! That's my friend, just like me.

Ignoring her yells i ran into my room and grabbed my towel rushing into the bathroom. I would have won the World's Guinness Award for taking the fastest bath of all time.

Drying my wet body i pulled out my white hoodie and black leggings.  Like i said before i have a craze of sweater and hoodies. I pulled out my yellow converse and grabbed my denim jacket. I may be clumsy but hey i know how to dress alright! Quickly putting on my jacket i grabbed my phone and purse and headed to the kitchen. Since Jessica wasn't ready yet i decided to make a quick breakfast for us both and by quick i meant sandwich.

Finally Jessica walked out wearing something almost identical like mine. "Jheshh jor zandbij." I spoke while munching on my sandwich. Jessica looked at me weird but understood as soon as i pointed to the sandwich. She quickly grabbed it and headed to the door, i followed her and shut the door once we were out. 


Thank god we reached the cafe on time. Charles was quite impress with us- well more like with me since it was my first day. The cafe was still empty since it was only 8:15 and the cafe opens at 8:30. Jess handed me a new apron, tying my hair in a bun since it was one of the cafes rules. Jason and i started cleaning the cafe.

 Jason has been working here since he was 17 and he's 21 now . He's cute by the way *wink *wink, and there's Mia. Mia does the brewing the coffee stuff with Jess. Mia's a bitch. Yeah i know, too forward but it is what it is. She's been giving me death glares since i bumped into her by ACCIDENT. 

Ignoring her death glares i flipped the sign to OPEN. Since there weren't any customers yet i decided to ask Jess about her date. "Sooooo,what's up?" I approached her cautiously. She can bite sometimes. She turned towards with a sly smirk plastered on her face. "Cut the formalities, i know why you're here."

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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