Bad Feeling

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Phoebe's POV

'Ding'. The door to the cafe chimed above me indicating that there was a customer. I was instantly hit by a wave of freshly brewed coffee smell which calmed my wrecking nerves. What? I was nervous and coffee always calmed me down. I followed behind Jessica like a lost puppy not knowing what to do and where to go. The cafe was filled with generous amount of people doing their usual routine. I was so engrossed with the situation that i didn't realise that Jessica had stopped walking and me being the clumsy self i am actually bumped into her back. Jessica turned around and glared at me as if i was her enemy or something.

"Gezz no need to get so feisty." I muttered under my breath which caused her to shake her head . I spotted a slightly aged man heading towards us and was smiling widely at me......wait no..... at Jessica. Why the hell is he so happy? I started to grow even more confuse when i saw Jessica grinning at him back with so i thinking what you're thinking? Are they both a .... THING? OH.MY.GOD. Well.... i knew Jessica had a bad taste in choosing a guy but... hell... this is too much. I don't mind her dating him but what happens when they have babies?  Are they going to call him dad or.... grandpa?

I snickered at my imagination. Jessica's head snapped toward me with confusion written all over probably guessing what i found so funny. Oh i don't think you would wanna know. She pulled me by my arm and dragged me closer to the guy she was grinning at.

"Phoebe meet my uncle, Charles Stone. He owns this cafe" ,Charles held his hand out for a shake while Jessica introduced him to me. My eyes went wide. Wait... did she just called him .... uncle? Ohhh that's why Jessica was smiling at him cause he was her UNCLE?!?!?! And my dumb ass was imagining them having kids together. Ewww, Phoebe! That's gross, you're the worst friend.

Jessica must have noticed my disgusted face and shook me a little. "Oh sorry. Hi! It's nice meeting you . I'm Phoebe White, Jessica's friend. You can call me Bee." I rambled nervously. Charles chuckled at my nervousness. What can i say i'm not only gifted with the gift of being clumsy. It's like a buy one get one offer. "No problem darling." He seems friendly.

"So, how's Big Apple so far?" ,Charles asked while walking to a table pulling out a chair. "It's nice. I haven't had the opportunity to tour around yet since i just moved in yesterday." I said while following him and Jessica to the table. I took a seat next to Jessica and Charles was sitting opposite of her. "Good! If you ever need a tour i'm more than happy to help you" , Charles winked at me playfully. I giggled at him.

"Actually, we do need a favor from you." Jessica interrupted. Charles nodded towards Jessica indicating her to go on. "Phoebe needs a job and we were thinkin-" "Excellent!! she could work here since we need more helpers.' Charles yelled excitedly while clapping his hand. 

"Is he gay?"I whispered to Jessica while Charles was still clapping in excitement and grinning like a crazy goose. I don't really know why did i just asked that question. Jessica's head snapped towards me. She was lucky her head didn't snap off. "Yeah" , she whispered back at me while giggling . I shrugged and looked at Charles who has now calmed down a little but was still smiling. I like this guy.

"Soooooo, when can i start?" I asked. "Ummm" , Charles thought for a while, while sipping his coffee which i didn't realise he was holding all this while. "The cafe would be close tomorrow. How about if you start next week?" "Perfect! since i have work too on the same day, i could help to teach you the work here"Jessica said. She's right i might need her with me cause i know my clumsy ass will get fired in an hour if Jessica is not there with me.

I glanced at my wrist and realised that i have to be at my college's administration office by eleven, and it's already ten. "Anyways, we need to get going since i have some errands to run." I glanced towards Jessica reminding her about it. "Alright darlings , don't forget you start work on Monday at eight." Jessica and I said our goodbye's and quickly headed out.


"I got my schedule , my notes and everything i need. Now, I could finally relax and watch some netflix and enjoy Ben's and Jerry's." I sighed happily and clapped my hands together ready to do whatever i have planned out. I got into Jessica's car and shut my door. "You got to be kidding me right?" Jessica got in the driver's side and looked at me as if I had killed her cat, Susan which probably doesn't exists.I smiled sweetly at her . "No, why? You wanna join? I don't mind though but we're watching Lucifer."

Yup, i have a huge crush on Tom Ellis. Like come on! Why wouldn't i be? Look at Tom Ellis. He's hot as hell. You have no idea how many times have i drooled while watching Lucifer. There was a time where i had to keep a box of tissue with me.

"Please don't tell me you're serious!" Jessica exclaimed dramatically. I rolled my eyes, "Do you have any better idea?" I asked since she's making a fuss about it. Jessica smirked at me showing me her 'oh you have no idea' .This is bad. Real. Bad. Before i could say anything she uttered the word that i hate the most.

" Let's party!" And there it is. "Nooooooooo. No parting and i didn't even brought any dress along." I whined like a spoiled brat. "Oh come on, you were the one who wanted to 'explore' the city. What better way than partying. And also we've meet after so long. Let's just celebrate.You could just wear anything of mine. Pleaseeeeee." Jessica pleaded with her puppy dog eyes.

Don't do it ,don't do it, "Ok fine!" Andddd you did it. Idiot.

"Yes! I knew you would fall for it." She giggled happily turning her head towards the road. "Yeah, whatever." I muttered under my breath. "I'm still into the netflix and chill idea though." I glanced at Jessica hoping she would change her mind. "Not happening." She sang while smiling like an idiot.

I huffed and grumbled some indecent word. Well i guess it's not gonna be that bad. It's only one night. What worse could happen?

I tried to convince myself but deep down i had a feeling that something huge is gonna hit me like a roller coaster. Ok maybe i'm overreacting but it still doesn't seem right. Let's just see what happens.

Hey guys. I hope this chapter is not too boring but if it is i promise that the next chapter is gonna be fun. Btw above is a picture of Phoebe and what she wore to day. Don't forget to vote and follow. Thank you ma peaches 💋💋. Next chapter is Alexander's POV. Just for the heads up i'll be updating every weekends only.

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