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Y/n's POV

I fidgeted with my fingers as me and Payton waited to be lectured by the principle. We both looked at each other knowing damn well that we were in trouble for playing hokey yesterday.

"How much trouble do you think were in right now?" Payton whispered to me. She was sitting with her legs crossed and her with her hands politely resting on her lap.

"No clue." I shrugged truthfully. Compared to how she was seating, the way I sat was very unladylike, but who cares?

I was positive she was seating like that cause she was nervous, any time her gets into trouble she sets up straight like she has a gun to her back and is afraid to move. It's like all her
Nerves take over her body.

"Relax will ya? You're kinda freaking me out." I told her and she took a deep breath and relax finally.

The principal came out of her office. Both of our heads jolted over to the principal instantly.

"Alright you to, come along." She ordered.

Payton shot up and I just calmly stood up staying nonchalant.

The principal didn't waste anytime. "No point making small talk, yesterday you two left school grounds." She barked before we sat down in her office.

I looked over at Payton to see if she wanted to say anything, but she wasn't exactly itching to say anything so I spoke up. "Yeah, we did." I cleared my throat.

"Why on God's green earth are you pull this crap this close to the end of the year?" She scolded us. We must have really pissed her off for her to swear. It took me by surprise. Payton flinched a little.

I let a sigh out and shrugged. "Family emergency." I answered.

"And how dose that involve miss Keys." She looked over to her. Payton was pale. Poor thing she never got into trouble so she never learned how to deal with it.

"Well y-you See, I d-drove her to...to." She had no clue what to say so I helped her out.

"She took me to where a needed to go."

"And that would be where?" The principal questioned.

I couldn't tell her we went to a bar. Even if we went there for a good reason that get us in more trouble.

"Family members house." I kept it simple. "Like I said, family emergency."

"So if I called this family member,they will tell me you were with them?"

"Uh well, grandma stroked out in her sleep so there's no one occupying the household anymore. We went there to help my uncle pack up the place, my mother wasn't too keen on helping."  Payton squirmed in her chair when I  said that, trying to hold back a laugh.

"Oh my." The principal said in a low and bored voice. "Frankly miss y/l/n I don't believe you, so I'm taking off 15 point on all final tests for the both of you. You're lucky I will not be contacting parents, you should be mature enough to deal with things on your own. Now get out of my face." She grabbed some papers on her desk and straighten them out to show she no longer interested in us.

Payton and I got out of there a soon as humanly possible. We sped walked out of the office and into the hall way and then slowed our Pace.

Payton huffed. "I was nervous wreck!"

"Yeah, you don't get in trouble much, do ya?"

"Never. And when I do there's hell to pay." She took her hair out of her ponytail.

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