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um... this sucks but I hope you like it! I just started summer vacation and I'm doing a lot of stuff so I might not post as often and I'm gonna to try to write as much as possible.

I opened the door to my house. I closed the door as quiet as possible, my mom should still be asleep and she won't be happy if she knows I'm out of school. She's been out still late at night and sleeping all day. This new guy in her life really gotta hold on her, when she's not with him his all she talked about.

I heard a quiet noise coming from the bathroom. It sounded like my mom was throwing up. She always shit faced drunk when she comes home at night. I guess her hangover woke her up.

"Mom? You okay?" I asked, slowly making my way to the bathroom. I didn't get a response just the sound of throwing up.

The door was open a crack and I could see her head in the toilet.

"Geez mom slow down, you going to puke your guts out." I lightly chuckled as I got down on my floor to hold her hair back.

She wiped her mouth "The hell are you doing home?" She hissed. She always angry when shes hungover.

"Uh, they let us out early today. Not much to do when your done all you need to learn." I Lied.

"You better be home this weekend. All you should be doing is studying, if you want to be anything in your future." She lend back against the wall. "Go make me some tea, will you."

I got up and went to the kitchen and started to boil some water. She could be a real bitch when she's drunk but it's better just to listen to her then to start a fight. I know I could still go out,even if she said I should be studying. It's been weird, mom went from never leaving the house to never being home. And I end up staying home so I can take care of mom when she comes back.

The phone rang and my mom rushed out of  the bathroom to answer it.

"Hello?" She said sweetly.

It was her boyfriend. It's been two week since she met him and all I didn't even know his name. You'd think that if mom has been running around with him all the time I'd met him by now.

"Okay, I'll see you later." Mom hung up the phone and walked into the kitchen. I handed her the cup of tea I made for her.

"So you're going out again?" I asked leaning on the kitchen counter.

"Better then moping around." She seem to be in a better mood now she talked to her boyfriend.

"What do you even do when you out, just drink?"

"Well drinking with people is better then drinking alone."

I sighed. "Well when do you think your going to be home?"

"I don't know so don't wait up for me." She started to get irritated.

"Where are you going every night?" The questions just kept flowing out of me.

"Would you stop with the questions!" She snapped.

"Sorry mom but you just worry me when your out every night! I never know when you going to be home or if your safe or who your with. Im just tired of sitting and worrying about you."

"How the hell do you feel and your out of the damm time!"

"That's different! You know where I am and who I'm with, and I'm not with bad people, I'm always with Nicholas and I don't normally leave his house when I'm with him. When you're out you're getting drunk and wasting money on alcohol. I don't even know how you get home at night! I never seen your boyfriend drop you off at home." All the thoughts I had in my head slipped out.

Mom went silent. I shook my head in disbelief and storm to my room.

Time skip

"Y/n?" Mom called out. I was in my room reading. I had nothing else to do.

"Mhmm." I hummed loudly so she can hear.

She open the room to my door."I'm leaving, I expect you to be home this weekend." She said Stern then walked away.

I sat and waited to hear my mom leaving. Once I knew she was gone I went over to the phone to call Nicholas.

The phone rang for a moment.

"Hello?" It was Maddie.

"Hey squirt, is your brother home?"

"Nope his on a date tonight." She said.

"Seriously, I wonder why he didn't tell me."

"Well you haven't really been around much."

"Yeah I guess I've been pretty tied up." I pushed my hair back.

"Come over tomorrow." She offered. "I miss you and I know Nicky dose to." She sounded so sweet.

"You bet I will." I couldn't help but smile at what she said.

"Talk to you later." Maddie cheered cutely.

"See you later squirt."

"I'm not a squirt." She whined then hung up the phone.

I guess I have nothing to do. Payton it's on her date with Matthew and Nick is on a date with someone also. I tried to think of something to do but I don't have anyone to do things with and I don't like to lone it. So I got into same pyjamas and made my way to the couch.

I couldn't find anything good to watch so settled for a random movie. Half why through the movie I was getting pretty tired and started to doze off. I abruptly got woken up by the sound of the telephone ringing. I sleepily got up and walked over to the phone.

"Hello?" I said in a groggy voice.

"Y/n, Matthew stood me up and I'm really lonely and I feel like I completely loser for even tinkling a guy like him Could like me and-" I cut her off.

"Payton where are you?" I said calmly

"The dingo." She sounded sad.

"I'll be right there." I reassured her.

"Thank you."

I hung up the phone. Matthew is one douche bag. I thought he might be different with her, he didn't treat her like some broad he met in a bar like he dose with every girl he's ever met. He Even treated me like that when I first met him.

I made my way over to the Dingo. I opened the door and looked around for Payton. I spotted her sitting in a booth alone looking bored. I slid into the booth across from her.

"I'm sorry Payton I should've known this would happen, Matthew is a huge dick." I said.

"Don't be sorry, it was my Choice to give him my number." She reassured me. "Plus you gave me a warning that his the type to do this."

"I'll punch him in the gut for you." I said to lighten up the mood.

She chuckled "Thanks for coming."

"Why wouldn't I come! I was sitting at home watching some random movie all alone." I leaned back in the booth.

"Hey, I just remembered there a new Beach movies out that's playing at the drive in, want to go? We could still make it in time."

"Why not, beats sitting here." We both got up and left.

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