Malik the Unhinged

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What's up? Oki here!

We will be meeting Malik in this chapter, so get ready, audience!

Malik: You said that you would put me in the previous chapter! What's up with that?! You promised!!

Oki: Nope, I said you'd come in soon.


Marik: Okiruki doesn't own Yu-Gi-Oh!, or any of its charcters. Enjoy!

Marik's POV

No... Not again..! My thoughts swirled through my head, as Malik tried to take over me again. I didn't want to be controlled. I didn't want to hurt anyone.

(Timeskip) Behind the school

I panted heavily as I slammed myself against the wall. I managed to hold out until now. I put my hands over my face as I slid down the wall, sweating from anxiety.

For all I knew, (y/n) was probably looking for me right now.

She must be worried about me...

Really? She has nothing to worry about... Until I take control, that is...

MALIK!! SHUT UP ALREADY!! I screamed in my head.

I won't... and that girl and your friends will be gone soon... hehe.

Stop it! JUST SHUT UP!!!

"Marik! Where are you?" (y/n) called.

No... not now..!

After a few moments, (y/n) found me.

"Oh, Marik! Um, I'd like to show you my bo-" She stopped and looked at me. She instantly ran over to me, and started to try and comfort me. She grabbed my arm, and tried consoling me. "Marik! Are-are you okay? What's wrong? Please, tell me!"

I panted a little more. "It's Malik..." I choked out.

"Who is he? Did he hurt you?"

"N-no... he's the spirit of the Millenium Rod... He used to... control me... until Yugi and Yami helped me... by stopping him... But now.... he's back, and wants his revenge. He... he wants to kill everyone who's ever opposed him... and me... I don't... I don't think I can hold him back any.... longer..!"

"No! Marik, I won't let him! I know I can help you! You're the first one who ever talked to me, or called me beautiful. No one has ever called me that before! Not with my ears and tail. What I'm saying, is that I know that you are a true friend, who's loyal no matter what! So please... let me help you fight those demons..."

I looked at her in bewilderment. I didn't think that she would offer to help me. I actually expected her to run away, as fast as her legs would carry her.


"No! Please, let me help."


(y/n) smiled. "Okay, now, what's Malik like?" She asked.

I thought for a moment. "He's insane. Unhinged. Pure evil. He's cruel, uncaring, and heartless. He wouldn't spare anyone, not even if his life depended on it. He's evil..." I explained. "He'd take your life in a second if he wanted to."

"I think I can help. If you release him, I should be able to scare him enough. What are his worst fears? Rapid fire, now! And no detail is too small!"

I took a big breath. "Unicorns, cute stuff, kittens, Yugi, Yami, Ishizu, a.k.a. my sister, toasters for some reason, giant foxes, and being unable to kill someone."

"Okay... Well, due to all the experiments done on me, I can transform into a giant fox at will... I have at least ten unicorn and twelve kitten drawings... I can go find Yugi, Yami, and Ishizu, and I have a mini toaster in my bag, you know, for toast. I also have a couple cute things in my bag too. Besides, it's really not easy to get rid of me. A stab in the chest would mortally wound an average person, but with me, it's not really too bad. I wouldn't die from that, on account of all I've been through..."

"Well, I can allow you to venture into my mind. Perhaps that might ease your mind."

(y/n) nodded as I transported her into my mind.

(y/n)'s POV

I was transported into Marik's mind, and I was instantly surrounded by shadows and darkness. I kept my guard up, not knowing when this Malik person would appear.

Suddenly, a figure crept up behind me, and when I turned around, I saw him. Malik. He was like Marik, but his hair stood up straight in spikes, a bit like Yugi and Ryou's Millenium Spirits, Bakura and Yami. Although, in Malik's eyes were pure evil.

"Well, I see my other half has found an odd-looking girl." He smirked, slurring a few words together.

I shot a death glare at him, a growl rising from my throat. "Whatever you want to do to Marik, stop it NOW. Mess with me, and I can handle it, but mess with my friends, and you're going to pay!" I snarled, trying to hide my overwhelming fear.

"Don't try to hide it," He spat. "You're afraid of me. Just admit it. Besides, hurring you will be more of a pleasure, since he loves you so much."

"Wha-what?" I breathed.

"It's true, he's crazy about you. He's trying to sort out his feelings, but he just gets a little too flustered to succeed. Well? Prepared to die yet?"

"No. NEVER!!" I screamed, transforming into my fox form.

I growled at him, as he backed away.

"What are you?!" He yelled.

I didn't answer- I just glared at him.

"F-fine! I'LL LEAVE MARIK ALONE! Just GET OUT of that form already!!"

I transformed back, scoffing at Malik.

I popped out of his mind, and I was face-to-face with Marik... who... loved me...

He was blushing a lot, and couldn't look me in the eye.

"Uh... Marik?" I asked. "Is it because of what Malik said? That... that you love me?"

He seemed to snap out of it. "Well... yes. I wanted to tell you, but I was afraid of what you might think, (y/n). I didn't want to make it weird, alright? I didn't tell you about Malik or my feelings because I was afraid of what you might think. I didn't want you to be afraid or confused anymore. I didn't want you... to be alone anymore."

I could feel my heart break as he said those words. He really did care about me...

"Marik, I understand. I don't mind having to deal with that spirit. But it's okay. I... I don't know if I feel the same way about you just yet, but if we give it a little time, maybe I might fall in love with you. Who knows? It might happen."

"Really?" He asked.

"Yes. And if I do, I promise to love you past those flaws, alright Marik?"

"(y/n)... Thank you..." He replied, tears falling from his eyes.

I stood, helped him up, and spread my arms for a hug. At first he hesitated, but after a few moments, he melted into my embrace, holding me tightly. I was happy, knowing that he loved me. It was a cozy feeling, him holding me in his arms.

"So, Marik?" I said.

"Yes?" He replied, releasing me from the hug.

"So how would you and your friends like to have a sleepover at my place? I wouldn't mind! I guess I'm not as shy around you guys anymore, so I think I can handle it."

"A sleepover? Sure! I'd like to hang out with you, so sure!"

I grinned, and went over to my place, tidied up, and prepared for my guests.

Oki: How was the chapter?

Malik & Marik: Awesome!

Oki: Great! Hey, for everyone who's reading this, feel free to leave a few comments! I would love to hear from you guys! And yes, I told you that I would be updating regularly. Don't worry, I'm a dedicated little lady! 😀😄😆

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