We Love You, (y/n)...

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Hi! It's me, Oki. So, I wrote this while on hiatus, so I had enough time to make it good. Second, my parents have not caught me... yet.

Marik: Okiruki does not own Yu-Gi-Oh! Or any of its characters, but she does own the plot, so don't steal it, or so help me, I'll let Malik go after you.

Malik: Yes, I will do it. And I will make it look like an accident.

(y/n)'s POV

"Hello, I am Malik Ishtar."

Those words echoed within my head dozens of times. I was so shocked. How was Malik here?! At SCHOOL?! I regained my composure, and looked up.

Everyone was whispering, some stared, and others simply ignored him.

"I am Marik's brother, if you couldn't tell. I hope we can get along." He smirked.

I let my face drop onto my hands, which were laying on my desk. How was he here? And what would he do if he was insulted or made fun of?

Mr. Brooks grinned. "Well, there's an extra seat by (y/n), so go and put your stuff down, okay buddy?"

Malik nodded, and walked over to me and Marik. He was oddly in a very good mood, compared to what he was usually like. I honestly couldn't believe it when he was smiling so cheerfully as he sat down to my left.

"Hello, (y/n), I see you're wondering how I got here." He observed.

I nodded, while Marik was still gaping at him with an open mouth.

"Well, Ishizu decided that I deserved to at least get a chance, so she allowed me to go. She filled out the forms a few hours ago. Also, Marik, you may want to close your mouth. You wouldn't want abug to fly in, would you?"

Marik listened and closed his mouth. "I'm still a bit shocked..." He croaked.

Soon, class had started, and little did I know that my life would be more than a little crazy that day.

Timeskip: Lunch Recess

I walked around a little, and found Malik. I asked him to come with me for a bit, and surprisingly, he agreed. I brought him over to Yugi amd the rest of the gang. I could sense his anxiety and nervousness as he looked at them.

"Malik!" Yugi gasped, hiding behind Yami.

"What do you want now?!" Yami growled in his usual commanding tone.

Malik looked away, with a wave of sadness, regret, and guilt washing over him.

I looked at them, and decided to talk. "Guys, it's alright. I brought him here because he wants to change." I explained. "He needed to get a bit of experience with friends, since all this is kinda new to him."

"It's true." Marik said, walking next to me and Malik. "He really does want to. That's why I allowed ourselves to split apart. Of course, there are restrictions, so you don't have to worry too much."

They eyed me and Marik suspiciously, until Joey decided to speak up.

"Listen, you three. I'm not all that smart, or brainy, but I do know that each of you have probably gone through the hardest things in your lives, but since you both say that he wants to change, I believe him."

One by one, they all began to agree with Joey, slowly, but surely. Yami was the last to agree, but he decided to believe in his friends.

"Just don't cause any funny buisness..." He sighed, giving in.

After that, Malik asked if he could talk with me alone, and I agreed. Sadly, I wasn't prepared for what he did after we had spoken.

"Thank you for standing up for me, (y/n)." He whispered. "I might not have been so lucky, had you and Marik not been there."

I smiled. "No worries! That's what friends are for!"

I studied Malik's face. He seemed much less harsh, and a bit more like a normal person, though I could tell that if anyone hurt him or his friends, I knew that he would unleash all of his wrath at the one who did it- I could see it in his eyes. He seemed, happier and more youthful.

Then, he pulled me in, and kissed my cheek softly.

When I looked at him, with my face as red as a tomato, I saw him blushing, just a bit.

His face came to a bit of realization, and he looked away, blushing while shutting his eyes and apologizing.

"I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry! I don't know what made me do that! Oh, Marik is going to murder me..!"

"H-hey, it's alright. I forgive you." I said.

He seemed to relax a bit as he listened to my words.

"Thanks... I-I better go now... See you, (y/n)!"

I waved goodbye to him, and went to class. Soon, we were finally able to escape that torture device known as 'school' and go home.

Still, I couldn't help but wonder if Malik got caught.

Timeskip, Marik's POV

I wondered what Malik had said to (y/n) behind the school. I didn't follow them, since Malik probably wanted a bit of privacy.

Tonight, I went up to him, and asked him directly. "Malik, what were you and (y/n) talking about behind the school?" I asked curiously.

He blushed a bit. I knew he did something to (y/n).

"Malik? What did you do?" I asked again.

He seemed almost afraid to answer. "I... um... I...*mumble*."

"Speak up. Whatever you did, I'm sure it wasn't that bad."

"I-I... I... I kissed (y/n)... on the cheek..." He mumbled, afraid of what I might do.

I was mildly shocked, but I wasn't angry. Our emotions were still slightly connectedm so they were often similar when it came to people. I sat down next to him, and patted his back.

"It's alright, Malik." I sighed.

His face brightened. "Really?" He asked.

"Yes, really. Don't worry about it, okay, Malik? Now then, mind explaining how you felt? I think I'd understand."

I listened attentively as he explained. "I was simply trying to thank her for standing up for me... Then, as she was smiling in that way that even makes me want to smile, I... I just couldn't stop myself. You know, I think... I think I might be falling in love..." He murmured.

"She... she's just so kind, repaying my harsh words with kindness, and the way she smiles, it's surprisingly contagious. (y/n)... I think she's... I think she's a great person... I don't know about my feelings just yet, but I do know that she's an amazing person, I guarantee you that."

I smiled. "I know. Genuinely kind girls such as herself are a true rarity. They get rarer day by day. I admire her a lot, and I really love her. She's so pretty in my eyes, and she is so much more human, so much more alive than anyone in our school. I truly love her from the bottom of my heart. Still, she has the right to choose who she wants to be with, so I don't mind if she chooses you."

"Really?" He replied, a hint of bashfulness showing. "Well, in that case, I guess I wouldn't mind if she chose you either! You do deserve her, anyways... you're so much kinder than me, and I... I nearly ended up conquering this world, and destroying you."

I nudged his shoulder. "It'll all work out. I promise. Besides, we know we love her. That's all that really matters."

So how was the chapter? I know this was on hiatus, but I did say that I would write when I could! This one was in the middle of the night. Mwee hee hee!

Marik: This is very sweet!

Malik: I agree. I like this side of myself.

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