The Sleepover- The Dare of DOOM

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WASSUP?! It's your girl Oki, here! And yes, it is 10:44 pm.

So, this is the sleepover where you invite old friends and new. I have original characters here, so I own them, but not Yu-Gi-Oh!, but the plot? Yes.

Anyways, this is the cute part. Also, I'd like to give special thanks to my very first follower- ReminRamen! Lets give her a round of applause!

Thanks for following me!

Anyways, I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh!, or any of its characters but I do own my OC's, and my plot, so don't steal!
Please Enjoy!

(y/n)'s POV

I cooked and cleaned, and got everything ready for my guests. New friends, and old.

My guest list was as follows: Marik, Yugi, Yami, Joey, Seto, Mokuba, Bakura, Ryou, Tristan, Serenity, Daisy, and Miki.

Daisy and Miki were my childhood friends that I was reaquainted with when I rejoined society.

My cookies were done, so I set them out to cool.

I sighed happily as I finished.

When 6:30 came by, I waited anxiously for my guests. Suddenly, the doorbell rang, and I was face-to-face with Miki and Daisy!

"Miki! Daisy! It's great to see you two!" I squealed as I gave them a huge hug.

"Same here! We wouldn't dare miss out on a chance to be with our best friend!" Miki grinned.

"I agree. It's fun spending time with friends." Daisy smiled.

Then, Marik, Yugi, Yami, Ryou, and Bakura walked up.

"Oh, hey guys! Daisy, Miki, these guys are Marik, Yugi, Yami, Ryou, and Bakura. Guys, these two are my old friends, Daisy and Miki! I hope we can all be friends."

"Of course! Any friend of (y/n)'s is a friend of ours!" Marik nodded. "Right guys?"

He turned to the others as they nodded.

"Hey..." I wondered. "Where's Joey, Seto, Serenity, Tristan, and Mokuba? Aren't they coming?"

"Yup. Seto, however, needed to clear his afternoon. He be here soon." Yugi told me.

As if on cue, a limo went up in front of my house. Joey, his sister, Tristan, Seto, and Mokuba stepped out.

"Thanks, Sebastian." Seto said, tipping his driver.

"Oh, hey guys!" I yelled. "Over here! I have a few old friends I want you to meet!"

As my old and new friends introduced themselves, I went inside, with Marik following me in. He took off his shoes, and put on some socks, walking in.

"This is your place? It looks wonderful!" He breathed.

"Thanks. I went on a cleaning fever earlier, making everything spotless. I also made snacks, and organized activities."

"Cool!" Marik grinned. "I have a feeling that this is going to be fun!"

The others soon walked in, with Joey asking,"What's on the activity list?"

"First up- an icebreaker. Let's play Hot Potato. You pass around an object, and when the person in the middle says 'HOT', you are out. Last one out gets first choice at snacks!"

We all played Hot Potato, and Mokuba ended up in the center. After awhile, and after a lot of laughter at Joey and Tristan's antics, Ryou ended up winning.

"I did it!" He cheered, as we applauded.

As promised, he had first pick at the snacks, in which he chose three cookies, a hot cup of tea, and some tea cakes.

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