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Breezeblocks 1 hour|alt-j
"Please don't go, please don't go,I love you so,I love you so"

Breezeblocks 1 hour|alt-j"Please don't go, please don't go,I love you so,I love you so"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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"𝑵𝒐 𝑫𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝑳𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝑴𝒆"

I went to Mr. Clarks room and sat in my usual seat "why are you staring at will?" I said " Lucas told me about '𝙕𝙤𝙢𝙗𝙞𝙚 𝙗𝙤𝙮' did they really have a funeral for him" "yeah, we found another kid dead and though it was him" our conversation was stopped by Dustin rushing through the door as he was late for class, he turned around to me and max "AV club, lunch" both me and max nodded, he turned around and repeated "AV club" max gave him a thumbs up.
~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~

Me and max got inside the av room and got with the boys as Dustin opened his trap thingy from Halloween and inside was a creepy slimy creature dusting picks the creature up and says "his name is d'artagnan, cute right" " he is more creepy than cute to me" I say " I agree with Emma" says will I give him a smile and he blushes, Mike looks at me annoyed then at dustin "d'artagnan right?" Mike says "dart for short" dustin responded "and he was in your trash" max says "forging for food, you wanna hold him" " no no no" max says walking back "oh God he's slimy" she says passing it down to Lucas "he's like a living booger" he tries to pass it down to me but I back away and say " if you put that in my hands I'll kill you and your family" I stare him down " calm down" he says giving it to will "ugh, oh God" he passes it down to Mike who stares at it with interest in his eyes "what is he" Mike asks  "my question exactly" dustin says as he grabs some books from his backpack and puts them down on the table "at first I thought it was some time of pollywog" he explains "pollywog?" Max asks "it's another word for tadpole" I say "she didn't ask you" Mike says "and I didn't ask for your opinion but here we are " I say clearly mad at him, he was about to say something before dustin stopped him by saying "so as I was going to say , most tadpoles are aquatic, but dart doesn't need water" "well, aren't there non-aquatic pollywogs" lucas says "terrestrial pollywogs, yup two to be exact,Indirana semipalmata and the adenomera Andrea" he says flipping through the books paged to find the info about the two species "one's from India, one's from South America" he continues to say ' ugh it's like being in science class' I thought as I dozed off while looking at my tattoo, dustin waves his hand in my face "Earth to Emma" he says I hide my tattoo with my with the wrist warmer I wore so no one would judge me because of my tattoo, I look up to dustin and I say " yeah , I heard you he is not a pollywog" I say, I was immediately stopped by mike at the end of  my sentence "do you guys see that, it looks like something is moving inside of him" I roll my eyes 'didn't they teach him proper manners you are supposed to wait for the person to finish talking before you start speaking' I thought " he moved the head of the desk lamp to the creature, which made it screech in pain I jump up and grab the arm of the person near me which was mike, loosed the grip from his arm and whisper a " I'm sorry" and he just looks at me as if he was about to yell at me but he calmed down before he did, Dustin picks it up and comforts it then turns back to us and says " there's another thing reptiles they're cold-blooded, ectothermic, right, they love heat. The sun. Dart hates it. It hurts him"  "so if he is not a pollywog or a reptile..." Lucas says " then I have discovered a new species" dustin says while petting him.
~~~~~~~~~~ mini time skip~~~~~~
"We gotta show him to Mr. Clark" Lucas says while walking out of the av club " what if he steals my discovery"  "he is not gonna steal your discovery" Mike says  "you know I am thinking about calling him dustinious pollywogus, what do you think?" "I think  your an idiot" max replies, I walk back to will "are you ok,you seem a little bit off today"  "yeah, I am fine"
~~~~another time skip sorry~~~~~
Me, Lucas, max and Dustin walk to Mr.clarck "I still have a bad feeling about this" I say " you are just being paranoid" Lucas tells me as he opens the door to mr.clarck's  room "all right, first let's just clarify that this is my discovery not yours", "Dustin jesus, just show him!" Lucas practically yells " I'm just trying to clarify..." "DUSTIN" me and max say at the same time "okay,fine" as  dustin is about to open the trap Mike bursts inside classroom yelling "STOP" he grabs the trap while saying " sorry, Mr. Clark it was just a stupid prank", "what are you doing" I ask mike, "we need to go, right now!, RIGHT NOW!" mike says , "mike!" Dustin yells while following him.
Me and max stayed out the door while Lucas,Dustin and Mike went inside the av club, me and max started banging on the door " can we come in yet" I yelled "NO!" i heard a faint yell which probably came from Mike, I put the side of my face on the door trying to hear whatever they were saying and all I heard was "what if when will was stuck in the upside down" everything else was vague, I stared at my tattoo and saw max coming near me and I quickly hid it with the wrist band  "what was that?" She asked "I got bored in class so I wrote some numbers on my wrist" I lied she clearly knew I was lying but she didn't ask further questions , after a little bit of staring at the wall max asked "do you have a paper clip" "yeah" I searched my pockets and gave her a small red paper clip , max opened the paper clip and started picking on the lock and finally opened the door to a green four legged creature to come out, they all started to run out and dustin and Lucas fell on me and max "what was that!" Max asked "dart" mike yelled "what?" "You let him escape!" Mike argued , I helped max get up and heard dustin yell "don't you hurt him!".
~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~
Me and max decided to search through the locker rooms "ok I take the girls and you take the boys" max said "no, no way am I going inside the boys locker room" "well , I don't want to either" max says " rock, paper, scissors whoever wins gets the girls locker room" we did it 3 times and I won " ok whatever" max stormed off to the boys locker room me and max decided to talk to each other on another channel so when we found him we would say if they didn't tell us what they were hiding from us we wouldn't give dart back I looked around and there was no sign of dart "it's clear" I said trough the ROM com "still checking" I heard max say, I walked out of the locker room to the gym when I heard Mike and max talking so hid behind the bleachers, "why do you hate me so much" I heard them say "I don't hate you" "how can I hate you? I don't even know you" "but you don't want me in your party" "correct" "why not?" "Because you're annoying. Also we don't need another party member I'm our paladin, Will's our cleric, Dustin's our bard, Lucas is our ranger and el is our mage" 'who's el' I thought I got a weird feeling, jealousy? But why I don't even know this girl,"El, who's El?" "Someone. no one" "someone or no one" "she was in our party a long time ago. She moved away, okay?"  "Well, I could be your zoomer" wow max ya really forgot about me huh "that's not even a real thing" "it could be" max got on her skateboard and started zomming in circles around him ' why do I feel this way like if I am mad at max? She didn't do anything' I stopped in the middle of that though because of a feeling in my stomach like it was pulling somewhere I looked to where it was pulling me the gym door I looked there and there was a brown eyes girl with short curly brown hair , I didn't have time to examine her because my head started hurting with immense pain, then it all went black.
~~~~~~~~this is a flashback~~~~~~
I woke up and I was screaming while two man's with white lab coats were holding me into the wall "no, PAPA SHE IS NICE! SHE DID NOT WANT TO, SHE SORRY" i was yelling at the top of my lungs "NO DON'T LEAVE ME, ELEVEN" I was crying by now "FOUR" the shaved headed  girl screamed while crying, I couldn't take it anymore I was so mad then this force came out of my body and all the people near me flew away by the force , I runned to my friend blood coming out my nose I grabbed her hand as they let her go, a man with grey hair came "nice job, four next time don't take that long" he said while hugging me.
~~~~~~~~~~~end of flashback~~~~
Well that was a long one hope you liked it it's been a while since I updated I am sorry I just had a little writers block

 ~𝗣𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝙄𝙢𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 ~𝓜𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓦𝓱𝓮𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓻 Where stories live. Discover now