𝚃𝚛𝚘𝚢 𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚝𝚘𝚗

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"Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself just leave me for somebody else"



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I woke up with the worst headache, and with a million questions like was that a flashback or just my imagination? who was that girl I saw?  what was that burst of energy that came out of me?, I looked around for either Mike or max and I saw them walk out of the gym door I follow them out the door into a bathroom "where's dart" Mike asks "I don't know, he wasn't in here when I came in" dustin says, "well, this is where will said he saw him" max argued "wait where is will" I say. we all start looking for him  and then I finally see him in the field just standing there with his eyes closed "will, will you're freaking me out" I shake him then I hear Lucas running towards will then to the school doors "the field!" I hear him yell as Mike walks up to me and will "what's happening to him"  I ask with fear in my voice "he is having an episode" he says I didn't ask what an episode was because I was too scared to know, the boys max and this brown haired lady run up to will then the lady grabs Will's shoulders "will!" She repeatedly yells while shaking him "will, it's mom" I hug will "please,wake up" I whisper, he opens his green hazelish eyes with a gasp coming out of his mouth "two episodes in two days, it's getting worse. You think it's true sight?" Lucas asks
"What's true sight" max asks I just stare at will as he walks in his car 'what just happened' was the only question I had in mind.
*Time skip, next day*
I woke up and got ready I unbraided my brown hair and brushed it then I brushed my teeth and put some clothes on

I put the shirt inside my mom jeans and put a big brown belt on as well as my wrist band in my right arm right on top of the {𝟬𝟬𝟰} then I got on my bike since I didn't feel like eating breakfast

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I put the shirt inside my mom jeans and put a big brown belt on as well as my wrist band in my right arm right on top of the {𝟬𝟬𝟰} then I got on my bike since I didn't feel like eating breakfast. I rode for 15 minutes until I finally got to school, I opened the school doors and everyone was staring at me, I walked to my locker to grab my books and decided to walk to Troy's locker since we haven't talked much since ya know my friends told me how they really felt about me, I saw him at his locker "hey, Troy" I said kissing his cheek and he turned around "hey, Jessica, oh it's you emma, sorry though you were someone else" why would another girl kiss his cheek, I got extremely jealous " you wanna skip fourth so we can hang out we haven't been talking much" "about that" he grabs my hand and pulls me inside the janitor closet "so I know your not friends with Jessica and the girls anymore and you have been hanging out with the losers so , I think we should break up" I tried not to cry "this is a joke right, you aren't breaking up with me because of who I hang out with" "I just did and please don't talk to me anymore I have a reputation that I have to keep up" I opened the door and said "FUCK YOU HARRINGTON" while flipping him off, I runned to first period and sat next to max I told her everything and I was able to hold back my tears but after like two minutes of talking I couldn't take it anymore and I started crying in front of the whole class I grabbed my bookbag and left the classroom "just where do you think your going miss.Davis" "out of here Mr.Clarck" I opened the door and went immediately to the bathroom and didn't get out until the middle of second period the teacher got mad but I did not even care I was too sad to even comprehend what she was saying.
~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~
It was finally lunch and me, max dustin and Lucas were talking on the steps, "we need to talk AV room right now" mike comes running, me and max start opening the door before mike says "party members only" "come on mike" Dustin says " can't you be nice for one second"  I say annoyed by how childish he was acting " this is non-negotiable" mike says "sorry, guys" dustin and Lucas say in unison, me and max stay on the steps "I don't get so they want to be our friends or not" I complained to max " well friends don't keep secrets, so I guess they didn't " "wait, what if...." As I say the words ' what if ' Max's eyes turn completely white I grabbed her shoulders and shook her "max?", Then it all went black.
I went inside Papa's office and grabbed the tape recorder "what if I forgot about the lab" I grabbed the tape and put it in a bag I found along with a walkman, I went up to the lab doors and looked at the guy with a white coat who was guarding the doors making sure none of us escape, "I have a secret" I told him as I motioned for him to come near me and whispered in his ear "what if you let me go" his eyes became white as he did exactly what I told him he grabbed a key from his pockets and opened the doors as I was about to leave a familiar arm with a '𝟬11' on the wrist "you leave me" she barely mumbled, a small tear streamed down my face "what if you forgot about me" "no" she quietly said as her eyes went white for a moment then went back to her big brown eyes as she walked away , confused of why she was there in the first place, I walk out the door then I whispered ' scientist ' then snapped, so the scientist forgot about letting me escape, I runned as far as my skinny legs could take me until I came to a stop, I sat down and took a deep breath and took the walkman and played the tape " what if I forgot about the lab " It played, my eyes turned white as every memory of the lab went away, without a trace except, the tattoo who still laid on my wrist.
End of flashback
(A/n if you don't get it if Emma says what if, she can get anyone to do whatever she wants and when she wants them to stop doing it she says their name and snaps)
I look up to max and her eyes are still white so I whisper "max" and then snap, she let's out a gasp and her eyes go back to their natural color ' I am not imagining this, this is reality this are flashbacks' I think to myself.

 ~𝗣𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝙄𝙢𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 ~𝓜𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓦𝓱𝓮𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓻 Where stories live. Discover now