𝙷𝚘𝚠 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝙸 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚝

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I wanna be your girlfriend|girl in red
"I don't wanna be your friend
I wanna kiss your lips"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~As I said eleven I quickly snapped, I wanted her to remember me I couldn't live with the though of her forgetting everything about me , when I snapped Mike went up to her they hugged and said something about 353 days b...

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As I said eleven I quickly snapped, I wanted her to remember me I couldn't live with the though of her forgetting everything about me , when I snapped Mike went up to her they hugged and said something about 353 days before she spotted me she broke away from the hug "four?" She asked I went up to her to hug but she pushed me back crying "you left me " she cried and pointed at my chest "I needed you" she pointed again "I had no one to talk to after Papa made me kill" she pointed harder "you left me" she cried I hugged her "I'm sorry" "that's not enough" I cried " I needed to, you would of hated me" I cried "I woul never hate you strong four" I laughed trough my tears, she smiled "I missed you, I missed having you" I said, then hopper hugged her 'what?' "the hell is this? Where have you been?" Hopper asked her "where have you been" she asked the hugged tighter "you've been hiding her" mike realized 'this is getting more and more confusing' I thought "you've been hiding her this whole time" he said as he pushed hopper "hey!" Hopper shouted at mike "let's talk" he told Mike as they went to a room, eleven hugged Dustin and Lucas , I pulled eleven by her arm "how, how do you know them" I asked "they found me as I was escaping" she said "sorry I wasn't there to help you" "it's fine" she smiled at me "you should meet them" she said " no I al-" I got stopped by her pulling me towards them "so Dustin Lucas this is four an old friend" "WHAT!" They said at the same time"you never told us you had powers Emma" Dustin said "Emma?" Eleven asked "my fake name" I said smiling "so for 3 years you have been faking your identity" Lucas said suspicious "I mean I didn't know I was doing it" I defended "what do you mean" Lucas asked "I made myself forget everything about the lab" they stared at me blankly "I can make people do what I want" "prove it" Lucas said "ok" I turned to eleven "what if" her eyes turned white "you touched Dustin's nose" I said, eleven touched his nose, "eleven" I whisper and snap, her eyes turn back to their original color "wow" they said, "I can do something else but not in here" I said, they looked at me disappointed "okay", max came up to us, "hi, I'm max" she stuck her hand out, eleven pushed past her and went to hug joyce, I hugged max "it's fine she just needs to get used to you" I said and smiled at her.
~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~
We all walked to the kitchen as we saw Joyce and eleven talking "you can close it" is all I heard "I can't by myself" eleven said "I can help eleven" I said it wasn't gonna be that hard if there's two people, eleven nodded "Emma your just a normal person, eleven has powers how are YOU gonna close the gate" mike asked, I took off my wristband "cause I am not normal" I went up to eleven, and we intertwined our hands, mike stood there confused and surprised at the same time, I smiled at him warmly but he just stared at me like I was some exhibit, "you sure you wanna do this kid" hopper asked me, "as long as I am back with her she's never going trough anything alone" I said as eleven smiled at me.
~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mike and eleven talked as I stood near hopper car, my eyes widened as I saw eleven lean in as if that wasn't enough mike started to lean in too my eyes water ' i just told him I liked him two minutes ago and now she just shows up and kisses him, I wasn't mad at eleven no why would I be she didn't even know I was mad at mike for leaning in too ' as their lips where inches apart from each other "El... Come on it's time" hopper said as eleven turned around ' el? Eleven is the famous El mike was talking about, of course it was her!?' I entered the car trying to burry down the fact that mike did not even care about me kissing him or that I told him I liked him, but as I stopped thinking about that something worse came up on my mind.
"I can't do it" I cried to Papa, "yes you can!" He shouted at me "remember how they killed your family and friends they took you from your home, channel your anger " Papa shoved lies at my face, I got angrier "guess you really can't do it we are just gonna sacrifice eleven then" he said as he manipulated my mind "DON'T TOUCH HER!" I screamed as I got furious, a ray of force came out of me as it worn me out, tons of blood came out of my nose as I fainted to the ground.
End of flashback
As I came back to reality I saw hopper shake me "you hear me kid, hey wake up" he said "sorry hopper, I was just-" "it's fine", I got out of the car and saw eleven already walking in, we catched up to her and hopper got in front of us

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