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"Demons knocking on my brain I think they coming in for the kill"


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I tried to practice on my powers at home but it made too much of a mess so I decided to call max "hello?" A female voice said "hey, is max there" "no she is in the arcade, she will be coming back shortly" "umm can you ...

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I tried to practice on my powers at home but it made too much of a mess so I decided to call max "hello?" A female voice said "hey, is max there" "no she is in the arcade, she will be coming back shortly" "umm can you please tell her that Emma called it's really important" "yeah I will tell her" "thank you so much I really appreciate it" I hung up, I layed on my bed for about 8 minutes before my phone started ringing, I took the phone off the telephone pole "hello?" "It's max, my mom said you called" "yeah I need to show you something can you meet me at woods near Cornwallis and Kerley" "yeah when" "right now" "oh okay" she hangs up immediately.
~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~
I sat near a tree looking at the numbers on my wrist, " she's not coming, stop being dumb Emma"I mumbled to myself, I grabbed the backpack that I brought, and started to leave "Emma!" I heard someone call my name, I turned around to see the familiar red head "max!" I called out as I embraced her in a bone crushing hug, "so why are we here" she asked with a smile "you remember when you said friends don't keep secrets" "oh Lucas already told me about El" "El? Who is El" "what do you mean?,you don't know" "don't know about what, you Know what nevermind" I grabbed my stuff and started leaving "wait!" I turned around "what did you want to tell me" I went up to her "you know that when my "parents" found me I couldn't remember anything, well I have been having flashbacks" "and" "and I think I might have powers" I said quickly "what!" "I know it sounds crazy but you have to b-" she cut me off "I believe you" "you do?" I said more surprised then her "just show me" she said and I did exactly what she told me "wow" she said "why did you believe me" "it's non-important" she said "you can't tell anyone what I just showed you" she nodded " now that we are telling secrets, why do you always have a wrist band" I took off the wrist band showing the 004 tattoo, she gasped "it's that real" "I think so I had it since my parents found me" she nodded, "sooo, you and Lucas huh?" I nudged her shoulder " I don't like him " she blushed "sure ya don't " "do you like anyone Emma " I immediately started thinking about mike I don't know why but it just happened, do I like the annoying mike wheeler, I mean he has beautiful freckles which go perfectly with his medium length Raven hair, woah what the fuck am I talking about, "earth to Emma" max said snapping "why are you blushing" she asked "too many secrets for today" I said emberassed "ok but you are gonna have to tell me sooner or later" she said smiling, "we are gonna see about that" I got on my bike and started riding home.
~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~
I turned to danford which is the quickest route to get to my house, I quickly stopped as a saw a car run into a sign, 'is that Will mom's car, I got on my bike and started getting closer to them, "what are you guys doing here in the middle of the night " I asked will and Mike "we were doing something impo-" will was cut off by mike "why are you here" mike asked me annoyed "I was getting home" "will thank you for being nice unlike mike here" I said will blushed a soft pink, mike glared at me and I gave mike a soft smile and he blushed?, Why did he blush, that awkward moment was stopped by some white vans stopping right where we were, mike and will looked at each other scared to death and I was just confused, people got out the vans and into the ground, then will fell to the ground, "will, will! Are you okay will!" I shook him crying , some of the people from the vans tried to approach him, "don't touch him " I yelled at them and the same force from my flashback came out of me, the people from the vans all flew back and fell to the ground mike looked at me shocked, but I was too scared about will to care, I walked back and let them take him since it was too serious.
~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~
They put him in a hospital bed and started asking him question while he was just screaming in pain, I pulled on Mike's sleeve to get his attention "is he gonna be okay" I asked him "I don't know" he said, they injected some liquid into Will's arm and he fell asleep, they told me, mike and Bob to seat next to will, while joyce talked to them, I turned to Bob to introduce myself "well I am Emma Davis and I am kinda friends with Will's friend group" I smiled at him with my hand out " hi am Bob, Will's step-dad " he shook my hand " are you Loui'ses daughter" "step-daughter" I corrected him, we talked a little bit until mike fell asleep on my shoulder I put Bob's jacket on top of him before I fell asleep myself.
I walk into my room, all the lights go off "you left me" "with no friends" "no one to help me" "you made me a monster" "and now it's your turn to hurt" "FOUR" "eleven?" "I am sorry" I cried "I shouldn't of left" "can we be friends again" "you lost your chance" the lights turn on again, I am strapped down to a chair, with my hospital gown on "I am sorry" "eleven where are you" I feel something chocking me "stop!", I am sorry eleven" "stop! Lying!" She screams, I start crying and I use my powers and the straps and the chairs break and fly away , I go up to eleven"I am so sorry eleven I shouldn't of left you" I said while crying, she grabs my neck and puts me against the wall "NO!" "I am sorry" I repeated tears making my vision blurry.
End of dream
I woke up to Mike shaking me and wiping my tear I hugged him I was too scared to even care that he blushed "are you okay" I nodded still too shocked to talk "what are you sorry for" I finally got the balls to talk "what do you mean?" "You continued to say I am sorry in your sleep" I looked down "it's personal" I said, just as I said that will woke up "mom?" Was the only thing he said, Bob went outside and started shouting for a doctor and Joyce started comforting him, "who is that" will asked refereeing to Bob "it's me big guy" he said and tried to grab Will's hand before will pulled his hand back "are you a doctor?" Will asked "no no it's just me, it's just Bob".
~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~
The doctors and in and put some weird tube things on will "do you know your name" "will" "your full name" "William Byers" "do you know who I am" "you are a doctor" "have we met before" "I don't try" "you don't remember me, okay." "How bout this guy here" he pointed at mike "ummm that's my friend Mike" "what about the girl. Next to him" he said referring to me "is that, is that Mike's girlfriend?" He asked me and Mike both blushed to a deep red, I mean I wish, no no what am I saying "what about me kid do you remember me" hopper asked he shacked his head left to right "no","do you remember anything about last night" the doctor said "I remember they hurt me" "the doctors" "no the soldiers" "the soldiers the soldiers hurt you" "they shouldn't of done that. It upset him" "you said it upset him, is this him" the doctor pulled out a Polaroid of a spider like creature "yes" will said "okay,okay I want to try something it might seem a little odd at first, but it's really gonna help us understand what's going on" a doctor brought a cart with a slug like creature "so will tell us if you feel anything" the doctor lighted on a blow torch and the closer it went to the slug the more will screeched in pain "okay, that's enough" Joyce said "you heard her, that's enough!" Hopper said practically shouting at the doctor's assistant.
~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~
3rd person pov
Emma, mike, Joyce and Bob sat next to Will's hospital bed as Joyce waited for the doctors to give her info about will.
Emma's pov
Mike fiddles his fingers nervously "mike " I said, he looked up at me "it's gonna be okay" I said as a soft smile danced on my face, "god, it's just none of this would be happening if El was here", I looked at him in confusion 'why are so many people talking about this El girl why is she so special' I though, 'bet she doesn't even have cool powers like me' I said, suddenly my shoes seemed so interesting; my thinking was stopped by mike shaking will "what's wrong your hurting again?" ( Hurting everyday check) mike asked will " I saw something" "in your now-memories " this conversation just kept getting less and less understandable "the shadow monster i think I know how to stop him" will said.
~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~
Everyone stood in a room with a big table full of Polaroids, and will stood up from his chair and pointed to a Polaroid "there"will said "what? What's there" the doctor said "I don't know I just know he doesn't want me to see there, I think it's important", the doctors brought us back to Will's room, and we sat next to his bed, mike sat on a chair he seemed really troubled but I don't blame him two days ago everything was normal then all of this happens , I just hugged him and he cried on my shoulder "why did she have to leave me" he mumbled, he was talking about El again, I'm here for him and all he can think about is this El girl really!?, I was so mad but I didn't show it I just rubbed his back and gave him a sympathetic smile as he cried. A few minutes later, will started whimpering "I'm sorry" he said "what? What do you mean sweetie" Joyce said "he made me do it" "who? Who made you do what" "the spy" me and Mike whispered at the same time "the spy!" Mike shouted as he grabbed my arm and pulled me all the way to the doors that lead to where the doctors do their "research" "it's a trap!" Me and Mike shouted at the people guarding the doors "it's a trap" we repeated as Bob pulled us back.

 ~𝗣𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝙄𝙢𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 ~𝓜𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓦𝓱𝓮𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓻 Where stories live. Discover now