𝚂𝚞𝚐𝚊𝚛 𝚌𝚘𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚍

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"I've got hella feelings for you I act like I don't fucking care like they ain't even there"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Me and Mike continued to explain that it was a trap to Bob and the guards until an alarm was activated, me and Mike looked at each other "we're too late" we run to Will's room "we're under attack" Mike said "what?" Joy...

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Me and Mike continued to explain that it was a trap to Bob and the guards until an alarm was activated, me and Mike looked at each other "we're too late" we run to Will's room "we're under attack" Mike said "what?" Joyce said "we need to make will go to sleep" Mike said "he's a spy, if he knows where we are so does that monster" I agreed with mike "She's lying" will shouted at me, I flinched and grabbed Mike's hand, we were both too scared to let go, "he killed the soldiers,he's gonna kill us too" mike said "they're lying, they're lying, they're lying, they're lying" will screamed each time getting louder,mike squeezed my hand and so did i "will, will listen, listen to me " Joyce said "do you know who I am, do you know who I am!""you're, you're...... You're mom" "hold him down" "no, no! let me go, let me go!" Joyce grabbed the anesthesia and put it inside Will's arm as he screamed"I am sorry" Joyce whispered, me and Mike squeezed each others harder then we thought possible, will slowly fell asleep,hopper and the doctor burst through the door "we gotta go, WE GOTTA GO!" Hopper grabbed will as everyone runned  out the door, and into a small room; all the power goes out.
~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~
" This is us and this is the nearest exit " the doctor said while highlighting parts of a map" but even if we make it there, there's no way out" he says "what do you mean?" Hopper asks "the locks are fail secure" "fail secure?" Joyce asks "when the powers goes out, the building goes on full lockdown" "can it be unlocked remotely" Bob asks "with a computer sure, but we need someone to reset the breakers" "where are the breakers" hopper asks "they are in the basement, three floors down " hopper walks away "where are you going" Bob asks hopper "to reset the breakers" "okay, then what" "then we get out of here" "no then the power gets back on" "if you wanna unlock the doors you're gonna have to reboot the computer system, then override the security system with a manual input" "fine, how do I do that" "you can't if you don't know the computer b.a.s.i.c.s" "I don't know what that means" "it's computer programming language" mike says, a light smile comes to my face "teach it to me" hopper says "should I teach you french while I am at it,Jim. How about a little German too" Bob sarcastically "does anyone here know b.a.s.i.c.s" I raise my other hand "you are not going" mike said quite protectively "yeah, no I am not letting a kid risk her life; I am going" Bob said "no.bob" Joyce said while getting closer to him "she has her whole life ahead of her" he said pointing at me "it's fine, my parents just want me so they can keep a nice figure" mike squeezes my hand lightly and smiles at me I smile back "no you stay here I am going" Bob persist, Joyce hugs him and leaves, we stay there for about 4 minutes before the lights go back on, we look at the surveillance cameras and saw him, in the electronics room "he made it" mike says, the doctor talked to Bob then turned to us "it's open" he said, we were about to leave till the doctor stopped us "wait, west stairwell isn't clear" he said, Bob used the computer to set off the sprinklers and cleared the west stairwell, hopper grabbed will as we left the room to the nearest exit, we went outside me and Mike's hands separated as we help hopper lay down will, we stayed outside as hopper went to get Joyce, when hopper and Joyce came out she was shouting "no,Bob no" while crying "what happened" I asked but as I suspected there was no response, just after that I heard a car honking, a teenage boy was driving "come on! Get in!" He screamed, I just went in even though it was a stranger it was either that or get eaten by four legged monsters as we drive I don't know where I though about how my parents didn't even know I wasn't there for a whole day.
~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~
We entered a house with papers all taped on the walls, mike pulled my arm gently to a table where all of Mike's friends were including max "Emma what are you doing here" she asked, I looked at mike then her "it's a long story" , hopper went to the phone and called some reinforcements "they didn't believe you did they" Dustin asked as hopper finished his call "we'll see" he said "we'll see we can't just stay here while those things are on the loose" mike told hopper in a harsh tone "we stay here and wait for help" hopper said firmly, we all stayed on the table in silence, I looked up at mike as he stood up and went to some games on a chair and grabbed one of the various games "did you know that Bob was the original founder of the Hawkins av club. Mr.clarcke learned everything he knows from him" he said as he got closer to the table "pretty awesome right?" "Yeah" Lucas and dustin said in unison, he put the game down on the table "we can't let him die in vain" "what do you want to do mike" dustin said pretty harshly "we can't fight those demo-dogs by ourselves" he continued "demodogs?" I asked "demogorgon dogs, it's like a compound" "aren't demogorgons those characters from that game.... D&D" I said snapping my fingers "yeah, but those things we saw at the hospital those are demogorgons" mike said "wait so they're real" I rhetorically asked, " I mean if it was only dart" dustin continued " but it's an army now" Lucas added "his army, maybe if we stop him we stop his army too" mike said as we walked into another room he grabs a drawing of the monster the doctor talked to will about, he gave it to dustin " the shadow monster" he said "it got will that day on the field" mike said "the doctor said it infected him like a virus" "so this virus connected him to the tunnels" max said "tunnels, upside down, monsters everything" mike said "wait, wait slow down" Steve said "so this shadow monster is connected to everything" he asked "and if the vines feel something like pain so does will" mike said "and so does dart" I say " it's like what Mr.clarcke taught us,the hive mind" mike said "hive mind?" Steve asks "a collective consciousness, it's a super-organism" dustin explains "and this is the thing that controls everything. It's the brain" mike says, Dustin looks at the picture again but with a surprised look on his face "like the mind flayer" he says, "the what" me and Steve ask at the same time. Dustin grabs a book and turns to the page about the mind flayer "mind flayer" he repeats "what the hell is that" hopper asks "it's a monster from an unknown dimension" dustin replies "it's so ancient it doesn't even know it's true home,it enslaves races of other dimensions by taking over their brains using it's highly developed psionic powers" he continues "none of this is real it's a kids game" hopper says annoyed "it's a manual and it's not for kids, and unless you know something we don't" dustin disagrees "this is the best metaphor" "analogy" Lucas corrects "that's what you are worried about, you know fine. Analogy to figuring out what the hell this is" Dustin says "ok so this mind flamer thing" Nancy says "flayer" I correct and dustin gives me a smile "what does it want" Nancy ask "to conquer basically, it believes it's the master race" dustin says "like the Germans" "the nazis, they're called the Nazis" i said "yeah,yeah,yeah the Nazis" Steve says "if the Nazis were from another dimension totally, it views other races. Like us as inferior to itself" dustin says, "it wants to spread and take over other dimensions" mike explains "we are talking about the destruction of the world as we know it" Lucas adds "that's great that's really great. Jesus!" Steve scoffs,"so if this thing has a brain that controls everything, then if we kill it" Nancy says "we kill everything it controls" mike finishes "we win" "theoretically" "so how do you kill this thing you shoot fireballs or something" hopper asks "no an army of zombies, since the mind flayer likes brains and zombies don't have brains-" Dustin slightly smiled "it's just a game" Dustin is now fully smiling "what the hell we doing here" hopper mumbled "I though we were waiting for your military army" Dustin says annoyed "we are" hopper angrily shouts, "even if they come how are they gonna stop this, you can't just shoot this with guns" mike shouts back ", you don't know that , we don't know any of this" hopper shouts again "we know it already killed everyone in that lab" I said "and that the monsters are gonna molt again"Lucas added "and that it is just a matter of time before those tunnels reach this town" Mike agrees "you're right, we have to kill, it I want to kill it" Joyce says as she gets out of her room "me too, me too Joyce, but how do we do that" hopper says getting closer to joyce "with will" I say, Mike looks at me and nods "if anyone knows how to destroy this thing.it's will, he's connected to it, he knows it's weaknesses" Mike agrees "I though we couldn't trust him anymore" max says "yeah, but he can't spy if he doesn't know where he is" I explain, we walk to a cabin next to the house and we start to empty it so will doesn't recognize it.
~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~
Me,mike and max were in the kitchen grabbing some stuff for the cabin " I get it why El was your mage now" max says referring to Mike ' again el ' I though as I rolled my eyes "what?" Mike turned around to face max "Lucas he told me all about her" "well he shouldn't of" mike says quite harshly "just because you know the truth it doesn't mean you're in our party" ' the truth? What are keeping from me ' I though "yeah I know" she said disappointed "I'm just saying El, she sounds like she was really awesome" max says in awe "yeah she was" mike says smiling "until she went away

"oh my god, I swear all you talk about is this el,girl she is not even here to be with you what's so special about her" I say I had enough of this El bullshit

"Emma I love her,you don't know what real love feels like I can't just give up on her; why do you even care anyways!" My heart breaks at those words"

Because I fucking like you wheeler, god you can be so fucking gullible!". I walk away ' why did I even think he could like me back ' , he grabs by arm and turns me around, my lips meet his,  feel his soft lips with mine, he puts his arms around my waist as we continue to kiss , "hm,hm" max fake coughs as our lips separate "I'm still here" max says rolling her eyes and smirking at me, I

give a soft smile which he returns, we get our stuff and walk to the cabin as I smile to myself ' I just kissed f'ing mike wheeler ' I thought, we put all the stuff up on the cabin then hopper grabbed will and tied him up to a pole, then everyone left the cabin except for Joyce, Jonathan, mike and hopper.
~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I sat down on a chair for like 20 minutes before hopper came rushing from the door "what happened" I asked but he didn't answer he just grabbed a paper and started writing, Morse code? "I think he is talking just not with words" he explained  I looked at it and grabbed the paper then wrote the letters under the symbols 'H' 'E' 'R' 'E'  "here" I whispered and gave the paper to hopper "Will's still in there he's talking to us" he said, hopper gave me a beeper and said to write any message will gave to us, which he will tell us through the beeper.
~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~
- - • 'C' • - •• 'L' - - - 'O' ••• 'S'  • 'E'
  - - • 'G'     •- 'A'      - 'T'    • 'E'
I wrote everything on a blank piece of paper, as the party told me what the beeper was indicating (ya know if it was doing - or • ), when I finished everyone surrounded mess they read "close gate" while we were looking at the paper the phone started ringing Dustin quickly hung up "do you think he heard that" I asked "it could of been from anywhere" Dustin tried to comfort us, but the phone started ringing again just this time Nancy harshly disAttached it from the wall and threw it to the ground      ' he definitely heard it this time ' I though , I turned around and walked to the backdoor along with everyone else as we heard a familiar scarring sound "that's not good" Dustin said stating the obvious "no shit" I said, we walked to the windows hoping to see something "hey!, Get out of the windows" hopper almost shouted at us, we quickly backed up, hopper holded two guns "do you know how to use this" hopper asked Jonathan holding out one of the guns "I know how to use it" Nancy said as she grabbed the gun, Lucas,hopper,Nancy and Steve holded their weapons waiting for something to happen, we quickly heard that sound again, then it stopped and it was replaced by whimpering? And the crashing of the houses window caused by a dead demogorgon "is it dead" I asked to make sure, hopper walked up to it and played with it with his shoes, "yes, it's dead", we quickly turned around when we heard the door unlock and slowly open to reveal the familiar chocolate brown eyes girl "eleven?" I asked with mixed emotions I was happy, confused, and sad at the same time.

 ~𝗣𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝙄𝙢𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 ~𝓜𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓦𝓱𝓮𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓻 Where stories live. Discover now