Chapter 13: Partners

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Chrom sighed as he continued to walk with Rosalyn. "Is all this really necessary?" Rosalyn asked as she looked at the male that was following her.

"Yes," Chrom answered back in a monotone voice. "The higher-ups just want me to do a basic inspection. You know making sure all the corpses you're keeping are werewolves, elves, you know everything besides human," Chrom said as he looked in Rosalyn's general direction.

"I can assure you I'm now," Rosalyn answered back in a rather snappy tone clearly unhappy about the idea of having Chrom someone that was supposed to be her partner and trust her treating her as if she were a common criminal. And given her monster biology and Chrom's adamant hatred toward everything monster if she's not careful it'll be less like a criminal on trial and more like a pig lined up for the slaughter.

She may have had years of experience over the male. But at the same time, she had never seen someone so skilled in killing monsters. Most people could barely keep up with monsters, and yet Chrom was able to put them down as easily as he cracked an egg. Which was quite the accomplishment for him given that he was lacking something most others could imagine living without, let alone fight monsters without.

As they continued down the street Rosalyn suddenly stopped and opened the gate that led to her house. As she did Chrom stopped for a moment and followed behind her listening closely to how she unlocked the gates. When he entered Chrom turned around grabbing the handle to the gate and locking it. Just going to show how far his other senses had advanced to make up for his lack of sight.

Rosalyn took note of this and continued across the small stepping stone path that she had made. However, because Chrom was incapable of seeing these stepping stones, while he was able to step on the first one he didn't step on the second one and instead stepped on the grass that was in-between them. As he did Chrom looked down and kicked at the grass slightly. Not hard enough to damage it but enough for him to get a feel for it.

"You must take very good care of your grass," Chrom said as he began to step on the stones after listening to where Rosalyn's footsteps came from. When he arrived he followed Rosalyn up the small set of stairs that lead to her admittedly rather small front porch. As he stepped on it he couldn't help but notice the distinct sound of it creaking beneath his feet giving it a rather old feeling. Then again given that it was outside wood might have been just starting to rot away.

Rosalyn then opened the door to her house and walked in holding it open for Chrom as she did. Chrom was following the female to her house. While he couldn't see much of what was going on he could tell from the creak of the floorboards that something about her house was a bit different. "What kind of wood is this?" Chrom asked as he stared in Rosalyn's general direction.

"Rosewood" Rosalyn answered, staring at him in the eyes and going over to the kitchen and contemplating whether she should get another packet? To her, this was all normal and nothing was weird. Whether it was the creak of the floorboards or the scent of the house. It was all normal to her even if some of the other humans she chose to associate herself with did find it a little odd.

She was older than any human alive, and this unique setting and atmosphere were what made her feel most at ease. It was what brought her back to simpler times. Times when she didn't need to worry about the sunlight, times when she wasn't under constant watch, times when she was a very happy person. But that person, the person that Rosalyn used to be, she felt like a distant memory at this point.

Actually, even that didn't seem like an accurate statement. That person seemed to be someone that Rosalyn couldn't even comprehend herself being at this point. It really was an odd feeling for her to think back to those times. Even if they were what brought her the most ease. Rosalyn then shook her head to clear her mind of these thoughts and looked at Chrom who still seemed to be trying to discern what was different about her house.

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