klaine AU ; dom and sub (literal fluff)

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title: Keep My Heart Captive, Set Me Free
author: the_queen_of_rose (Ao3) , The Queen of
Rose (fanfiction.net)
find it on?: archive of our own & fanfiction.net
ships?: Kurt/Blaine(main) , Nick/Jeff (main) , Sebastian/Dave(background) ,
kinks, tag warnings, etc.?: dom and sub AU, i'll explain in "my opinion" thing
one shot or book?: book - 24 chapters
completed?: no, on Ao3. yes, on fanfic.net. SO READ ON FANFIC.NET.

D/s AU - Kurt Hummel had always dreamed of a fairy-tale bond, a perfect, kind and caring Dom. Blaine Anderson had always dreamed of someone who stands out from the boring crowd, someone real, and pure. When their worlds collide, will either of them get what they had dreamed of?

my opinion:
so before u go getting "fifty shades of gray" thoughts on me, this fic is nothing like that. it's much more. . . mature, for lack of a better word. (i've never read FSOG so i cant really talk, but the plots not just sex is what i'm trying to say) yes, there's some wanky stuff but it's nothing u can't skip over and it's not the main plot by any means. it's a fic about acceptance and love and trust and KLAINE. . . which was of course a huge selling point for me.

i talk about this book waaay too much so don't be surprised if u see me taking about it in the comments on here cuz that's a possibility. it's actually my favorite Klaine fic on another site and i can stand by that statement.
THE AMOUNT OF PET NAMES IS RIDICULOUS AND I C A N T WITH MY LOVES, DEAR LORD. they love each other so much it's stupid.
please give this one a chance, it's sooo good, and while the start of Klaine takes the first like two chapters to get going, it's SO worth it, i promise u.

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