stucky ; proposal/marriage AU

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title: Too Long We Have Tarried
author: kototyph
find it on?: archive of our own
ships?: steve/bucky and background tony/pepper
kinks, tag warnings, etc.?: n/a
one shot or book?: one shot
completed?: yes


Bucky picks up the ring and holds it between them. "Steven Grant Rogers," he says solemnly. "Will you marry me?"

my opinion:

they get MARRIED. on STEVES BIRTHDAY,, or they get engaged on his birthday,, i can't remember when they actually got married, if i'm being honest.

and the way that all the Avengers are pretty much hungover from the night before, and just ACCEPT the fact that Bucky proposes to Steve like it's nothing, and help plan on the spot ?? family goals.

the way the author plays the whole thing out, the two aren't allowed to see each other so we actually get minimum scenes with them ?? but it's still amazing , especially the end and HOW they end up married. it also involves a very strange detour of finding, i think, a boar for Thor to give to them as an engagement gift??

completely chaotic, but it's STUCKY and that proposal was everything. they're literally so nervous it's endearing.

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