spideychelle AU; with Brooklyn Nine-Nine

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title: The Adventures of Captain Crowbar and Spider-Man
author: ciaconnaa
find it on?: archive of our own
ships?: Michelle Jones/Peter Parker
kinks, tag warnings, etc.?: n/a
one shot or book?: one shot
completed?: yes


Peter gasps. "It's like you're psychic. A super-powered brain. You sure you aren't an Avenger, too?"

"No. And the answer to the next question, 'Is Spider-Man an Avenger?' is also, no."

"I'm an honorary Avenger, Em. It's a big deal."

"Stark comes up with fancier ways to say lackey every single day."


When Michelle gets mugged and hit over the head with a crowbar, she's gifted with a concussion. It's not a fun time. Luckily, she has Spider-Man's number.

my opinion:

looking for actual soft Spideychelle with unrealistic boyfriend, Peter Parker? this is the fic for you. also in this fic, MJ's staying with her uncle who just happens to be Jake Peralta (from Brooklyn Nine-Nine), hence the crossover, so if u watch that show, you'll see/read some familiar names. if you don't watch the show, don't worry, it's not super relative to the plot ! tho i recommend watching it, it's really funny.

Peter is like stupid amazing in these fics omlll,, he really sets ur expectations suuuper high. and ofc, my boi in the chair, Ned, being a good friend as always.

this is part of a series too, so if u like it, which u really should, theres plenty more. and really, anything from this author is sooo good.

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